

Plattformen für Internethandel

HonestDog is on a mission to give pets a home for life by making the pet purchasing process transparent and convenient.


HonestDog macht es einfach, Hunde von verantwortungsvollen Verkäufern zu bekommen, denen das Wohl der Hunde am Herzen liegt. Und wir unterstützen und beraten Dich bei jedem Schritt vor, während und nach dem Kauf Deines Traumhundes. Ebenso geben wir seriösen Züchtern, Tierheimen und Rettungsorganisationen die Möglichkeit, ihre Hunde in ein gutes Zuhause zu vermitteln.

Plattformen für Internethandel
2–10 Beschäftigte


Beschäftigte von HonestDog


  • HonestDog hat dies direkt geteilt

    Profil von Sufyan Osamah 🐾 anzeigen, Grafik

    Co-Founder HonestDog | Picus Capital | McKinsey | Amazon | Sigma Squared Fellow

    "Adopt don't shop" As the analogy goes, when the ship is sinking, plug the holes before bailing the water out. We do not focus on shelters, because for businesses, incentives matter. With HonestDog we support ethical breeding and responsible matching, as the only long term solution to ensure fewer pets end up in the shelter. All our breeders have to agree to take their pets back for any reason and re-home them if the worst comes. In the next 12 months we will also build a system to responsibly match people looking to adopt with shelter pets across Europe - its a short term side project, because there should not be pets in the shelter, and our incentive should not be to profit from pets being in shelters. Incentives matter, businesses are for the long term.

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    538 Follower:innen

    Profil von Sufyan Osamah 🐾 anzeigen, Grafik

    Co-Founder HonestDog | Picus Capital | McKinsey | Amazon | Sigma Squared Fellow

    Pet marketplaces are cool again. a16z top 100 global marketplace report "This year, two new categories take the spotlight: pets, and health and wellness. The growth in the pets category was driven by just one company, Good Dog (#70). Last year’s fellow Marketplace 100 members Wag (#39) and Puppyspot (#79) went public via SPAC and exited via a leveraged buyout (LBO), respectively, according to PitchBook. An estimated 55% of American families now own a dog, and consumer spending on pets has doubled in the past decade." https://lnkd.in/eB_VENyv HonestDog

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    538 Follower:innen

    Profil von Sufyan Osamah 🐾 anzeigen, Grafik

    Co-Founder HonestDog | Picus Capital | McKinsey | Amazon | Sigma Squared Fellow

    There are almost as many dogs in Germany as humans under 18. Most of them came from some form of generic classifieds/kleinanzeigen. Selling dogs illegally is the 3rd largest illegal market in Europe after drugs and weapons. The amount of money spent on a dog per year is higher than GDP per capita of ~30 countries. Maybe this market needs some changing?! HonestDog

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  • HonestDog hat dies direkt geteilt

    Unternehmensseite von Earlybird Venture Capital anzeigen, Grafik

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    🎤 The startups in the 4th Cohort of Vision Lab, Earlybird’s incubator and impact fund for entrepreneurs of migration backgrounds in Germany, recently celebrated a successful Demo Day in Berlin. 🌟 After 6 months of intensive preparation and mentorship from Earlybird and the Program Partnerships, the Cohort 4 Vision Lab startups dazzled more than 150 guests with their impressive pitches. 🌍 Cohort 4 was the largest and most diverse Vision Lab group so far – with 12 companies and many founders representing 12 different countries, as well as the highest female participation yet. 🍕 Following this full day of pitches, we had a pizza party to connect across the cohorts and share some reflections on this ongoing journey. 🤝 Thank you for widespread support from Earlybird Partners, Bain & Company, Egon Zehnder, Handelsblatt Media Group, Migrapreneur ®, and more! Together, we elevate these founders, their visions, and startup ideas within our tech ecosystem. 🔗 See some pictures below, and to meet ALL the teams in one place and learn more about why we run this unique program, read a new Medium blog post linked below. Featuring: SATORI , HonestDog, randevu.tech, cozewell, Composite Vision, Pillio, yolla!, impactBee, wAIpify, Lendorse (Techstars '22), Alterscope, CleoAI With: Dr. Hendrik Brandis, Benjamin Wilkening, Franziska Harzheim, Markus Keller, Lars Dingemann, Livia Ester Luzzatto, Ana Álvarez, Andrea Wasmuth, Karina Kleissl, Deepa Gautam-Nigge, Elisheva Marcus, Stephanie Stein, Rylee Mora #Startups #Entrepreneurship #Berlin #Germany #Tech #EBVCvisionlab

