EnviTec Biogas AG

EnviTec Biogas AG

Erneuerbare Energien und Halbleiterproduktion

Biogas Technology - Made in Germany!


>> IMPRINT: https://www.envitec-biogas.com/imprint/ << EnviTec Biogas AG covers the entire value chain for the production of biogas, including the planning and turnkey construction of biogas plants and biogas upgrading plants as well as their commissioning. The company takes charge of biological and technical services on demand, and also offers operational management services. EnviTec operates 89 of its own plants, making it one of the largest biogas producers in Germany. EnviTec’s business activities also include the production and marketing of climate-neutral fuels (bio-LNG) for the transport sector as well as food-grade liquid carbon dioxide (LCO2). The company is represented in 16 countries worldwide by its own companies, sales offices, strategic partners and joint ventures. In 2022, the EnviTec Group generated revenue of EUR 382.8 million and EBT of EUR 66.6 million. The Group currently employs about 640 people. EnviTec Biogas AG has been listed on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange since July 2007.

Erneuerbare Energien und Halbleiterproduktion
501–1.000 Beschäftigte
Kapitalgesellschaft (AG, GmbH, UG etc.)
Biogas, Biogas upgrading, Waste to Energy, Biomethane, Bio-LNG, Green fuels, Anaerobic Digestion, Biogas plant, Méthanisation, Renewable energy, LCO2, RNG, Greenfuels, Bio-LCO2, Gazvert, Biométhane, Greenenergy, Renewables, GNV und Bio-CNG


Beschäftigte von EnviTec Biogas AG


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    ☀️🥂 Das erste #PV Freiflächenprojekt im Gesellschafterkreis der EnviTec Biogas AG speist seit dem 9. Juli #grüneEnergie ins Netz unseres Partners E.DIS Netz GmbH. Das erfolgreiche Projekt in Wuschewier, Gemeinde Neutrebbin im Landkreis Märkisch-Oderland, firmiert unter der Tibo Photovoltaik Wuschewier GmbH & Co. KG und bestätigt einmal mehr die #Technologieoffenheit von Deutschlands größtem Biogasproduzenten. Dank der reibungslosen Zusammenarbeit mit allen Partnern, Projektbeteiligten und dem Einsatz modernster Technologien konnten wir den 58 MWpeak-starken #PVPark innerhalb von 8 Monaten ans 110-KV-Hochspannungsnetz anschließen. 🔌☀️ Mit einem festen Abnehmer für die nächsten zehn Jahre sind wir bestens aufgestellt, um eine zuverlässige und nachhaltige Energieversorgung sicherzustellen - wieder ein Schritt mehr in Richtung #Klimawende! 🌳🌍 🗒️Zahlen, Daten und Fakten rund um die Anlage auf einen Blick: 📍Standort: Neutrebbin OT Wuschewier 🔌Installierte Leistung: 58 MWpeak 🔌Jährliche Stromproduktion: Plan rd 61.000 MWh 🏡Versorgung: Energie für ca. 21.000 Vier-Personen-Haushalte ☀️PV-Module: 101.712 installierte Einheiten #REPowerEU #Solarenergie #Photovoltaik #GrüneTechnologie #ErneuerbareEnergien #ClimateAction Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz, nukleare Sicherheit und Verbraucherschutz (BMUV)

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    Unternehmensseite von Biomethane Industrial Partnership anzeigen, Grafik

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    🚀 Join the Biomethane European Study Tour at the 2nd Forum of the Polska Organizacja Biometanu - Polish Biomethane Organization in Warsaw, September 11-12, 2024! Organised by the Polish Biomethane Organisation and supported by the Biomethane Industrial Partnership, this event aims to foster dialogue among stakeholders from Poland and other EU countries, share insights, and promote opportunities for Poland’s decarbonisation of gas fuels through biomethane. Aligned with the European Commission’s REPowerEU Plan to boost biomethane production, the event will feature high-level representatives from Poland and the EU, as well as key sector stakeholders. 📅 Day 1: Conference and a green gas barbecue. 📅 Day 2: Visit to the Polska Grupa Biogazowa TotalEnergies plant. Highlights include presentations of BIP's latest works and a special exhibition area showcasing industry best practices. We warmly invite BIP members to join this event. Click this link for registration and agenda: https://lnkd.in/dSi84CQx #Biomethane #EnergyTransition #REPowerEU #Sustainability #CleanEnergy #ClimateAction

