


Denver, CO 3.319 Follower:innen

Lösungen für die sektorübergreifende Energiewende


encoord GmbH und encoord, LLC sind zwei Softwareunternehmen mit Sitz in Essen, Deutschland und Denver, Colorado, USA. Unsere Mission ist Entscheidern Lösungen und Werkzeuge in die Hand zu legen, um die ökonomisch und ökologisch richtigen Entscheidungen im Bezug auf die globale sektorübergreifenden Energiewende zu treffen. Um dieses Ziel zu erreichen, entwickeln wir innovative Softwarelösungen für die Planung und Koordination der Sektorenkopplung, die wir zusammen mit unserer Erfahrung und Expertise in der Energisystemmodellierung den strategischen Netzplanern, -entwicklern und -betreibern zur Verfügung stellen. Unser Hauptprodukt ist SAInt, eine integrierte und sektorübergreifende Softwarelösung für die Planung, Modellierung und Berechnung von gekoppelten Energienetzen in einer einzigen Modellierungs- und Simulationsumgebung und grafischer Benutzeroberfläche. Die aktuelle Version von SAInt kann große Strom- und Gasnetze, die unter anderem über Gaskraftwerke, Power-To-Gas Anlagen und elektrisch betriebene Verdichterstationen miteinander bidirektional gekoppelt sind, modellieren und berechnen.

11–50 Beschäftigte
Denver, CO
Sector Coupling, Energy Transitions, Energy Systems Integration, Sektorkopplung, Simulation & Optimization Software, Gas Power Plants, Power to Gas, Power and Gas System Interaction, Hydrogen, Energy Planning und Decarbonization



Beschäftigte von encoord


  • Unternehmensseite von encoord anzeigen, Grafik

    3.319 Follower:innen

    encoord is excited to share a blog post outlining the first steps of a major milestone in energy grid stability! Read it here: https://lnkd.in/djBaEKpf For the first part of 2024 Dr. Jacob Kravits and Dr. Wallace Kenyon have been researching and developing a develop a cutting-edge hybrid phasor/EMT dynamic stability assessment tool. This tool combines high-fidelity electromagnetic transient simulations with traditional methods to address the complex challenges of modern power grids. The tool is planned to launch by 2025. Dr. Kravits and Dr. Kenyon, backed by the NSF SBIR program, gathered insights from 40 industry experts to guide their approach as they build the tool. Curious to learn more? Click the link above to read Dr. Kravits’ blog post and download it for a more in-depth look at the research results. And sign up for our email list to stay in the loop on this project and other important projects at encoord! https://lnkd.in/d7Wz8ynE #energytransition #energy #technology

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  • Unternehmensseite von encoord anzeigen, Grafik

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    📢 encoord's William Frazier is presenting this week at a conference hosted by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and taking place in Washington, D.C. The conference will bring together experts from various sectors to explore software innovations for topics like climate change and extreme weather forecasting, integrated energy network planning, AI integration for planning efficiency, grid-enhancing technologies, and integration of DERs and storage. Will’s presentation is titled “A Planning Solution that Captures the Physics of Electric and Gas Networks” and will highlight the importance of Integrated Energy Network Planning, which coordinates between electric and gas networks to enhance efficiency, reliability, and economic performance. To see more information on the conference, visit: https://lnkd.in/gQYEFmp6 #IntegratedEnergyPlanning #EnergyTransition #FERC

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  • Unternehmensseite von encoord anzeigen, Grafik

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    What does Integrated Planning mean to you? We’re excited to announce our partnership with ESIG (Energy Systems Integration Group) as we build an Integrated Planning Guidebook. This guidebook helps utilities integrate practical planning processes to deliver clean, affordable, and reliable energy. During the first Integrated System Planning Forum meeting, we ran a poll that captured how people are thinking about integrated planning. The pictured word cloud shows the words that appeared the most. We are also looking for more input! You can help us by: 🗣️Recommending yourself or other interviewees. We’re looking for planners at utilities and system operators who have implemented different forms of integrated planning or who are facing challenges that could be alleviated or resolved with the integration of existing planning processes. 📄 Sharing with us any publicly available integrated planning studies. Please email us recommendations and studies at [email protected]. #EnergyPlanning #EnergyTransition #Innovation

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  • Unternehmensseite von encoord anzeigen, Grafik

