Hoechst AG

Hoechst AG

Chemische Produktion

Frankfurt-Höchst, Hesse 6.242 Follower:innen

Die Hoechst AG in Frankfurt am Main gehörte zu den drei größten Chemie- und Pharmaunternehmen in Deutschland.


Die Hoechst AG (bis 1974: Farbwerke Hoechst AG, vorm. Meister, Lucius & Brüning) in Frankfurt am Main war eines der drei größten Chemie- und Pharmaunternehmen Deutschlands. Es wurde 1863 im damals nassauischen Höchst am Main gegründet, fusionierte 1925 mit anderen Unternehmen zur I.G. Farbenindustrie AG und wurde 1951 nach der Entflechtung der I.G. Farben neu gegründet. Ende der achtziger Jahre erreichte der Konzern mit über 170.000 Beschäftigten, einem Jahresumsatz von 46 Milliarden DM und einem Gewinn von über vier Milliarden DM seine größte Ausdehnung. 1994 begann die Neuausrichtung und Umgestaltung der Hoechst AG. Das ehemalige Stammwerk wurde 1997 zum Industriepark Höchst. Nach der Überführung in eine Holding schloß die Hoechst AG sich 1999 mit Rhône-Poulenc zur Aventis S.A. mit Sitz in Straßburg zusammen und spaltete die verbliebenen Chemieaktivitäten in der Celanese AG ab. Die Hoechst AG blieb noch bis Ende Dezember 2004 als deutsche Zwischenholding an der Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse notiert. Nach der Fusion mit Sanofi-Synthélabo zur Sanofi-Aventis 2004 verschwand der Name Hoechst endgültig aus der Öffentlichkeit. Das Firmenlogo Turm und Brücke, eine stilisierte Darstellung des denkmalgeschützten Behrens-Baus, war viele Jahre ein bekanntes Markenzeichen, das an zahlreichen Apotheken als Reklameschild diente.

Chemische Produktion
10.001 Beschäftigte
Frankfurt-Höchst, Hesse
Kapitalgesellschaft (AG, GmbH, UG etc.)
Pharmaceuticals, Chemicals, Synthetic Resins, Organic Pigments, Vaccines, Polyester Films, Chlorine, Graphite Electrodes, Crop Protection, Veterinary Pharmaceuticals, PVC, Fluorochemicals, Masterbatches, Brand Fibres and Filament Yarns, Industrial Plant Engineering, Coatings, Emulsions, PVOH, PVA, or PVAl, Textile Dyes und PP, PE,HDPE


Beschäftigte von Hoechst AG


  • Unternehmensseite von Hoechst AG anzeigen, Grafik

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    The Hoechst AG logo "Tower and Bridge", is a silent storyteller, narrating tales of breakthroughs, challenges conquered, and a pursuit of excellence. In an era where logos are often overlooked or taken for granted, the Hoechst AG logo is still a timeless emblem of scientific prowess and corporate legacy. It invites us to ponder on the countless experiments, discoveries, and innovations that have transpired within the walls of Hoechst laboratories worldwide, all encapsulated in a simple yet powerful design. And now, we are curious – when and where did you last come across the Hoechst AG logo? #hoechstag #chemicals #pharmaceuticals #history #logodesign #hoechstaglogo

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  • Unternehmensseite von Hoechst AG anzeigen, Grafik

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    Olympic figure skating Gold Medalist Kristi Yamaguchi has been named the official spokesperson for apparel fibres of CELEBRATE! acetate. The fibre is produced by Hoechst Celanese Textile Fibers Group. Hoechst Celanese Corporation is the world's largest acetate producer. Under a two-year contract, terms of which were not disclosed, Ms. Yamaguchi, who is 20 years old, will appear in print advertisements, to run in national magazines like Elle and Vogue, and on posters in Atlanta, Los Angeles and New York. She will also make personal appearances. The Hoechst Celanese facilities for acetate fibre in apparel are located in Narrows, Va., and Rock Hill. FIBERS. #hoechstag #chemicals #pharmaceuticals #history Text: Staff Writer, Herald-Journal & The New York Times, 1992 Photo: Vintage advertising print ad featuring Kristi Yamaguchi, Olympic Gold Medalist, for Hoechst Celanese Corporation, 1994.

