Hoechst AG

Hoechst AG

Chemische Produktion

Frankfurt-Höchst, Hesse 6.410 Follower:innen

Die Hoechst AG in Frankfurt am Main gehörte zu den drei größten Chemie- und Pharmaunternehmen in Deutschland.


Die Hoechst AG (bis 1974: Farbwerke Hoechst AG, vorm. Meister, Lucius & Brüning) in Frankfurt am Main war eines der drei größten Chemie- und Pharmaunternehmen Deutschlands. Es wurde 1863 im damals nassauischen Höchst am Main gegründet, fusionierte 1925 mit anderen Unternehmen zur I.G. Farbenindustrie AG und wurde 1951 nach der Entflechtung der I.G. Farben neu gegründet. Ende der achtziger Jahre erreichte der Konzern mit über 170.000 Beschäftigten, einem Jahresumsatz von 46 Milliarden DM und einem Gewinn von über vier Milliarden DM seine größte Ausdehnung. 1994 begann die Neuausrichtung und Umgestaltung der Hoechst AG. Das ehemalige Stammwerk wurde 1997 zum Industriepark Höchst. Nach der Überführung in eine Holding schloß die Hoechst AG sich 1999 mit Rhône-Poulenc zur Aventis S.A. mit Sitz in Straßburg zusammen und spaltete die verbliebenen Chemieaktivitäten in der Celanese AG ab. Die Hoechst AG blieb noch bis Ende Dezember 2004 als deutsche Zwischenholding an der Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse notiert. Nach der Fusion mit Sanofi-Synthélabo zur Sanofi-Aventis 2004 verschwand der Name Hoechst endgültig aus der Öffentlichkeit. Das Firmenlogo Turm und Brücke, eine stilisierte Darstellung des denkmalgeschützten Behrens-Baus, war viele Jahre ein bekanntes Markenzeichen, das an zahlreichen Apotheken als Reklameschild diente.

Chemische Produktion
10.001 Beschäftigte
Frankfurt-Höchst, Hesse
Kapitalgesellschaft (AG, GmbH, UG etc.)
Pharmaceuticals, Chemicals, Synthetic Resins, Organic Pigments, Vaccines, Polyester Films, Chlorine, Graphite Electrodes, Crop Protection, Veterinary Pharmaceuticals, PVC, Fluorochemicals, Masterbatches, Brand Fibres and Filament Yarns, Industrial Plant Engineering, Coatings, Emulsions, PVOH, PVA, or PVAl, Textile Dyes und PP, PE,HDPE


Beschäftigte von Hoechst AG


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    The Hoechst AG logo "Tower and Bridge", is a silent storyteller, narrating tales of breakthroughs, challenges conquered, and a pursuit of excellence. In an era where logos are often overlooked or taken for granted, the Hoechst AG logo is still a timeless emblem of scientific prowess and corporate legacy. It invites us to ponder on the countless experiments, discoveries, and innovations that have transpired within the walls of Hoechst laboratories worldwide, all encapsulated in a simple yet powerful design. And now, we are curious – when and where did you last come across the Hoechst AG logo? #hoechstag #chemicals #pharmaceuticals #history #logodesign #hoechstaglogo

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  • Unternehmensseite von Hoechst AG anzeigen, Grafik

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    Throughout the years, Hoechst AG has proudly presented its innovations at various trade fairs across the globe. This photo offers a glimpse into our booth at K '83 in Düsseldorf, an event that remains the leading international trade fair for the plastics industry today. At K '83, Hoechst AG introduced a diverse array of high-quality speciality plastics, enhanced standard plastics, and innovative new applications. It's a wonderful reminder of the company's longstanding commitment to pushing the boundaries of what's possible in the world of plastics. #hoechstag #chemicals #pharmaceuticals #history #tradefairs Photo credit: Norbert Merklein

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  • Unternehmensseite von Hoechst AG anzeigen, Grafik

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    Since 1960, Farbwerke Hoechst AG, vorm. Meister, Lucius & Brüning - later known as Hoechst AG - has empowered its employees through an innovative share program. Throughout the 1980s, nearly 40% of eligible employees took advantage of this opportunity to invest in the company, demonstrating their belief in shared success. In 1985 alone, employees purchased an impressive 350'000 shares. This initiative reflects Hoechst AG's commitment to fostering a strong, engaged workforce dedicated to building a brighter future together. Did you participate in the employee share program as well? #hoechstag #pharmaceuticals #chemicals #history #employeeshares Photo credit: Norbert Merklein

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  • Unternehmensseite von Hoechst AG anzeigen, Grafik

