


Die erste ganzheitliche Plattform zur Rückforderung Ihrer Quellensteuer auf ausländische Dividenden.


Steigern Sie Ihr Dividendeneinkommen in wenigen Minuten. DivTax ist eine Plattform, die es Aktienanlegern ermöglicht, ihre zu viel gezahlten Quellensteuern auf ausländische Dividenden zurückzufordern. Vollständig digital, schnell und sicher.

2–10 Beschäftigte
Kapitalgesellschaft (AG, GmbH, UG etc.)


Beschäftigte von DivTax


  • Unternehmensseite von DivTax anzeigen, Grafik

    372 Follower:innen

    📣 We’re excited to announce that we closed our Pre-Seed funding round and are welcoming Philipp Langnickel and Dr. Ralph Müller among others on board. 📈 The additional funds allow us to expand our team, accelerate the completion of our product, and advance our ambitious go-to-market goals. This funding brings us a big step closer to our mission of empowering every investor to maximize their dividends. ⏱ As we reflect on our journey, now just over a year old, this milestone marks a significant achievement. Since founding DivTax in July 2024, we’ve been selected for the IFB Innovationsstarter GmbH FinTech grant, which enabled us to make strategic hires like Julian, Tom, and Sophia. As we delved deeper into the complex world of withholding taxes, we partnered with Fabian to establish DivTax-Legal, ensuring compliance with legal requirements. Fairs like Invest and Taxarena provided invaluable opportunities to connect with customers and refine our offering. We’re particularly pleased with our first partnerships with Parqet, DivvyDiary, and divTimer UG (haftungsbeschränkt) & Co. KG, who share our commitment to providing the best tools for dividend investors. Recently, we launched our B2C product in the first few countries and are working hard to improve it every day—exciting features are coming soon! 🙏 None of this would have been possible without our partners, customers, and industry friends who consistently offer invaluable advice along the way. If the challenge to revolutionize dividend investing with us sounds interesting for you, check the comments for our open position! We can’t wait for whats to come, stay tuned!

  • Unternehmensseite von DivTax anzeigen, Grafik

    372 Follower:innen

    DivTax is live! We are more than happy to announce the launch of DivTax, the worlds first fully automatic withholding tax reclaim platform that covers the whole tax reclaim process! This means: no more requesting tax certificates, filling out forms, or sending letters abroad. Just sit back and watch your tax refund land in your bank account. We already reclaimed a five-figure amount of withholding taxes from abroad for the first customers. The team worked hard in the past months to create a solution for dividend investors struggling with reclaiming withholding taxes paid on foreign dividends. Together with DivTax Legal we are now able to boost the dividend income of private investors by up to 25%— fully digital and in just a few minutes. Our first rollout caters to German-based investors reclaiming taxes from Switzerland and Norway. More countries and investor geographies will follow soon. While our current version requires some manual input, we're actively working on further automations, including (among others) Open Banking integrations and dividend databases with a clear product vision in mind. Register now and start making the most out of your dividends: https://div.tax! #Fintech #DivTax #WithholdingTaxes #TaxReclaim #DividendInvesting #TaxTech

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  • Unternehmensseite von DivTax anzeigen, Grafik

    372 Follower:innen

    🤝 New Partnership: Parqet & DivTax 🤝 We are excited to announce our strategic partnership with Parqet! Parqet is one of the leading portfolio trackers enabling private investors to visualize and analyse all of their assets as well as their dividend earnings in one place. We're obviously big fans of their withholding tax dashboard, which provides customers with detailed information about the foreign taxes paid on their dividends. To be fair, we might be a bit biased here. 😇 This partnership is a natural fit: while Parqet helps you stay in control of your portfolio and informed about your paid taxes, DivTax empowers you to reclaim those taxes and increase your dividends by efficiently reclaiming withholding taxes in a matter of minutes. We look forward to work with Sumit and team to make an impact for European dividend investors. Stay tuned! #fintech #partnership #dividends

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  • Unternehmensseite von DivTax anzeigen, Grafik

    372 Follower:innen

    DivTax is growing! ⚖️ We're excited to welcome Fabian as our General Counsel and Head of DivTax-Legal. Fabian is leading the charge in tackling every legal challenge we encounter and manages the reclaims submitted through DivTax Legal. While building DivTax, we realized that to be the first fintech to cover the whole withholding tax reclaim process, we needed a unique legal setup. This led to the creation of DivTax Legal. Fabians expertise has been crucial in making this a reality and we are more than excited to offer our customers this holistic solution. 🏍️ When Fabian is not in the office, he is an enthusiastic motorbike rider and a devoted Honda fan. Whether he's cruising on his bike or strategizing our next legal move, Fabian brings passion and innovation to everything he does. Fabian, we can’t wait to collaborate with you to break down tax barriers, boost cross-border investments, and increase private investors' dividend income! ↩️ #fintech #dividends #investing #tax

