Green Elephant Biotech

Green Elephant Biotech


Adherent cell culture on a small footprint sustainable lab consumables


Creating a space-efficient, sustainable, and productive future for biotech. We make biotech more sustainable by reducing waste and CO₂ emissions. With innovative products, we tackle the global manufacturing capacity crunch in adherent cell cultivation. Our product CellScrew® is a novel vessel for adherent cell cultures that offers a large growth area on a small footprint and requires less manual labor than common systems, streamlining adherent cell cultivation in cell and gene therapy manufacturing. With our 96-well plates made from polylactic acid (PLA), we provide labs with a more sustainable replacement for commonly used assay plates. All our products are manufactured in Germany and made 100% from plant-based materials. Spread the word to make biotech more sustainable. 💚

11–50 Beschäftigte
Personengesellschaft (OHG, KG, GbR etc.)
Cell culture, adherent cells und plant-based consumables


Beschäftigte von Green Elephant Biotech


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    Cultivating cells in a dynamic environment ⬇ When working with dynamic systems like our CellScrew®, selecting the optimal rotational speed is crucial for successful adherent cell cultivation. Balancing good mixing with effective cell attachment is key to creating an ideal environment for cell growth. We recommend a rotational speed between 0.2 and 2 rpm for cultivating cells in our CellScrew® and to verify the actual bottle rotation speed. Our latest addition, the CellScrew® mini, offers 850 cm² of growth surface in a compact size. To simplify parallel cultivation with different models and minimize speed adjustments, we developed the CellScrew® mini TriDock. This adapter accommodates three CellScrew® mini within the dimensions of a CellScrew® 6K. Included in all first orders of our CellScrew® mini bundle (Starter Special), the reusable, PLA-made CellScrew® mini TriDock simplifies your workflow. #CellScrew #AdherentCells #CellExpansion

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  • Unternehmensseite von Green Elephant Biotech anzeigen, Grafik

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    Building a greener future, step by step ⬇ The world is increasingly confronted with the consequences of climate change. The IPCC AR6 report on climate change states that a reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 43% compared to 2019 levels is necessary to keep the 1.5°C target with no or limited overshoot within reach. This refers to a total reduction of 25.4 gigatons of CO₂ equivalents (GtCO₂e). Why is this relevant for the biopharmaceutical industry? The Biotech and Pharma industry’s carbon impact amounted to a total of 193 million tCO₂e in 2022, accounting for about 5% of global net emissions (The Carbon Impact of Biotech & Pharma Report, 2023). ➡ Take small steps to contribute to the bigger picture by reducing carbon emissions in your lab, day by day, plate by plate. Together, we can make a significant impact. #96wellplate #greenelephant #sustainablelab #PLA

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  • Unternehmensseite von Green Elephant Biotech anzeigen, Grafik

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    This flask provides a growth surface of 10,000 cm² ⬇ Adherent cell culture has always been a complex process, with surface area limitations and issues in the equal provision of nutrients to the cells. Whenever larger numbers of cells are required, the question arises: Which system fits the requirements? The intricate structure of the CellScrew® is based on Archimedes’ screws and concentric cylinders, creating a surface area of up to 10,000 cm² in the dimensions of a standard roller bottle. ➡ Maximized cell culture surface on a small footprint ➡ Excellent culture conditions ➡ Easy to handle Looking for a change to simple and efficient adherent cell cultivation? Visit our website and schedule an introductory call. #cellscrew #adherentcellculture #cellculture #footprint #efficient

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  • Unternehmensseite von Green Elephant Biotech anzeigen, Grafik

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    Small fit, big impact: Introducing the CellScrew® mini ⬇ Two years ago, we launched our first CellScrew® with a 10,000 cm² growth surface (CS10K). Soon after, a smaller 6,000 cm² (CS6K) version joined the market. Through customer feedback and general discussion, we realized the need for an even smaller option. A miniaturized version would lower the entry barrier and make it easier for customers to begin using our system. Today, we’re excited to announce the launch of CellScrew® mini! ➡ The facts: Growth surface: 850 cm² Material: plant-derived biopolymer polylactic acid (PLA) Surface: TC-treated and sterilized The CellScrew® mini retains the same internal structures as the original CellScrew®, ensuring homogenous distribution of nutrients and gas while maximizing surface area within a compact footprint. Ready to downsize? See how our CellScrew® series fits your needs! Benefit from our Starter Special: Cultivate three CellScrew® mini flasks in the same footprint as a CS6K using the cultivation adapter included in your first order. #productlaunch #cellscrew #cellculture #footprint #scaling #adherentcells

  • Unternehmensseite von Green Elephant Biotech anzeigen, Grafik

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    We need to test it first. ⬇ Testing a product is the most natural step when considering a new product. Ensuring functionality is very important, which is why we test our products before they go to market. We are pioneers in the use of the biopolymer polylactic acid (PLA) for labware, which has led to valuable decisions and experience with this material. Our R&D team conducts several trials on our products and provides valuable experimental data, as with our recently launched 96-well plates. But the story doesn't begin there! The journey started with CellScrew®, our first product, where we used PLA for its unique 3D printing capabilities and biocompatibility. Products made from PLA also benefit from the material’s origin - plant starch. This reduces carbon emissions, making products a more sustainable alternative to conventional products. So, why not use PLA for our other consumables too? Green Elephant® 96-well plates are currently available in three versions, each a fit for a specific application, including photometric, fluorescence, and luminescence assays. #greenelephant #96wellplate #PLA #productdevelopment