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    Chemische Fabrik Kalle & Co., later known as Kalle & Co. AG, was founded in Wiesbaden-Biebrich on August 8, 1863, as a limited partnership by Dr. Paul Wilhelm Kalle. In 1920, Farbwerke vorm. Meister, Lucius & Brüning AG acquired the remaining shares held by the Kalle family, increasing its majority stake. In 1924, the company faced the threat of closure with plans to relocate all production to Höchst, but this was ultimately averted. When I.G. Farben was dissolved in 1952, Kalle AG was re-established as an independent company. By 1972, Kalle, which now employed around 8'200 people, was integrated into Farbwerke Hoechst AG, vorm. Meister, Lucius & Brüning. It was renamed "Kalle, Niederlassung der Hoechst AG" in 1974 and "Hoechst AG, Werk Kalle" in 1986. In 1989, Kalle merged with the nearby Albert plant in Mainz-Amöneburg (formerly Chemische Werke Albert) to form the "Werk Kalle-Albert" under Hoechst AG. Soon after, Hoechst AG began a reorganization, leading to significant staff reductions at the Kalle-Albert plant. In 1995, Kalle GmbH was spun off from Hoechst AG. Since 1997, Kalle has quadrupled its sales to over 250 million euros and doubled its workforce to 1'800 employees. Kalle continues the company's traditional business of producing industrial sausage casings made from viscose, polymers, and textiles, as well as sponge cloths made from cellulose and cotton fibres, first introduced to the market in 1955. Today, Kalle GmbH is one of the world's leading producers in this segment. #hoechstag #chemicals #pharmaceuticals #history #kalle Photo: Employees in the main office of the Kalle company in Wiesbaden-Biebrich, around 1900; Hoffotograf J. Jacob, Wiesbaden Photo credit: ©Stadtarchiv Wiesbaden, Digital Multimedia Archive Photo No. 014695

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  • Unternehmensseite von Hoechst AG anzeigen, Grafik

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    Hoechst Animal Health played a significant role in the mergers and acquisitions landscape of the late 20th century. In 1997, Hoechst spun off its life sciences and chemicals businesses, creating Aventis. This restructuring set the stage for the sale of Hoechst Animal Health. In 1999, Hoechst Animal Health was acquired by Intervet, a subsidiary of Akzo Nobel. This acquisition allowed Intervet to build on Hoechst’s legacy, expanding its presence in the animal health industry. #hoechstag #pharmaceuticals #chemicals #history #animalhealth Photo Caption: Panacur Advertisement | Hoechst Animal Health, a Division of Hoechst UK Limited

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  • Unternehmensseite von Hoechst AG anzeigen, Grafik

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    Olympic figure skating Gold Medalist Kristi Yamaguchi has been named the official spokesperson for apparel fibres of CELEBRATE! acetate. The fibre is produced by Hoechst Celanese Textile Fibers Group. Hoechst Celanese Corporation is the world's largest acetate producer. Under a two-year contract, terms of which were not disclosed, Ms. Yamaguchi, who is 20 years old, will appear in print advertisements, to run in national magazines like Elle and Vogue, and on posters in Atlanta, Los Angeles and New York. She will also make personal appearances. The Hoechst Celanese facilities for acetate fibre in apparel are located in Narrows, Va., and Rock Hill. FIBERS. #hoechstag #chemicals #pharmaceuticals #history Text: Staff Writer, Herald-Journal & The New York Times, 1992 Photo: Vintage advertising print ad featuring Kristi Yamaguchi, Olympic Gold Medalist, for Hoechst Celanese Corporation, 1994.

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  • Unternehmensseite von Hoechst AG anzeigen, Grafik

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    The Haushaltungs-Schule (Housekeeping School) was designed to provide education in domestic science (cooking, nutrition, cleaning, sewing, and other household management skills) and was associated with Farbwerke vorm. Meister, Lucius & Brüning AG, located in Höchst, a district of Frankfurt/ Main. At the turn of the 20th century, many large industrial companies in Germany started to provide welfare programs for their employees, which included housing, education, and healthcare. The Haushaltungs-Schule was part of such initiatives aimed at improving the employees' and their families' well-being and skills. The school represents an early example of corporate social responsibility, where companies took active roles in the personal development of their employees and their families. #hoechstag #chemicals #pharmaceuticals #history Photo (Picture Postcard): 1907, Housekeeping School, Farbwerke vorm. Meister, Lucius & Brüning AG

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  • Unternehmensseite von Hoechst AG anzeigen, Grafik

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    Following the sell-off of Hoechst AG, ambitious plans emerged. A new centre, known as the New Center Ensemble ("Ensemble neue Mitte"), was to be established on the former site of C660. The central feature of this development was the Tower House, designed by architects Kollhoff & Timmermann. This tower was planned to reach a height of 120 meters, culminating in a viewing platform. In the foreground: the expressionist Peter Behrens Building (1924), notable for its tower and bridge. #hoechstag #pharmaceuticals #chemicals #history

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