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  • HonestDog hat dies direkt geteilt

    Profil von Nikolaus Ridder anzeigen, Grafik

    HonestDog | WHU

    Yesterday students from the Uni Mannheim gave us a visit to learn more about HonestDog.🐶 Sufyan Osamah 🐾 and I talked about our backgrounds, learnings, challenges and how we plan to become a category leader in the $300 bn. global pet industry. Having attended similar workshops myself a few years ago, it was an exciting experience to switch sides. So, thanks a lot for the visit and looking forward to welcoming you back next year :)

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  • Unternehmensseite von HonestDog anzeigen, Grafik

    538 Follower:innen

    How exciting?! We were featured in the latest Startup Insider Episode. Tune in and hear more about us, ladeplan and heyroom. 💡 Thanks for having us Lilith Teusch!

    Unternehmensseite von Startup Insider anzeigen, Grafik

    28.276 Follower:innen

    Eine neue Folge der Rubrik „Junge Startups” ist da! 🎉 Wir stellen heute wie jede Woche drei junge Startups vor, die nicht älter als drei Jahre alt sind und bislang Finanzierungen nicht über einer Million Euro erhalten haben. 🎧 Jetzt anhören auf Spotify, Apple Podcast, etc.! https://lnkd.in/gYCQv7gK Den Anfang macht Benjamin Kasten, COO und Co-Founder von ladeplan. Das Startup hat ein browserbasiertes Tool entwickelt, um die besten Standorte für neue #Ladesäulen zu finden. Dafür werden Standorte von den Kundinnen und Kunden hinsichtlich ihrer Attraktivität bewertet. Dabei werden Kommunen, Städte und Gemeinden adressiert. Das Tool wird für die Analyse des Ladeinfrastrukturbedarfs in ihrem regionalen Gebiet genutzt. Zum anderen werden Unternehmen adressiert, die mit den Ladesäulen Gewinn erzielen wollen. Dazu gehören zum Teil auch Stadtwerke und Energieversorger. So möchte ladeplan dafür sorgen, dass Ladeinfrastruktur dort aufgebaut wird, wo sie am meisten gebraucht wird, um in der letzten Konsequenz die Mobilitätswende zu beschleunigen. Als zweites sprechen wir mit Johannes Bader, Founder von heyroom. Das Startup hat eine #App entwickelt, mit der Wohngemeinschaften Mitbewohnerinnen und Mitbewohner finden können und andersrum. Neben dem Inserat können auch Interessen und Wertvorstellungen hinterlegt werden, um Menschen zu finden, die wirklich in die #WG passen. Neben der Applikation betreibt das Unternehmen auch einen #Blog, wo es über relevante Themen rund um Wohngemeinschaften berichtet und aufklärt. Zukünftig möchte HeyRoom auch Druck auf Kommunen ausüben, damit WG-geeigneter Wohnraum einen festen Platz in der Städteplanung bekommt. Unser letzter Gast der heutigen Folge ist Nikolaus Ridder, Founder von HonestDog. Das Startup möchte die Praktiken des Haustierhandels grundlegend ändern. Dies will das Unternehmen durch die Förderung verantwortungsvoller Zuchtpraktiken und die Sicherstellung der Transparenz im Vermittlungsprozess erreichen. Dafür hat HonestDog eine Plattform entwickelt, die u.a. ein Rundum-sorglos-Paket für zukünftige sowie aktuelle Hundebesitzerinnen und -besitzer bietet. Hier sollen die potenziellen Besitzerinnen und Besitzer vollständig über den Gesundheitszustand und die Bedürfnisse der #Tiere informiert werden. 📝 Euer Startup passt in unsere neue Rubrik? Dann bewerbt euch bei [email protected] ✍️. 🔍📚 Entdecke unser neues Glossar mit den wichtigsten Begriffen rund um Startups und Tech! Bei uns erfährst du alles über die meist gesuchten Begriffe aus unserer Branche. Schau am besten gleich mal nach auf https://lnkd.in/grRBuW6M #startupinsider #jungestartups