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  • Unternehmensseite von Green Elephant Biotech anzeigen, Grafik

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    Shout out to the Technologie- und Innovationszentrum Gießen, for having a dog-friendly office policy, and allowing our team to bring their canine companions to work. Several publications have highlighted the positive impact on the work environment, and a dog-friendly workplace is becoming an increasingly important factor in job selection for dog owners. 💡 Research from Virginia Commonwealth University suggests that dogs can not only reduce stress and boost productivity but also facilitate communication and collaboration among colleagues by fostering a more relaxed atmosphere (Colarelli et al., 2017). 💡 Additionally, the study (Colarelli et al., 2017) indicates that dogs can encourage physical activity (beyond just lunchtime walks), thereby decreasing muscle tension and increasing alertness. 💡 Furthermore, studies by Pendry and Vandagriff (2019) demonstrate that simply petting a dog can provide measurable stress relief through lowered cortisol levels. It's essential to be mindful of potential allergies and phobias within the team and to speak about animals at work to ensure everyone feels comfortable. What’s your experience with dogs in the office? #startup #workculture #bringyourdog #stressreduction #officelife #dogfriendly

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  • Unternehmensseite von Green Elephant Biotech anzeigen, Grafik

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    The pandemic's impact on labs has been far-reaching, causing disruptions that continue to be felt today. ⬇️ Delivery delays, postponed experiments, and budget adjustments became the norm, with many labs struggling to access essential consumables and chemicals, like gloves, assay plates, tubes, and solvents. A 2021 survey by Lab Manager examined participants’ strategies for addressing these challenges: 42.34% of respondents employed stockpiling of supplies and reagents as a measure in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. 61.26% of respondents prioritized purchasing additional safety equipment and PPE. Stockpiling may offer a temporary sense of security, but it's not a long-term solution. Limited lab space becomes even more cramped, and resources become tied up unnecessarily, even leading to unsustainable practices and waste generation. ➡️ The takeaway? Investing time upfront to identify reliable, sustainable suppliers can prevent stockpiling and protect budgets in the long run. What are your experiences with lab supply chain challenges? Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments. #labmanagement #supplychain #consumables #sustainability

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  • Unternehmensseite von Green Elephant Biotech anzeigen, Grafik

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    Grow big, but stay lean? ⬇ Transferring an adherent cell culture process from small-scale to large-scale manufacturing, and vice versa, is often a critical challenge. When the culture is about to exceed the available systems’ growth surface, the search for a larger system that fulfills the cells’ surface and supplementary needs begins, making a switch between different systems inevitable. The consequences: → adjustments within the cultivation process require skilled labor and time, increasing the manufacturing costs → the manufacturing process is slowed down, delaying the availability of advanced therapies ➡ Manufacturers are looking for a lean process that can scale up and down, but they often receive separate, complex cultivation systems for each stage. Our CellScrew® aims to bridge the gap between process development and large-scale manufacturing, enabling the scaling of adherent cell cultivation in one system. Combining up to 10,000 cm² of growth surface on a small footprint, the intricate structures provide a sufficient supply of nutrients and gases, reducing risks associated with handling multiple individual vessels and streamlining the manufacturing of therapies. Looking for a system to grow big? Get in contact with us! 🚀 #scaling #adherentcells #biotech #startup #greenelephant

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  • Unternehmensseite von Green Elephant Biotech anzeigen, Grafik

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    How do archaea, the oldest organisms on earth, support the transition to renewable energy? In the latest episode of the German biotech podcast Doppelhelix, hosted by our co-founder Joel, his guest Doris Hafenbradl talks about the production of green methane. Highlights: 🌱 Her journey into science and how she became part of Electrochaea 🌱 Deep dive into the technology and the requirements of the organisms for the production of green methane 🌱 The decarbonizing impact of green methane and the company’s vision Available on all major podcast platforms. 🤝🏻 Tune in to learn more about the cutting-edge science behind green methane and renewable energy. #podcast #biotech #newepisode #startup #foundingstories #germanpodcast #doppelhelix

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  • Unternehmensseite von Green Elephant Biotech anzeigen, Grafik

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    Do we need to rethink products to make them more sustainable? Tremendous amounts of waste are produced annually within the biopharmaceutical industry. The greenhouse gas (GHG) emission intensity of the life sciences sector is approximately 55% higher than that of the automotive sector. What is the current effort to change this? Several frameworks and initiatives to calculate and address emissions have been established and continue to evolve. These efforts help the industry understand its contribution to global emissions and set actionable goals. ➡ Innovative technologies, processes, and products that bridge the gap between intention and action are crucial for conducting research and manufacturing more sustainably. These innovations seem to be the bottleneck for a sustainable future. Read our blog article on this topic ( and learn about our contribution to solving this complex problem with our innovative adherent cell culture system and plant-based 96-well plates. #worldenvironmentday #sustainability #material #pla #biopharma #adherentcells #processintensification #sustainabilitygoals #climatechange

    Sustainability in the life and health sciences sector - an overview on attitudes and actions

    Sustainability in the life and health sciences sector - an overview on attitudes and actions

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