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  • DivTax hat dies direkt geteilt

    Unternehmensseite von DivTax-Legal anzeigen, Grafik

    18 Follower:innen

    Nichts läuft ohne einen guten Rechtsanwalt: Nach diesem Motto kooperieren DivTax und DivTax-Legal um gemeinsam Ihren Kunden die All-Inclusive-Lösung zur volldigitalen Rückerstattung Ihrer Quellensteuer zu ermöglichen. Updates zum Service und zur Kooperation zwischen DivTax und DivTax-Legal erhalten Sie fortan auch auf dieser Seite. Stay Tuned!

    DivTax-Legal | LinkedIn

    DivTax-Legal | LinkedIn


  • Unternehmensseite von DivTax anzeigen, Grafik

    372 Follower:innen

    DivTax at Invest! Friday and Saturday our founders Julius, Linus and Nicolas represented DivTax at Germany's leading private investor fair Invest in Stuttgart. It was great (re-)connecting with so many potential customers and partners while gathering valuable feedback for our product. 'Danksche' and 'a dickes Lob' to the whole Messe Stuttgart team for a flawless organization. Now, back in Hamburg, we're fueled by an extra dose of motivation and are eagerly working towards our upcoming launch. See you next time! 👋 Christian W. Röhl, Thomas Soltau, Sumit Kumar, Lisa Osada, Thomas Kehl, Dr. Gerd Kommer, Nathalie Richert, Tammo Elsner, Tarik El Bouazzaoui, Torsten Tiedt, Lukas Söllner, Divantis and many more! #fintech #investing #Invest #MesseStuttgart

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  • Unternehmensseite von DivTax anzeigen, Grafik

    372 Follower:innen

    🤝 New Partnership: DivvyDiary & DivTax 🤝 We are very happy to announce that we are joining forces with DivvyDiary within a strategic partnership! DivvyDiary is a well-known dividend investment tracker providing dividend investors with the tools they need to monitor and manage their dividend income efficiently. This partnership is a natural fit: while DivvyDiary helps you monitor dividend income, DivTax empowers you to increase those dividends by efficiently reclaiming withholding taxes in a matter of minutes. We look forward to work with Johannes and Max to make an impact for European dividend investors. Stay tuned! #fintech #startup #dividends #stockinvesting #partnership

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  • DivTax hat dies direkt geteilt

    Unternehmensseite von Invest anzeigen, Grafik

    1.380 Follower:innen

    🤔 Unkompliziert und vollständig digital? Mit DivTax kannst du deine ausländische Quellensteuer einfach erstatten lassen. Wir freuen uns, DivTax als weiteren Aussteller der Invest 2024 vorzustellen. 👉 DivTax übernimmt für dich die Beantragung der Erstattung von Quellensteuer, die auf ausländische Dividenden gezahlt wurde und decken den ganzen Prozess ab - vom Ausfüllen bis zum Absenden der Dokumente. Steigere deine Dividenden um bis zu 20% mit der Erstattung der Dividendenrate. Lerne DivTax auf der Invest 2024 kennen!  #divtax #messestuttgart #aussteller #investnow

  • Unternehmensseite von DivTax anzeigen, Grafik

    372 Follower:innen

    The fantastic five! 👨👨👦👦👨🔧 We’re pumped to welcome Tom as the fifth member to DivTax! As our newest addition to the Engineering team, he will play a crucial role in the ramp-up of our upcoming launch and everything beyond – ensuring that every private investor gets the most out of their dividends. Next to many years in software development, Tom captured our full attention with one of his (many) innovative side projects - a guessing game utilizing the Spotify API — destined to be crowned as the new favorite office game. 🎵 Tom, let’s change dividend investing for the better together! #newhire #fintech #investing

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  • Unternehmensseite von DivTax anzeigen, Grafik

    372 Follower:innen

    🎙 DivTax got interviewed! Our co-founder Nicolas sat down with Dennis Weller from TaxTech News for an insightful interview discussing our journey so far, challenges in founding a company in the tax-space and the wonderful world of withholding taxes among other topics. A big thank you to Dennis for the engaging conversation and for featuring us as the launching guest on the Founder-Talks series. It was a pleasure! Read the full interview: https://lnkd.in/dKY3zzwr #taxtech #interview #founder #earlystage #fintech #investing

    TaxTech Talk with Nicolas Oldag from DivTax | "Our ambitions go beyond individual users" | TaxTech News

    TaxTech Talk with Nicolas Oldag from DivTax | "Our ambitions go beyond individual users" | TaxTech News


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110.077,00 $

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