Fraunhofer ITEM

Fraunhofer ITEM


Hannover, Niedersachsen 4.160 Follower:innen



Fraunhofer ITEM aims to protect man from health hazards in our industrialized world and to contribute to the development of novel therapeutic approaches. Focusing on lung and inhalation, Fraunhofer ITEM has pooled its expertise in three business units: In the business unit Drug Development, we develop and test novel medications against respiratory diseases. Scientific expertise covers manufacturing of biologics, preclinical and clinical development. The business unit Chemical Safety is dedicated to determining the risks from potentially harmful substances. Scientific expertise includes toxicology testing, exposure assessment, analytical methods, regulatory research and risk assessment. The business unit Translational Biomedical Engineering offers many years of experience in the development of medical devices – specifically neuro-implants and medical aerosolizers – including testing and testing scenarios, safety and risk assessment. All business units offer regulatory support. Numerous test systems are available, including in-vitro, ex-vivo and in-vivo. Studies can be performed in compliance with GXP regulations. A Regensburg-based division is dedicated to personalized tumor therapy including development of diagnostic tests to enable early detection of disseminated cancer cells and prediction of the response to therapy of metastatic progenitor cells. Fraunhofer ITEM is one of about 70 institutions of the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, Europe's leading organization for applied research.

201–500 Beschäftigte
Hannover, Niedersachsen
Toxicology Testing, Pre-clinical Pharmacology, Early-Phase Clinical Trials, Registration and Risk Assessment, Environmental, Occupational and Consumer Protection, Manufacturing of Biopharmaceuticals, Translational Biomedical Engineering, Personalized Tumor-Therapy, Exposure Characterization, Cardiovascular Research und RNA-Research


Beschäftigte von Fraunhofer ITEM


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    ▶️The registration deadline for the workshop “Advanced RNA Methods & Applications” 📍 at Fraunhofer ITEM in Hannover, October 1 and 2, is approaching! 👉📅September 9, 2024👈 Participate in this practical training course with exclusive hands-on training in our labs 🔬 , combining theoretic and practical work. 🔎Gain insights into bioinformatic modeling, listen to excellent lectures on advanced RNA methods from research institutes and industry, and join the meet-the-expert session to discuss your individual use cases! Sounds convincing? Great! 🙂More info on the registration can be found on our 🌐 website.:🔗 #rna #rnatraining #rnaresearch #rnamethods #rnaapplications #bioinformatics Fraunhofer Academy

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    🔍 Sibel has been a process manager in the Central Services department at Fraunhofer ITEM since April 2021. Her passion lies in recognizing unused potential and motivating others to discover new and better possibilities with existing resources. She likes to break down seemingly unsolvable problems so only the solution is visible at the end. 🎓 Sibel studied European Business. During her studies and career, she noticed early on that many companies were not utilizing potentials efficiently. This induced her to apply process management tools and methods on her own accord to create a better understanding of these potentials. 🏆 One of Sibel's personal successes was becoming first process manager for the commercial and HR departments at Fraunhofer ITEM. Among other things, she led the process analysis during the SAP implementation, which helped to avoid major errors and ensured the best transition possible. 🎵 🌿 For her, a successful day involves movement, preferably in nature, paired with sun and some music. 🔗 Read Sibel’s full portrait on our careers page: There you will also find many more insights from our employees about working at Fraunhofer ITEM! #yourITEMjob #team

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  • Unternehmensseite von Fraunhofer ITEM anzeigen, Grafik