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  • Unternehmensseite von Hoechst AG anzeigen, Grafik

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    The Haushaltungs-Schule (Housekeeping School) was designed to provide education in domestic science (cooking, nutrition, cleaning, sewing, and other household management skills) and was associated with Farbwerke vorm. Meister, Lucius & Brüning AG, located in Höchst, a district of Frankfurt/ Main. At the turn of the 20th century, many large industrial companies in Germany started to provide welfare programs for their employees, which included housing, education, and healthcare. The Haushaltungs-Schule was part of such initiatives aimed at improving the employees' and their families' well-being and skills. The school represents an early example of corporate social responsibility, where companies took active roles in the personal development of their employees and their families. #hoechstag #chemicals #pharmaceuticals #history Photo (Picture Postcard): 1907, Housekeeping School, Farbwerke vorm. Meister, Lucius & Brüning AG

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  • Unternehmensseite von Hoechst AG anzeigen, Grafik

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    Following the sell-off of Hoechst AG, ambitious plans emerged. A new centre, known as the New Center Ensemble ("Ensemble neue Mitte"), was to be established on the former site of C660. The central feature of this development was the Tower House, designed by architects Kollhoff & Timmermann. This tower was planned to reach a height of 120 meters, culminating in a viewing platform. In the foreground: the expressionist Peter Behrens Building (1924), notable for its tower and bridge. #hoechstag #pharmaceuticals #chemicals #history

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  • Unternehmensseite von Hoechst AG anzeigen, Grafik

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    On August 1, 1996, Hoechst AG consolidated its pharmaceutical operations in Germany under a single entity. The goal is to merge and eventually spin off its global pharmaceutical activities. Hoechst AG confirmed via a news ticker yesterday what had been widely speculated since spring. The chemical giant plans to unify its worldwide pharmaceuticals business under Hoechst Marion Roussel's (HMR) banner. In the medium term, HMR is expected to be spun off and prepared for an IPO, which is considered likely. Hoechst spokesman Joachim Pietzsch did not specify a timeline for when this would happen, stating that the reorganization of the pharmaceuticals business in Germany must occur first. A look into the laboratory reveals a Hoechst employee working with a DNA synthesis machine, highlighting the advancements in gene synthesis technology. #hoechstag #chemicals #pharmaceuticals #history #ipo Text: Michael Balk - Frankfurter Neue Presse (FNP) - 25.07.1996 - original in German Photo credit: Walter Kloss (Hoechst AG/ Central Public Relations Department)

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  • Unternehmensseite von Hoechst AG anzeigen, Grafik

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    As we enjoy the excitement of the ongoing European football championship, we wanted to share a nostalgic piece of football history. The photo depicts the football team of the Segontin D712 production department of Hoechst AG. At times, there were more than 75 football teams within Hoechst AG alone in Frankfurt am Main, not to mention many others around the globe, all proudly wearing the Hoechst tricot. Hoechst AG was a significant football supporter, sponsoring numerous competitions and hosting annual tournaments. As we cheer for our favourite teams in the European championship, let's also celebrate the legacy of our corporate teams that fostered camaraderie and sportsmanship among employees. #hoechstag #pharmaceuticals #chemicals #history #europeanfootballchampionship #corporatesports Photo credit: Thomas Poch

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  • Unternehmensseite von Hoechst AG anzeigen, Grafik

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    Hoechst Chief To Step Down: Wolfgang Hilger, who as chairman of the German chemical group Hoechst AG recently faced a storm of public criticism after a series of chemical spills, will leave his job next spring, the company said today. The announcement of his departure and replacement by Jürgen Dormann occurred earlier than expected. The supervisory board of Hoechst, Germany's largest chemical group, said in a statement that Mr. Dormann, the member of the management board responsible for finance, would become the group's next management board chairman. Mr. Dormann, 53, will replace Mr. Hilger, who will leave his job on April 26, 1994 -- the date of the next general meeting of Hoechst shareholders. The statement did not specify the reasons for Mr. Hilger's departure. But company sources said Mr. Hilger, who would be 65 next year, was stepping down in observance of the German practice of retiring at that age. They said the supervisory board had originally planned to decide on his successor at a later date. A public outcry against Hoechst and Mr. Hilger, whom some members of the press had dubbed an insensitive technocrat, erupted after a spate of spills and explosions at various Hoechst sites in the German state of Hesse. #hoechstag #chemicals #pharmaceuticals #history Text credit: The New York Times (June 9, 1993)

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  • Unternehmensseite von Hoechst AG anzeigen, Grafik

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    Hoechst AG - Mitten im Leben - anniversary publication - 125 years from 1863 to 1988. Hoechst AG was home to many thousands of people of almost all nationalities and cultures. This book is about them in words and pictures. It is a thank you to all employees on the occasion of the 125th anniversary of the company in 1988. Today, Hoechst AG no longer operates as an independent entity and its history reflects the development of the chemical and pharmaceutical industry in the 20th century. #hoechstag #pharmaceuticals #chemicals #history

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  • Unternehmensseite von Hoechst AG anzeigen, Grafik

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    Discover a piece of history with this classic advertisement from Farbwerke Hoechst AG, vorm. Meister, Lucius & Brüning! Hostalen kitchenware set the standard for durable, heat-resistant, and easy-to-clean plastic products. With vibrant colors and modern designs, these items combined strength and style, making them a staple in Australian homes and beyond. Though Hoechst AG is no longer around, their legacy of innovation in plastics lives on. Hostalen was renowned worldwide for its high-quality, setting a global standard in the plastics industry. #hoechstag #chemicals #pharmaceuticals #history #innovation #quality #hostalen #vintagead Photo credit: The Bulletin; 18.11.1967

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