Dr. Oetker

Dr. Oetker

Nahrungsmittel- und Getränkeherstellung

Bielefeld, Nordrhein-Westfalen 127.662 Follower:innen

Creating a Taste of Home!


Mit Qualität Zukunft gestalten! Als eins der bekanntesten und beliebtesten Markenartikelunternehmen sind wir mehr als 40 Ländern tätig, haben weltweit über 17.000 Mitarbeiter und bieten vielfältige nationale wie internationale Entwicklungsmöglichkeiten. Von der Gründung 1891 bis heute ist Dr. Oetker vor allem eines geblieben: ein Familienunternehmen mit einer mitarbeiterorientierten Unternehmenskultur. Deshalb tun wir viel dafür, dass unsere Mitarbeiter sich bei uns wohlfühlen und sich langfristig entwickeln können. Als Teil unseres Teams werden Sie das vom ersten Tag an erleben. Im kollegialen Austausch arbeiten alle bei Dr. Oetker, national wie international, eng zusammen. Als regional verwurzeltes und gleichzeitig weltweit tätiges Familienunternehmen ermöglichen wir motivierten und engagierten Mitarbeitern vielseitige Chancen und interessante Aufgaben. Dabei fördern wir unsere Mitarbeiter individuell, geben ihnen Freiräume und eröffnen ihnen durch ein umfangreiches Weiterbildungsangebot die Möglichkeit, ihre Zukunft bei uns nach ihrem Geschmack zu gestalten. Unser Ziel ist, dass alle ihr volles Potenzial ausschöpfen können und persönlich wachsen. Ebenso bieten wir internationale Einsatzmöglichkeiten und gleichzeitig die Aussicht auf eine langfristige Beschäftigung. Wir laden Sie ein, die Zukunft dieses Unternehmens und dieser Marke mitzugestalten. Setzen Sie auf Qualität – auch für Ihre Karriere. Sind Sie auf den Geschmack gekommen? Dann besuchen Sie uns unter www.oetker.de/karriere

Nahrungsmittel- und Getränkeherstellung
10.001 Beschäftigte
Bielefeld, Nordrhein-Westfalen


Beschäftigte von Dr. Oetker


  • Unternehmensseite von Dr. Oetker anzeigen, Grafik

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    This year, 18 of our country organizations participated in the Veganuary campaign. Under the motto "A little more vegan" colleagues from all over the world shared their motivation to participate in Veganuary, as well as their favorite recipes and experiences.🌱💬 The staff restaurants in our national companies in Germany, Italy and France offered a daily vegan lunch menu in January, and at our headquarters people could win a vegan cooking seminar in our test kitchen. Find out more about Veganuary at Dr. Oetker and the growing demand for plant-based alternatives in our employee restaurant in the comments.⤵️

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    Ob Hafer, Soja oder Mandel – vegane Milchalternativen sind im Trend. 🥛🌱 Solche Entwicklungen haben unsere Mitarbeitenden in der Versuchsküche immer im Blick und testen daher schon seit langem die Zubereitung von Dr. Oetker-Dessertprodukten mit verschiedenen Pflanzendrinks. Auch vegane Rezepte werden mehr und mehr entwickelt. Zum Beispiel ein leckerer veganer Mandelpudding. 🍮🍽️ In unseren Dr. Oetker Stories geben unsere Kolleg*innen einen Einblick in ihre Versuche: https://lnkd.in/eBKXXdHz

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  • Unternehmensseite von Dr. Oetker anzeigen, Grafik

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    Get to know our offices 📍 1961: Dr. Oetker Arrives in #Canada!🗺️🌅 Since establishing a Canadian subsidiary in 1961, Dr. Oetker has grown to employ over 400 people across two production plants in Mississauga and London, Ontario. The Pizza Production Facility in London opened in 2014 and just celebrated its 10th anniversary. 🥳 Congratulations Dr. Oetker Canada Ltd! The Dr. Oetker products manufactured here are distributed domestically and even reach the tables in in the #USA and #Australia!🌎 The production facility produce a wide variety of treats, from pizzas and sauces to cooking powders, spice blends, baked goods, and dessert mixes.🧁🍰😍 Find more information about our locations here: https://lnkd.in/eBTFGHHu 🗺️

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  • Unternehmensseite von Dr. Oetker anzeigen, Grafik

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    Great news for International Day of Awareness on Food Loss and Waste Reduction! 😊 Germans are already going to great lengths to waste as little food as possible: For example, 55 percent of those surveyed said that they already make sure they shop consciously. Around 51 percent simply freeze food whenever possible and 44 percent think carefully about what they can prepare from leftovers. Only six percent of those surveyed simply throw food away unchecked after the best-before date. This is one of the findings of the Dr. Oetker Study on the topic of "Food Waste", which was conducted by the market research institute YouGov Germany GmbH on behalf of Dr. Oetker with 2,027 respondents. Dr. Oetker is committed to as little food waste as possible in production and warehouses every day - and supports consumers in paying attention to this at home. International Day of Awareness of Food Loss and Waste is a United Nations-sanctioned designated awareness day observed annually on 29 September with the goal to raise awareness of the importance of food loss and waste. Find more information here: https://lnkd.in/e3kASxZC