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    Unternehmensseite von European Biogas Association anzeigen, Grafik

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    Did you know that in 2023, the top seven European countries with the most biomethane plants are France, Germany, the United Kingdom, Italy, the Netherlands, Sweden, and Denmark? Over the past decade, these countries have achieved remarkable growth in biomethane production facilities. Here is a snapshot of their progress from 2011 until now: 🔹 France: from 3 to 653 biomethane plants 🔹 Germany: from 86 plants to 254 biomethane plants 🔹 United Kingdom: from 5 plants to 119 biomethane plants 🔹 Italy: from 0 plants to 114 biomethane plants 🔹 Netherlands: from 16 plants to 76 biomethane plants 🔹 Sweden: from 47 plants to 74 biomethane plants 🔹 Denmark: from 0 plants to 58 biomethane plants Check out the recently published European Biomethane Map for more information: https://lnkd.in/eQrfNjfA #biogas #biomethane #sustainability 

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    🌟 EnviTec Biogas Announces Market Entry in Sweden! 🌟 Premiär för vår innovativa teknik – or in English: Premiere for our innovative technology! Our proven #EnviThan #gasupgrading technology is now setting new standards in #Sweden. Vårgårda-Herrljunga Biogas AB is expanding its plant with a new EnviThan #biomethane plant, which will also meet the required DIN standard for #greenfuel. 🚛 While the rated capacity of the new gas upgrading plant amounts to 402 Nm³ per hour of biomethane (600 Nm³/h of raw biogas, 65 Vol. % Methane), it is already prepared for a capacity expansion of up to 566 Nm³ per hour of biomethane (840 Nm³/h of raw biogas, 65 Vol. % Methane). 🌍 💬 “Our market entry in Sweden once again highlights our overall #expertise and #flexibility in Europe,” says Maurice Markerink, Managing Director of EnviTec Plant Construction. 📯 The scope of delivery includes a completely skid-based raw gas upgrading system, which enables short installation times on site. The portfolio also includes an efficient two-stage gas cooling system, as well as the EnviTec Remote system and plant control developed by EnviTec. The new plant feeds biomethane into a local 4-bar gas network, which is connected to a high-pressure station. Here, it is compressed to 250 bar and delivered to a #CNG filling station. We have been active in the Scandinavian and Baltic markets for 9 years. “Our plants in Denmark are running stably, and also our 4-year-old plants in Estonia continue to attract customers,” reports Markerink. And now, Sweden will also benefit from our innovative technology. We are also celebrating the start of construction on our 100th EnviThan plant, which will help drive the #climatechange on the Danish island of Funen. We are proud to have taken another important step towards a more sustainable future. 🌱🚀 #biogas #adplant #biocng #lng #biolng #rng #co2 #co2neutral #gas #greengas #greenfuels #renewableenergy #biométhane #biometano #biometan #biomethan #wastetoenergy

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    🔋🌍 For over two years, we have partnered with Collins Precast, a leading manufacturer in the upper Midwest, USA, to produce 50 concrete tank elements per week—equivalent to one tank per week. So far, we've completed 22 tanks with 13 more underway. We are proud of this collaboration, which allows us to manufacture tanks locally, leading to significant savings in transportation, time, costs, and #CO2 emissions. 🌱💡 🗨️ "Our design requires minimal site preparation, ensures maximum quality, and enables a tank to be erected in just three days," says Timothy Logan, President of EnviTec Construction, LLC. 🗨️ "We have an additional 13 tanks to install at five different sites in Minnesota, Indiana and New York. In total we are contracted to produce 1,550 concrete elements”, adds Stefan D., General Manager of EnviTec Biogas Construction LLC. 🔗 Learn more https://lnkd.in/e6D7KvuZ 📊 Benefits of Our Local Production: Reduced transportation 🚚 Time and cost savings ⏱️💰 Lower CO2 emissions 🌍💨 Support for local job markets 🏗️ Lars Von Lehmden #biogas #adplant #biogasplant #gasupgrading #rng #biomethane #USA #tankconstruction #greengas #greenfuels

