Feiler Germany

Feiler Germany


Hohenberg an der Eger, Bayern 204 Follower:innen

LOVE AT FIRST TOUCH - luxurious bath & living textile made in germany.


FEILER is the world’s leading manufacturer of genuine, colour-woven chenille and fine terry fabric with chenille borders. The company was founded by Ernst Feiler back in 1928. FEILER has been manufacturing all of its products in Hohenberg an der Eger since 1948. FEILER products unite traditional craftsmanship with cutting-edge technology in exceptional design. Quality out of passion. IMPRESSUM: Ernst Feiler GmbH Frottier- und Chenilleweberei Greimweg 4 Postfach 28 95691 Hohenberg an der Eger Deutschland Telefon: 49 (0)9233-77280 Telefax: 49 (0)9233-772899 E-Mail: [email protected] Internet: www.feiler.de Geschäftsführer: Michael Hauspurg Rechtsform: Gesellschaft mbH, Sitz Hohenberg an der Eger HRB Hof Nr.: 2096 UST.-IdNr.: DE 811584534 Steuer-Nr.: 9258/159/00300 DATENSCHUTZ SOCIAL MEDIA: https://www.feiler.de/de/rechtliches/datenschutz-social-media,9/

51–200 Beschäftigte
Hohenberg an der Eger, Bayern
Kapitalgesellschaft (AG, GmbH, UG etc.)


Beschäftigte von Feiler Germany


  • Feiler Germany hat dies direkt geteilt

    🌐 Heute geht es im #Magazin des #Außenwirtschaftsportals #Bayern um eine besonders feine und flauschige #Erfolgsgeschichte aus Bayern - Feiler Germany gilt #weltweit als der führende Hersteller von echter, buntgewebter Chenille und feinstem Frottier mit Chenillebordüren. 🚀 Was #Chenille genau ist und wo auf der Welt das Unternehmen aus #Hohenberg a. d. Eger besonders erfolgreich ist, lesen Sie hier ➡ https://lnkd.in/dY_yqMVr ✔ Bei Fragen zum #Zoll u.ä. rund um den #Export steht die IHK für Oberfranken Bayreuth an der Seite von #feilergermany. #weltweiterfolgreich #AußenwirtschaftsportalBayern #bayerische #Erfolgsgeschichten Karoline Rübsam Dr. Johanna Horzetzky #IHK

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  • Unternehmensseite von Feiler Germany anzeigen, Grafik

    204 Follower:innen

    #OMR2024 🚀 💯 Two weeks ago, our marketing team Allegra Schneider, Melissa Hahn, Luisa Hirsche visited the OMR24 in Hamburg. Two days filled with knowledge, inspiration and networking! Everything around the topic of online marketing, performance creatives and potential cooperations. Particularly exciting was the mentoring program of Weleda Tina Müller Yaël Meier about reverse mentoring as an opportunity to modernize traditional brands and how Yaël Meier helps them to understand the trends, needs and channels of generation Z. It is important to look at different points of view and also to leave the comfort zone courageously. Cooperation at eye level and mutual learning are the key to success. „In a long career there is a great danger of developing a certain arrogance of supposedly knowing everything. There is the need of a positive disruption” - Tina Müller To all visitors of OMR: In case you didn’t, go and have a look at the OMR report festival edition. You will find our marketing team and a FEILER OMR special there. We are looking forward to your message!  

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  • Unternehmensseite von Feiler Germany anzeigen, Grafik

    204 Follower:innen

    We are so proud to be a part of it! #feilergermany

    Profil von Emanuel Baur anzeigen, Grafik

    Export Director Asia, East Europe & Middle East bei Ernst Feiler GmbH

    A Heatwarming Tale of Generosity & Cross-cultural Friendship In a world where success is often measured by profit margins and bottom lines, it is heartwarming to stumble upon stories that remind us of the true essence of humanity - namely values such as #compassion, #gratitude, and #givingback. This week the Japanese lady Mrs. Kazuko Yamakawa makes headlines by donating a staggering amount of more than 16 million Euro to the hometown of Hohenberg – a small village in #Bavaria, #Germany. For over half a century, the deep bond between the Japanese businesswoman and the luxury brand FEILER has been woven. It all began in the early 1970s when Mrs. Yamakawa discovered a Feiler Chenille product during her trip to Europe and was captivated by its exquisite craftsmanship—Made in Hohenberg. Driven by her belief in its appeal to Japanese women, she pioneered the distribution of #FEILERChenille in #Japan. Thanks to her relentless dedication and passion she has become one major driving force for FEILER’s unprecedented success in the Far East market. After retiring, Mrs. Yamakawa generously funded the construction of a retirement and nursing home, along with a residential complex for the elderly in Hohenberg and its surroundings - a place she fondly refers to as her second hometown. This gesture serves as her heartfelt appreciation for the employees and the entire village community. She acknowledges that without their efforts, her remarkable #BusinessSuccess would not have been achievable. Stories like these highlight our partners' emotional connection to FEILER bringing immense pride and joy to my role within the company. As Export Director, I'm committed to further deepen the bonds between FEILER Germany and our global importers and retailers, based on values of #respect, #MutualResponsibility and #GenuineCare. In a fierce global competition, every business agent’s major focus is to minimize costs and to maximize one’s own profits. Yet, it's crucial to recognize that life holds greater significance beyond these metrics. Inspired by the esteemed tradition of the #HonourableMerchant, we carry a significant responsibility. It goes beyond just our own company's success to include the welfare of our partners and the entire society. I firmly believe that companies fostering genuine, meaningful connections with both internal and external stakeholders and partners are destined for long-term success. They will consistently outshine those solely fixated on squeezing out the highest financial gains while disregarding the essential social aspects of their operations. Let us aim for greater mutual responsibility and pursue strategies rooted in the belief that business should always have a positive influence, benefiting everyone involved. These values form the cornerstone of sustainable business success and pave the way for a more compassionate society—a world we all aspire to live in, I guess. 😊

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  • Unternehmensseite von Feiler Germany anzeigen, Grafik

    204 Follower:innen

    For a great start to the new year 2024, the entire staff of the company FEILER was invited to the New Year's reception by the CEO as well as the owner family  Schwedt. After having shared the results of the previous year as well as introducing a roadmap of strategic objectives for 2024 and 2025 a typical Bavarian "Brotzeit" was served, creating a cozy and familiar atmosphere. As a token of appreciation for the outstanding year 2023, our employees received an exceptional bonus rewarding their top-notch efforts throughtout the previous year.    We wish everyone a successful start to the new year 2024.