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    Um den Herausforderungen des Klimawandels und des Biodiversitätsverlusts zu begegnen, verfolgt u. a. der EU green deal das hehre Ziel, sich #zeropollution zu nähern. Sind wir auf dem richtigen Weg mit der Einzelstoffbewertung? Mit der PFAS-Beschränkung wurde letztes Jahr zum allerersten Mal eine ganze Stoffgruppe für ein Beschränkungsverfahren vorgeschlagen. Zudem gibt es Diskussionen darüber, ob und wie ein Sicherheitsfaktor für Mischungen eingeführt werden soll. Feldmessungen können die Realität besser abbilden, aber wieviel unterschiedliche Feldmessungen brauchen wir für eine ausreichende Bewertung? Das sind nur beispielhafte Fragen die die Teilnehmenden auf der diesjährigen Umwelt-Tagung diskutieren werden. Die gemeinsame Tagung des deutschsprachigen Zweiges von SETAC Europe, Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC), und der Fachgruppe Umweltchemie und Ökotoxikologie der Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker (GDCh) findet vom 8. bis 11. September in Gießen und Homberg (Ohm) statt, unter dem Motto »Vom Hörsaal zur Praxis & von der Labor- bis zur Feldskala«. Neben dem klassischen Tagungsprogramm wird es nach 10 Jahren wieder die Ausrichtung eines Feldtages mit Freilandsessions und praktischen Demonstrationen geben. Wir freuen uns sehr, dass Stefan Hahn als Vorsitzender der GDCh-Fachgruppe Umweltchemie und Ökotoxikologie und Wissenschaftler am Fraunhofer ITEM, zu dieser Tagung begrüßen und am Feldtag auch an einem Stand zum Thema Air Sampling Techniques informieren wird! Weitere Infos zur Tagung sowie das komplette Programm finden Sie auf der Tagungs-Website: #umwelttoxikologie #toxikologie #umweltchemie #sicherheitsbewertung

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  • Unternehmensseite von Fraunhofer ITEM anzeigen, Grafik

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    We still have place available for the application-oriented workshop »Advanced RNA Methods & Applications«, which will be taking place 📍 at Fraunhofer ITEM in Hannover 📅on October 1 and 2, 2024❕ 👉Places are limited and are available on a first-come first-serve basis. Register now to ensure your participation! ▶️Combining theory and practice, this workshop offers application-oriented and practical contents: · Bioinformatics and hands-on trainings in our labs! · Lectures on concrete use cases! · Meet the-expert session for your individual questions! 🔎In more detail: In small groups participants will - become familiar with bioinformatic approaches for RNA-based target identification and optimization, - learn to apply modern RNA methods, e.g. in-vitro transcription, circRNA purification, RNA transfection, - discover and develop strategies for packaging RNA, - produce and characterize RNA-LNPs, - analyze and assess transfection efficiencies. Doesn’t this sound promising❓ For more information on the agenda and registration, please visit our website: 🌐 We will be pleased to welcome you to our workshop in October! 🙂

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  • Unternehmensseite von Fraunhofer ITEM anzeigen, Grafik

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    From September 08 to 11, 2024, our colleagues will be in Copenhagen, Denmark, to attend the 58th Congress of the European Societies of Toxicology 2024, EUROTOX Congress. Have a look at the lectures, short talks and posters they will be presenting there! 🗣️Our lectures, both given by Sylvia. Escher: »Prioritization and screening - which testing scope is sufficient?« On September 10, from 04:50-05:15 p.m. »Analytical approaches to build and evaluate ViCoGs« On September 11, from 10:30-11:00 a.m. 🌐 Please check our website for the full programm: #eurotox2024 #toxicology

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  • Unternehmensseite von Fraunhofer ITEM anzeigen, Grafik

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    In two weeks from now, from September 1 to 4, 2024, our colleagues will be in beautiful #Dublin, Ireland, to attend the 7th European Congress of Immunology 2024. Have a look at the lectures and posters they will be presenting there! 🎙️Our lectures: »T cell mediated immune responses in primary intestinal tissue slices from IBD patients ex vivo«, given by Klaudia Grieger »CD109 as a target for lung cancer and tumor-associated macrophages«, given by Tine Haesen »Tissue resident T cell responses to immunotherapies at the patient derived tumor-lung interface«, given by Tonia Bargmann 🖼️ Our posters: »Interleukin-2 dynamically reduces interleukin-2 receptor β expression and function especially in T cells« »The Jak inhibitor filgotinib concentration-dependently suppresses immune responses in precision cut intestinal tissue slices ex vivo« 🌐 Check out our website for more information: #ECI2024 #immunology European Federation of Immunological Societies