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    The 100th EnviThan #gasupgrading plant is under construction! 🎉 This plant upgrades #biogas from organic materials into #biomethane, a #renewable #energy source with the same applications as #naturalgas. The gas upgrading technology is compactly installed in a shipping container and will be put into operation on the Danish island of Funen later this year. The 10.6-ton container was recently transported to the production hall. Over the next few weeks, it will be equipped with technology to upgrade the biogas. After installation, the container will weigh almost 30 tons. ⚙️🔧 Once installed, the plant will produce 1,000 Nm³ (620 scfm) of biomethane per hour – enough for 4,700 households. 🌱🏡 Our technology, developed with Evonik High Performance Polymers, turns organic waste into #cleanenergy and reduces #CO₂ emissions. 🌍🍃 Learn more about this project: https://lnkd.in/esCYGmpR #adplant #anaerobicdigestion #wastetoenergy #rng #gazvert #greengas #gas #greenfuels #co2neutral

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    ❄️Happy World Refrigeration Day! Zum heutigen Tag der #Kältetechnik wollen wir als Biogasanlagenbauer einmal mehr unser Multitalent #Biogas unter die Lupe nehmen und zeigen, was es alles draufhat – und um die Antwort auf die Frage „Was hat Biogas denn mit Kältetechnik zu tun?“ Neben grünem #Strom, #Wärme oder #Kraftstoff liefert Biogas #LCO2 – flüssiges #Kohlendioxid, das in der Getränkeindustrie unter anderem zur Kühlung, Gefrierung und Karbonisierung eingesetzt wird. Dazu wird #CO2 bei der #Biogasaufbereitung aufgefangen, gereinigt und mit einer speziellen Anlage - wie beispielsweise in unserem BioEnergie Park Güstrow - verflüssigt. So werden unsere jährlich in Güstrow produzierten 18.000 Tonnen LCO2 in Lebensmittelqualität durch den EnviTec-Kunden Carbo Kohlensäurewerke GmbH & Co KG abgenommen. Kohlenstoffdioxid wird immer häufiger als #Kältemittel eingesetzt. Besonders beliebt sind die Einsatzgebiete Supermarktkühlung und industrielle Kälteanlagen. LCO2 kommt jedoch auch in der chemischen Industrie, zum Einsatz. Hier findet es u.a. bei der Herstellung von Polycarbonaten und anderen Kunststoffen Verwendung. Auch in der Produktion von synthetischen Kraftstoffen, einschließlich Kerosin, zeigt LCO2 insbesondere im Rahmen der Energiewende seine vielseitigen Einsatzmöglichkeiten. Biogas – ein echter Alleskönner! #biomethan #technologieoffen #lng #biolng #kohlensäure #gas #grünesgas

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  • Unternehmensseite von EnviTec Biogas AG anzeigen, Grafik

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    🍃Annual General Meeting of EnviTec Biogas AG appreciates positive business performance and approves dividend increase 💸 Dividend of EUR 3.00 per share resolved for the fiscal year 2023 📊 Good business performance in Q1 2024 presented 📅 Forecast for full year 2024 confirmed For the full report: https://lnkd.in/ddMk2A8X Lohne, June 25, 2024 – EnviTec Biogas AG (ISIN: DE000A0MVLS8) today held its Annual General Meeting. Shareholders approved the company's proposed dividend of €3.00 per share. All other agenda items also received broad approval. Joerg Fischer, CFO of EnviTec Biogas AG, emphasized: "We have grown strongly over the past years and have used the successful development to make targeted and substantial investments to ensure our continued success in the future. The investment programme launched in 2021 now totals EUR 200 million, of which around EUR 130 million will already be invested by the end of the year." Fischer added that the company is well on track. In the first three months of 2024, EnviTec achieved a total output of €80.8 million at the group level. For the full year 2024, a total output of €360 to €400 million and an EBT of €40 to €50 million are expected. Olaf von Lehmden, CEO of EnviTec Biogas AG, highlighted: "At the European level, by contrast, we are seeing political support for #biogas as a source of #energy. In particular, the #RePowerEU Plan has led to new momentum in several European markets." In #Germany, there is still insufficient political support for biogas producers, despite the various applications of biogas from #heating to #transportation to #chemical raw materials, enabling a #greengas transition in many areas. Political inaction is particularly evident regarding fraudulent imports from #China. This has led to a sharp decline in #GHG quota prices, creating market uncertainty and hindering long-term investments. #AGM #adplant #gasupgrading #biomethane #lng #biolng #greenfuels #rng #gazvert #cng #biocng #renewable #climatechange #climateaction