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  • Unternehmensseite von Feiler Germany anzeigen, Grafik

    204 Follower:innen

    „One crisis follows the other... that is how we would describe the macroeconomic environment in the year 2023 from our perspective. This "crisis mode" seems to be the new normal, and we'll have to adapt to it. Despite the hostile market environment, we are grateful and delighted about the fact that Feiler has achieved a record turnover this year. We have experienced significant growth in all sales segments, some of which we currently cannot fully serve due to capacity constraints. The ongoing focus remains on increasing our personnel and machine production capacities since the previous expansion of our workforce by over 40% is still insufficient. We are particularly pleased to see that the extensive projects we initiated in 2020 at the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, especially in the areas of product development, marketing, communication, social media, and sales, are showing noticeable positive developments. Our efforts in these areas are gradually bearing fruit. Our various measures to enhance efficiency are also taking effect, allowing us to maintain stable prices in our main segment Chenille. But we do not stop in our efforts because we do see further potential to increase our efficiency level, which will strengthen our overall competitiveness. Detailed analyses of our existing distribution channels and valuable insights into new markets, both domestic and international, allow us to look positively towards the future. The planned efficiency improvements will make Feiler even more resilient in the future. ” (Michael Hauspurg )

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  • Unternehmensseite von Feiler Germany anzeigen, Grafik

    204 Follower:innen

    FEILER Germany represented by Eva Achatz, Allegra Schneider, Emanuel Baur and Simone Schick will visit the leading trade fair for baby & children products Kind Jugend. The entire delegation is in pleasant anticipation for new creative input and interesting conversations with existing customers and potential new partners on site. For the little ones, only the best is good enough. FEILER as family owned business, produces Made in Germany woven Chenille products and has become the luxury brand in its textile niche. Sustainable products of the traditional family owned company FEILER enjoy the best reputation worldwide. The Chenille fabric which consists out of 100% cotton is renowned for its soft and cuddly surface as well its excellent characteristics like water absorbation and skin friendliness. #kindundjugend

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    Profil von André Babenhauserheide anzeigen, Grafik

    Leiter Familie (Vertrieb, Marketing, E-Commerce) bei EK Retail

    „Gemeinsam stark!“ Die Vernetzung von Industrie und Handel, von Marken und Menschen, als auch die von Produkten und Know-how; am Ende geht es immer um das Miteinander, um vereintes Gestalten und um gemeinsam erfolgreiches Handeln! Aus dieser Überzeugung heraus war „Gemeinsam stark!“ das Motto für unser diesjähriges HappyBaby KIQ-Event und bildete eine mehr als tragfähige Grundlage für inspirierende Tage in Coburg! Unsere Tagung stand ganz im Zeichen des HappyBaby 360°-Marketing Konzepts. Vorgestellt wurden neben den geplanten Aktionen für das 2. Halbjahr u. a. eine „Kinder-Autositz-Sicherheitsgarantie“ für Konsumenten unter Beteiligung der Hersteller, die Trendthemen für das 3. Quartal (z. B. „Erdtöne – von der Natur inspiriert“), ausgewählte Neuheiten der Industriepartner und die attraktiven Produkte der EK Handelsmarke babyworld inklusive Platzierungsempfehlung und Bestellmöglichkeit. Anschließend rückten die digitalen Leistungen des Konzepts in den Mittelpunkt. Nach einem Impulsvortrag mit Zahlen, Daten, Fakten und Best Practice-Beispielen zum Thema Social Media gaben die HappyBaby-Experten im Rahmen von drei Unique Content Workshops Anregungen zur Erstellung eigener Inhalte, die dann direkt in Form von Reels, Stories und Posts in die Händler-Accounts gestellt wurden Dann ging es mit HappyBaby on (Lieferanten-)Tour; Wie in den Jahren zuvor hatten auch diesmal wieder heimische Babyartikel-Hersteller im Rahmen des BEO (Baby Event Oberfranken) ihre Showrooms parallel zur KIQ-Veranstaltung geöffnet. Per Shuttleservice besuchten wir unsere Lieferanten Partner Fehn GmbH & Co. KG, Feiler Germany, Gesslein GmbH, John Hartan, Hauck, Hesba, Mäusbacher, Mionido, Philipp Schardt und Julius Zöllner GmbH & Co. KG. Dort informierten sich unsere HappyBaby-Händler über die Trendartikel der kommenden Saison und nutzten die exklusiven Order-Konditionen. Natürlich blieb auch noch genügen Zeit für offenen Austausch und gutes Networking, dort bot unsere Event-Location, die „Alte Pakethalle“ in Coburg den perfekten Rahmen! Ein herzliche Dankeschön an alle, die diese Tage durch Ihr aktive Teilnahme zu wirklich richtig besonderen Tagen gemacht haben! #EK #Retailinmotion #HappyBaby #gemeinsamstark #KIQEvent #mehrfachhandelkannkeiner #BEO #AltePakethalleCoburg

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