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    We are thrilled to announce that encoord has been awarded an Early-Stage Capital and Retention Grant by the Colorado Office of Economic Development and International Trade (OEDIT) and their Advanced Industries Accelerator Program. This grant will help us continue to grow our company in Colorado and further our work with utility customers around Integrated Energy Network Planning. A huge thank you to OEDIT for this recognition and to those who continue to help us achieve our mission to accelerate the energy transition! To see more on the grant: https://lnkd.in/gUB37rvW #Innovation #EnergyPlanning #ColoradoBusiness #CleanTech #OEDIT

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  • Unternehmensseite von encoord anzeigen, Grafik

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    Recently, encoord CEO Carlo Brancucci attended the WIRES Spring Member meeting in Chicago, IL. The meeting included a keynote address from the FERC Commissioner and panels on topics such as integration of energy planning and collaboration in transmission planning. Carlo sat on the panel around the integration of energy planning to provide insight around integrated planning in energy infrastructure, and the need to align expertise, criteria, and planning platforms to foster collaboration and informed decision-making. See the full video of the event: https://lnkd.in/gxsCkKgq

  • Unternehmensseite von encoord anzeigen, Grafik

    3.319 Follower:innen

    encoord's Dr. Nicola Zaccarelli will be presenting at a Hypergryd Project EU workshop on 8 May in Turin, Italy titled "Innovative Soutions for Expanding and Optimizing District Heating Infrastructures". The conference will focus on the project's cutting-edge tools designed for the integration of electrical and thermal energy networks. Dr. Zaccarelli will be outlining how encoord's software SAInt is being used for the project and the process of cosimulation of thermal and electric networks. To register to attend, or to join the online version of the event, visit: https://lnkd.in/dMrZXDy6 #districtheating #smartgrids #energytransition #integratedenergynetworkplanning

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  • Unternehmensseite von encoord anzeigen, Grafik

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    encoord recently organized a series of two webinars for the EU-funded FLEXIndustries project. The first webinar was titled "The Economics of Electrolyzer Flexibility in the Future Power Systems", and included Dr. Bri-Mathias Hodge discussing the role of hydrogen in the future of decarbonized energy systems with electrolysis as a key production method. The presentation emphasized the importance of integrating flexibility into electrolyzer operations to optimize economic benefits amid anticipated power system price changes. The second webinar, "Reviewing flexibility in industrial electrification: Focusing on green ammonia and steel in the United States", included Elizabeth Wachs discussing the need for increased flexibility in the energy transition to help reduce reliance on peaking power plants and facilitate decarbonization. The webinar covered current innovation systems in the United States and how they lack explicit connections between greenhouse gas emissions and flexibility, hindering the integration of flexible demand into industrial decarbonization efforts. What is FLEXIndustries? FLEXIndustries aims to implement energy efficiency measures and process flexibility techniques across seven sectors, ensuring seamless integration with electrical and heating networks. The project's objectives include developing a flexibility assessment methodology, enhancing connectivity between information and operational technology domains in energy, delivering a dynamic energy management platform, promoting energy clustering methods, validating solutions in real industrial settings, and designing sustainable business models for an inclusive energy transition in energy-intensive industries. See more on the project here: https://flexindustries.eu/ #energytransition #FLEXIndustries #energyplanning

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  • Unternehmensseite von encoord anzeigen, Grafik

    3.319 Follower:innen

    🌍 Transform how you visualize energy networks! SAInt version 3.4 adds a unique geographic map feature to enhance the visualization of models, data, and simulation results.   For the first time ever, planners can accurately overlay physical electricity, gas, and thermal networks on a geographic map for precise and intuitive electrification planning.   New features of the map include: ▶️ Network display on OpenStreetMap for enhanced geographic context. ▶️ Enhanced labeling capabilities for objects and map views. ▶️ Revised legends for branches and nodes, boosting data visualization. ▶️ Support for various coordinate systems for seamless data import/export. ▶️ Layered maps for efficient organization, grouping, and object visualization.   SAInt Version 3.4 also introduces more exciting functionalities, including unbalanced AC power flow simulation, expansion of thermal network simulation, and improved production cost modeling.   Read the article for more information: https://lnkd.in/g7ah6ACM #energytransition #datavisualization #SAInt 

    encoord | SAInt 3.4: Visualize and implement distributed energy resources | encoord

    encoord | SAInt 3.4: Visualize and implement distributed energy resources | encoord


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