Finn's Book Club

Finn's Book Club


A place where books, ideas, and important, nuanced problems can be openly discussed.


What Is the Book Club? - It's a private Discord community where you can discuss books and the ideas in them, get inspirations and recommendations for new books to read—and hopefully make new like-minded friends. Besides directly discussing particular books, we chat about ideas, concepts, podcasts we listened to, documentaries we watched, etc. - It's a space where important topics and complex, nuanced problems can be openly discussed without fear of upsetting someone or saying the wrong thing—including those topics that are so polarized and politicized right now. Where we can explore, through conversation, how to become better people and how to build a better society. - The idea is to build the digital equivalent to a country club: You can show up anytime, when you walk in you see familiar faces (over time), hang out for as little or as long as you want to, catch up with people's lives and chat about the topics you care about. Club Rules Culture is what allows us to have difficult conversations and openly debate sensitive topics while keeping it civil and feeling safe to speak our minds. So we have some rules: 1. Always assume you might be wrong. 2. Always assume the other person has good intentions and knows something you need to know. 3. Always remember that everything is more complex and less black-and-white than you think it is. 4. Everyone is a peer. It doesn't matter how much younger or older, more or less experienced or "successful" you are than the other person, you can always learn something from them—even if it's just a new perspective on something you think you already figured out. Treat everyone accordingly. 5. What happens in the Book Club, stays in the Book Club. For anything you want to share (screenshots, recordings), ask the people involved for permission. 6. Every member needs to use their full, real name and their real face as profile picture. The ability to hide behind a username is one of the reasons the internet is so toxic.

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