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  • Unternehmensseite von Fraunhofer ITEM anzeigen, Grafik

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    #Electroniccigarettes, or #vapes, are commonly viewed as less harmful to people’s health than tobacco cigarettes. And yet, they are not without health drawbacks. For many ingredients, it is unknown how they will behave when heated. 🌡️Since the temperatures inside e-cigarettes vary widely, different products can be released during thermal decomposition. This makes it more difficult to gauge the potential risks of these tobacco alternatives. ☣️Until now, there has been no testing system that could be used to test the ingredients used across the entire relevant temperature range. Dr. Stefanie Scheffler developed #EVape as a prototype device in collaboration with her team at Fraunhofer ITEM for controlled vaporization of e-liquids in a broad temperature range. ➡️The emissions released during the process can then be analyzed and subjected to a toxicological assessment ➡️The findings are generally valid, regardless of which e-cigarette the liquid is used in ➡️The portable device can help protect consumers of e-liquids from health risks 🌐 You can find more information in our current press release: #toxicology #riskassessment #eliquids 📷 Fraunhofer ITEM, Ralf Mohr

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    We are proud to be part of the REGENERAR EU Project!

    Unternehmensseite von REGENERAR EU Project anzeigen, Grafik

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    🔬 The Fraunhofer ITEM is part of the European research consortium REGENERAR and is responsible for toxicology assays. The main team working on the project includes Dirk Schaudien, Annika Bach-Hagemann, and Miriam Kryjewska, led by Dr. Gustav Bruer. 🚀 ⚗ To select the most effective and safe route of administration, the team will conduct toxicology studies for REGENERAR to obtain initial assessments of the toxicological profile of an innovative non-viral formulation to reprogram certain brain cells into functional neurons. This will include histopathology, neurotoxicity, and metabolism studies. 🧠 🔗 Discover more: Photos: Fraunhofer ITEM, Ralf Mohr. #Fraunhofer #FraunhoferITEM #REGENERARProject #Innovation #HealthTech #EUProjects #ToxicologyAssays #GlobalImpact #Neuroscience #BrainHealth #HorizonEurope

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  • Unternehmensseite von Fraunhofer ITEM anzeigen, Grafik

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    🎓🚀 Du möchtest neben deinem Studium wertvolle Erfahrungen im Bereich Recruiting und Personalmanagement sammeln? Dann bist du bei uns genau richtig!   📑🤝 In deiner Rolle als Werkstudent*in unterstützt du uns bei der Organisation, Begleitung und Durchführung des Onboarding-Prozesses, indem du als Schnittstelle zwischen der Verwaltung und den Fach- und Serviceabteilungen fungierst. Außerdem hilfst du unserem Team im gesamten Employee Life Cycle und sorgst dafür, dass unsere Mitarbeitenden stets bestens betreut sind.  Hier zum Stellenausschreibung: 🔎👥 Im Recruiting unterstützt du uns durch die Veröffentlichung von zielgruppenspezifischen Stellenausschreibungen dabei, die passenden Talente für unser Institut zu gewinnen. Darüber hinaus sichtest du Bewerbungen, kommunizierst mit Bewerber*innen und übernimmst die Betreuung von Initiativbewerbungen für verschiedene Zielgruppen. Weitere aktuelle Jobangebote des Fraunhofer ITEM: Systemadministrator*in: Netzwerkadministrator*in: Werkstudent*in - Assistenz Institutsleitung / Bereichsleitung Atemwegsforschung: Pflichtpraktikum - Nachhaltigkeit / Sustainability im Bereich der Medizintechnik: Abschlussarbeit - Thema: »Nachhaltigkeit / Sustainability im Bereich der Medizintechnik«: 💼💡Konnten wir dich neugierig machen? Dann bewirb dich jetzt und komm in unser Team. Wir freuen uns auf deine Bewerbung! #veränderungstartetmituns #jobsinresearch #jobs #studentenjobs #recruiting #hr #personalmanagement #hannover #yourITEMjob

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