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  • Unternehmensseite von EnviTec Biogas AG anzeigen, Grafik

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    🐘 Wie es sich anfühlt, der sprichwörtliche Elefant im Raum zu sein? Befremdlich! So empfand es unser CFO Joerg Fischer , der als Teilnehmer des Biomethane Industrial Partnership Support Group Treffens in Brüssel war. Insgesamt sind 22 EU-Mitgliedsstaaten in der BIP vertreten, um nützliche Erkenntnisse und Leitlinien für die Entwicklung nationaler #Biomethan Ziele, -Strategien und -Politik zu besprechen mit dem Ziel die Biomethanproduktion in der EU auf 35 Mrd. m³ zu steigern. Allesamt haben einen oder mehrere Vertreter der Regierungen für diese Themen in die Task Force 1 der BIP gesandt – nur unsere Homebase #Deutschland glänzt durch Abwesenheit. Als größter Biogasproduzent Deutschlands und Anlagenbauer mit mehr als 22 Jahren Expertise im Markt fehlt uns dafür jedes Verständnis! Die #Klimawende lässt sich nur durch das Zusammenspiel aller EU-Staaten meistern. Das jüngste Treffen der Task Force 1 fand im Zuge der Konferenz Ireland Biomethane Pathway 2030 statt. Auf der Konferenz haben der Umweltminister und der Landwirtschaftsminister ihre nationale Biomethanstrategie vorgestellt. Während Irland mit einer klaren nationalen Biomethan-Strategie voran geht, fehlt es in Deutschland an Entschlossenheit und einem kooperativen, strategischen Ansatz das Multitalent #Biomethan zu pushen. Das ist enttäuschend! Die Herausforderung, die Entwicklung der Industrie zu beschleunigen, um die gesetzten #Klimaziele zu erreichen, ist enorm. Daher braucht es einen internationalen und interdisziplinären Schulterschluss von Landwirten und Entwicklern über Techniker und Forscher bis hin zu Lieferanten, Endverbraucher und - last but not least -Regierungsvertretern. Unser Fazit für Deutschland: Take action now ! ❔ Weitere Fragen? Als Innovationstreiber und Unterstützer der Klimawende stehen wir mit unserem Know-how rund um das Multitalent #Biogas, dem Ausgangsstoff für Biomethan, jederzeit zur Verfügung! Das gilt für Kundenanfragen genauso wie für die Beratung politischer Mandatsträger oder Journalisten. Wir stehen für Technologieoffenheit und Transparenz! Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Klimaschutz Olaf von Lehmden #biogas #gasaufbereitung #lng #biolng #greenfuels #EU #BIPEurope #energiewende #technologieoffenheit #RGFI #Ireland #takeactionnow #elephantintheroom

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    🌟 Successful Certification of Food Safety According to DIN EN ISO 22000 🌟 Our EnviTec Bioenergie Güstrow GmbH has successfully completed certification according to DIN EN ISO 22000. 🎉 This marks another significant milestone for the BioEnergie Park in Güstrow. 🔍 Highest Standards in LCO2 Production 🔍 Our CEO, Olaf von Lehmden, highlights: “This certificate is a testament to the consistently high standards we set for all our products and, in the final analysis, also proves that #biogas is capable of much more than just heat and power generation.” With an annual production of 18,000 tons of liquid carbon dioxide #LCO2 in #foodgrade quality, which is purchased by Carbo Kohlensäurewerke GmbH & Co KG, we support the development of environmentally friendly technologies and industrial processes with this sustainable resource. 🌱 Green LCO2 for a Sustainable Future 🌱 The LCO2 we produce from biogas is of the highest purity and is used not only in the beverage industry but also in many other industrial sectors, such as the chemical industry. LCO2 is an indispensable raw material used in the production of polycarbonates and other plastics. In the production of synthetic fuels, including #kerosene, LCO2 demonstrates its versatility, particularly in the context of the energy transition. 🔗 For more information, please read our press release. https://lnkd.in/ep474ggn #adplat #biomethane #gasupgrading #rng #CO2 #CO2neutral #foodindustry #carbonation #ISO #certified #renewable #sustainable #greengas #greenfuels ISO - International Organization for Standardization

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