  • Unternehmensseite von Dr. Oetker anzeigen, Grafik

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    A delicious vegan dessert, a raffle and the chance to get to know our sustainability team? 🤝 🌱 Yesterday, we invited colleagues from our headquarter in #Bielefeld to indulge in our sustainability actions right after lunch. A video showed the many colleagues worldwide driving sustainability at Dr. Oetker - for example our colleagues in Johannesburg, South Africa, who explained how their on-site photovoltaic-system fulfills nearly 30% of their energy requirements. In Łebcz, Poland our colleagues successfully reduced the food waste outcome to 1,4% in 2023, a historical result. 🚀 Many more ideas were discussed, while others checked their knowledge in a raffle on sustainability at Dr. Oetker. Everybody left happy and inspired with a free dessert from our vegan "LoVE IT!" range. 🍮 If you want to learn more about our sustainability initiatives, check out the link in the comments and our Sustainability Charter.🌳

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  • Unternehmensseite von Dr. Oetker anzeigen, Grafik

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    What does the future taste like? 😋🤔 The Lebensmittel Zeitung Food & Beverage Innovation Day in #Düsseldorf was all about trends in the food and beverage industry and how to drive innovations. Dr. Matthias Berger, Senior Executive Manager R&D for Innovation and Development at Dr. Oetker, joined a panel discussion with Dr. Jörg Bernard from Südzucker and Anian Schreiber from Koa Impact on “Sugar, sweetener or neither? - How will the taste be achieved in the future?”. At Dr. Oetker we have set ourselves the ambitious goal to reduce 10% of sugar in our cake ranges and 15% in our desserts until 2025. We know, people need to and want to eat less sugar – but we can not take any compromise on taste. By taking a step-by-step approach, we make sure that we adapt recipes to less sugar, so that our consumers like them just as much as before - or even more. In the past years, we’ve been reducing sugar, e.g. in our chilled dessert assortments and Vitalis range and also brought products to market, that are low in or without sugar. We put sugar to the test in our Dr. Oetker Stores. Link in the comments ⤵️

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    With safety first we make no exception! ⚠️ In line with our sustainability goals and our purpose, we at Dr. Oetker are also significantly developing the topic of occupational safety. The aim is to ensure a safe and healthy working environment for all employees at all Dr. Oetker production sites around the world. This has been achieved by gradually introducing a globally recognized standard in the area of occupational health and safety management systems based on ISO 45001 at all production sites since 2021. 🦺🌍 In our Dr. Oetker Stories our colleagues explain, why safety first is crucial for us: https://lnkd.in/eJbYDcre

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  • Unternehmensseite von Dr. Oetker anzeigen, Grafik

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    Challenge accepted! As a proud partner of TUM Venture Labs, we are looking forward to contribute two challenges to the upcoming #GrowthAlliance idea camp, a hackathon for students passionate about future technologies and innovative solutions in the agriculture and food industries. Our challenges align with our Dr. Oetker sustainability charter goal of becoming net zero by 2050. 1️⃣What does an investment tool for Regenerative Agriculture look like? How can we scientifically validate the benefits of regenerative agriculture to convince key stakeholders like investors, companies, and farmers? 2️⃣How do we create a net zero pizza?🍕 How can we make every step of a pizza's life cycle—from raw material cultivation, logistics, and production to sales and consumption—completely CO2-neutral? We’re excited for the hackathon and can’t wait to see the brilliant ideas that emerge!💡 Find out more about our efforts on driving sustainability and becoming net zero in the comments.⤵️

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  • Unternehmensseite von Dr. Oetker anzeigen, Grafik

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    Are you curious to see how regenerative agriculture can go mainstream?🤔 Sign up for the "FAB Talk Regenerative AgriFood Systems" on October 22nd at the TUM Venture Labs FAB in #Weihenstephan! From 2-6 p.m. it is all about making regenerative agriculture accessible to the mass market. Sponsored by #DrOetker, the event supports our ambitious goal of reaching net zero by 2050. The event will kick off with an opening by Prof. Ingrid Kögel-Knabner, a renowned expert in soil science. Thereafter, students, startups, scientists, and industry leaders will hear insightful keynotes by Prof. Livia Cabernard (Sustainability Assessment of AgFood Systems Technische Universität München) and Dr. Albert Christmann, CEO at Dr. Oetker. The keynotes are followed by a dynamic panel discussion on “Sustainability in the Mass Market”. Another highlight will be pitches from the #IdeaCamp by #GrowthAlliance together with TUM Venture Labs, showcasing how innovative teams are tackling real challenges e.g., What can an investment tool for regenerative agriculture look like? And can we really create a net zero pizza?🍕🤔 During the networking session, you will have the opportunity to dive deeper into these topics and engage in meaningful conversations in a relaxed atmosphere and to look at the start-up and root-to-fork exhibitions. Sign up for the FAB Talk event with the link in the comments.⤵️

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  • Unternehmensseite von Dr. Oetker anzeigen, Grafik

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    Der Expert*innen Kreis Organisationsentwicklung OWL trifft sich, um sich über Themen der Organisationsentwicklung auszutauschen und über Unternehmensgrenzen hinweg zu vernetzen. Die Teilnehmer*innen verbindet ein Interesse für Change Management und Zusammenarbeit. ✨ Nach Events bei Schüco International KG und Weidmüller Deutschland, fand letzte Woche bereits das dritte Treffen statt – dieses Mal bei Dr. Oetker. 🎉 Nach einem Speed-Dating zum Kennenlernen wurden in drei parallelen Sessions folgende Themen diskutiert: 💡 Performance Management 💡 Learning CLAAS und Lernkultur 💡 Umgang mit Change-Müdigkeit Den Abschluss bildete eine Führung durch die Dr. Oetker Welt, gefolgt von einem entspannten Get-together mit der Möglichkeit sich bei Kuchen, Desserts und Pizza auszutauschen. 🍰🍕

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