hezo sports

hezo sports

Herstellung von Sportartikeln

We ride bike. We design future. And we believe in sustainable solutions.


Hezo, is the game-changer in the world of footwear. Imagine a team of absolute fanatics, true cycling and sports enthusiasts, who have come together with one mission: to defy the impossible and create the perfect shoe for every athlete. We are not talking about your average, run-of-the-mill footwear. No, we are talking about shoes that will make you fly!

Herstellung von Sportartikeln
2–10 Beschäftigte
Personengesellschaft (OHG, KG, GbR etc.)


Beschäftigte von hezo sports


  • Unternehmensseite von hezo sports anzeigen, Grafik

    273 Follower:innen

    IT'S YOUR ONE. HELU ONE. Die harte Arbeit hat sich gelohnt: Wir sind online 🎉 Seit heute ist unser Helu One aus der Collector’s Edition über unsere Webseite bestellbar. Unser Anspruch ist es, mit individuellen Einzelanfertigungen aus dem 3D-Drucker die Radfahrschuhe zu revolutionieren #redefinecomfort . Kein Drücken, keine Blasen – egal wie dein Fuß aussieht! Unsere Scan-App sorgt dafür, dass wir jede Stelle bis ins Detail erfassen können.  Als Pioneer im Fahrraduniversum setzen wir auf recycelbare Materialien und Nachhaltigkeit. Mehr Infos unter: https://lnkd.in/eCMr5mMm Wir sind so stolz diesen Schritt endlich gehen zu können und freuen uns auf alles was kommt!  –––––––––––––––––––––––– IT'S YOUR ONE. HELU ONE. The hard work was worth it: We are online 🎉 As of today, our Helu One from the Collector's Edition can be ordered via our website. Our aim is to revolutionize cycling shoes with individual one-off products from the 3D printer #redefinecomfort . No pinching, no blisters - no matter what your foot looks like! Our scan app ensures that we can record every position down to the last detail. As a pioneer in the bicycle universe, we rely on recyclable materials and sustainability. More information at: https://lnkd.in/eCMr5mMm We are so proud to finally be able to take this step and look forward to everything that comes! This is the Team: Helen Wiehr David Schiel Carsten Kaldenhoff Nils Hasler Lukas Hartz Ben Edlinger Daniel Henn #nextstep #startup #gruender #onlineshop #3ddruck #wedesignfuture #thefutureisnow #teamwork

  • hezo sports hat dies direkt geteilt

    👟 Individuelle 3D gedruckte Fahrradschuhe: Darauf hat sich das Start-Up hezo sports spezialisert. Mit ihrer digitalen Software schaffen es Helen Wiehr und Carsten Kaldenhoff einen maßangefertigten Fahrradschuh zu kreieren wie man ihn sonst nur vom Schuhmacher bekäme. 👉 Wir haben die beiden Gründer gefragt: ❓Was hat euch dazu inspiriert euer Unternehmen zu gründen? ❓Was ist das besondere an eurem Produkt? ❓Was war die größte Herausforderung bei der Produktentwicklung? #SIKB #hezo #Saarland #Gründung

  • Unternehmensseite von hezo sports anzeigen, Grafik

    273 Follower:innen

    Investors and partners take note: If you too share our vision to create a world where custom products replace traditional standards and provide access to sports for all, while making a positive contribution, get in touch!

    Profil von Helen Wiehr anzeigen, Grafik

    Founder and CBO Hezo Sports

    Recap Footprint 3D in Barcelona! We are incredibly proud to have been given the opportunity by Footwearology to present and exhibit at their first event, Footprint 3D, with our start-up hezo sports. The existence of such an event dedicated to this niche topic highlights the fact that additive manufacturing, along with all the technologies and innovations in this field, will revolutionize the footwear industry. We have always believed in and fought for this vision, recognizing its potential long before a market for it emerged. The positive feedback we received after our presentation really inspired us. Back home, however, reality has caught up with us and we continue to look for investors who share our belief in our vision. If you too share our vision to create a world where custom products replace traditional standards and provide access to sports for all, while making a positive contribution, get in touch. Help us bring our contribution to the footwear industry and the environment to the world. 

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  • Unternehmensseite von hezo sports anzeigen, Grafik

    273 Follower:innen

    ISPO Award Winner 2023: Hezo Cycling - Helu One Shoes 🥇 The picture shows the joy🥳 and excitement 🤩 of having reached the next big milestone in our development by winning the ISPO Award. Winning the public choice award was a big surprise at the official award ceremony. As you could see in the picture it was a shame, we could not attend the award ceremony with the whole team, but we sure celebrated it after everyone was healthy again. Here's what the jury had to say about the product: "Focussing on customization and sustainability 🌱 to offer a high-quality tailor-made product, the Helu One convinced the jury by its high degree of innovation. The FIDLOCK GmbH closure is also a nice touch for adjusting fit easily during a ride without getting out of the saddle." More to read: https://lnkd.in/etgf_hZm Thanks for supporting to all our partners, investors, friends and family members. Rote Robben - Innovations with impact🌱🚀Elkamet Kunststofftechnik GmbH Benjamin Wegemund Dr. Thorsten Klein Triathlon - Universität des Saarlandes places2x | Gründen an der htw saar HBKsaar Circle of Experts - CoE GmbH

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