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  • Unternehmensseite von HonestDog anzeigen, Grafik

    538 Follower:innen

    Delighted to be a part of Earlybird Venture Capital's Vision Lab, where we're taking meaningful strides towards reshaping the pet market. The wealth of knowledge we've gained so far has been exceptional, and we're eagerly embracing the opportunities that lie ahead. Together, let's redefine the standards of pet ownership! 🐶💡

    Unternehmensseite von Earlybird Venture Capital anzeigen, Grafik

    100.218 Follower:innen

    Get ready to embark on a journey with HonestDog founders 🐶 Sufyan Osamah 🐾 from Pakistan and Nikolaus Ridder from Austria, in this week’s Vision Lab introduction interview! Their startup HonestDog is not just a platform; it's a heartwarming mission to ensure responsible pet ownership for both B2C and B2B, fostering the well-being of our furry friends. Let's dive into their inspiring story with a quick Q&A: 🐶 What was the initial idea or reason you founded your startup?  We were shocked to find out that pets are being acquired through non-transparent, classified platforms like Kleinanzeigen. This has led to an alarming increase in illegal and unethical breeding practices. Our goal of positive change fueled the idea of HonestDog – a high-quality, transparent platform that not only makes pet adoption a joyous experience, but also ensures it's safe and ethical. ⏰ What is something you wish you had learned earlier in your life? Everything you see was built by people no smarter than you. 🚀 How did you meet, and when did you decide to start a company together?  We crossed paths at university, and our shared success in a global competition forged an enduring bond. Together, we nurtured a mutual passion for entrepreneurship and the desire to make a lasting impact. During this time, we stumbled upon the frustrating issue of illegal and unethical pet breeding. As the gravity of the problem became clear, we embarked on our HonestDog venture, determined to build the go to place to find and take care of your pet. 💡 What’s your vision as founders?  We envision a world where incredible people come together to create meaningful solutions. Being founders empowers us to choose problems to solve and collaborate with like-minded individuals who seek a better, kinder world. Thank you Sufyan and Nikolaus! Stay tuned as HonestDog's wagging tails and warm hearts bring joy and responsible pet ownership to more homes, ensuring that precious pups finds their place in a forever family. Cc Elisheva Marcus Benjamin Wilkening Frane Skaro Stephanie Stein Jay Anna Harris-Theis Dr. Hendrik Brandis Markus Keller Andrea Wasmuth Ana Alvarez Livia Ester Luzzatto more #EBVCvisionlab #HonestDog #PetAdoption #ResponsibleOwnership #Transparency #Startup #Entrepreneurship

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  • Unternehmensseite von HonestDog anzeigen, Grafik

    538 Follower:innen

    Join us for the ride of a lifetime and build the future of pets 🌌

    Profil von Sufyan Osamah 🐾 anzeigen, Grafik

    Co-Founder HonestDog | Picus Capital | McKinsey | Amazon | Sigma Squared Fellow

    The ride of a lifetime? 🏇 Being team member #1-10 at a startup is probably the most exciting time, especially for aspiring entrepreneurs 📈. HonestDog is growing and looking for core team members in the areas of Marketing/Growth 🤝, Product 🖥️, and generalist Founders Associate 🤸♀️. If you or anyone you know is interested - let them know about the opportunity 📢 You can find more information here: https://lnkd.in/enjMMeHh #startups #hiring #pettech #team #community

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