Common Goal

Common Goal


Football is a team game and so is social change


Common Goal is a global impact movement for the world of football, rooted in the belief that the world’s most popular sport is one of the few cultural forces strong enough to help shift society towards a more sustainable and equitable future for all. The movement unites organisations, athletes, clubs, brands and other stakeholders in football to radically collaborate towards the wellbeing of our people and planet. To do so, Common Goal develops scalable impact solutions to tackle humanity’s biggest challenges and provides opportunities for everyone that is part of the football community to contribute. Common Goal is a movement for everyone that loves football and wants the game to be the best version of itself, driving positive transformation within the game and inspiring everyone to work together in support of our people and planet.

11–50 Beschäftigte


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    Unternehmensseite von ROOF Football anzeigen, Grafik

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    ROOF X COMMON GROUND X KICKFAIR 🤝 Football is a powerful tool for bringing people together and creating shared memories. That's why we are delighted to have been part of the most recent Common Goal event, the Common Ground #24 Festival in Munich. Under the headline ‘Play Lead Create: Democracy Happens Here’, 50 young people from six secondary schools came together and organized a street football tournament for more than 140 students from Munich. ⚽️ It was a pleasure to meet fellow supporters such as KICKFAIR e.V., Stiftung Kick ins Leben as well as our partner Common Goal. Together we were able to experience how communication on and off the football pitch creates unity, how decision-making is supported through active negotiation and how diversity can be beneficial, be it cultural, linguistic or through different perspectives. It was also refreshing to see how children and young people live the values of fair play, teamwork and respect. 💯 ROOF would like to thank Common Goal and Kickfair for their hospitality and organization of the event. We learnt, laughed and witnessed first-hand what people can achieve with motivation, empathy and commitment. 💪 #commongoal #kickfair #bettertogether

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  • Unternehmensseite von Common Goal anzeigen, Grafik

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    "As players, we have a responsibility to draw attention to those problems." Common Goal member Jessie Fleming has been talking to The Athletic's Jessy Parker Humphreys about why she is passionate about environmental action. It was revealed on Tuesday that Jessie will be taking responsibility for her carbon costs built up over the 2023/24 season. We're proud to have Jessie as a part of the movement 👏 Read the full interview on The Athletic 👇

    Jessie Fleming interview: Adapting to the NWSL, her Chelsea exit and pushing for environmental change

    Jessie Fleming interview: Adapting to the NWSL, her Chelsea exit and pushing for environmental change

  • Unternehmensseite von Common Goal anzeigen, Grafik

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    🎥 We're proud to announce the launch of the 'Every Child Is A Champion' project in collaboration with The LEGO Foundation and AMANDLA Social Enterprises. Together, we've teamed up to produce an initiative that provides an environment for young people to develop within a safe space with the opportunity to play football. Allowing young people the opportunity and freedom to play is vital to their early stages development. The pilot phase is underway at multiple Safe-Hub Global sites across South Africa and will provide safe environments for children to play, learn, and ultimately thrive. #EveryChildIsAChampion

  • Unternehmensseite von Common Goal anzeigen, Grafik

    14.188 Follower:innen

    👏 Canada captain and Common Goal member Jessie Fleming is taking environmental responsbility for the costs of her carbon emissions. The Portland Thorns star has teamed up with Football For Future and pledged to compensate for her travel across the entire 2023/24 season by directly supporting Zero Foodprint, a community regenarative farming initiative. Find out more 📲

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  • Unternehmensseite von Common Goal anzeigen, Grafik

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    Speaking at the Football for Sustainability Summit last week, Rio Ferdinand offered his insight into how the football industry can come together to impact the world around them for good: "Footballers want to help, they know they have the power and platform to do so. "But we've always approached these things as individuals in the past, and it's the complete opposite way to what you should do. "You need to be collaborative, I think that is becoming more apparent to players in understanding that. "Unless we all align, you cannot make impact, you cannot make a real cut-through to the heart of what these issues are." 📸 act.3 #fss2024 #footballforsustainability

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  • Unternehmensseite von Common Goal anzeigen, Grafik

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    The power of football in full flow ❤️ Last week, Common Goal brought together hundreds of people working to use the sport to make a positive and sustainable impact on the world around them. From community organisations that have been collaborating with Common Goal for years to new friends looking to help create transformative impact, we were truly inspired by a week that reinforced our belief that football can deliver positive society-wide change. Thank you to everyone who participated in The Berlin Forum and the Football for Sustainability Summit. This is the story of a week of collaboration and a small glimpse of the potential that exists in the Beautiful Game. Now it’s time to turn words in action.

  • Unternehmensseite von Common Goal anzeigen, Grafik

    14.188 Follower:innen

    Really great to see this from Common Goal members Fortuna Düsseldorf 👏 Their 'Fortuna für Alle' initiative was rolled out during the 2023/24 season, allowing supporters free entry to the MERKUR SPIEL-ARENA for three games during the campaign. That trial has been a huge success and will continue into the 2024/25 season with access to four games now being made available for free. In a time where extorinate ticket prices make football less and less accessible to the majority of fans, to see a project like this where supporters are being put front and centre should be applauded. Power to Fortuna and we hope that their efforts inspire other clubs to follow suit.

    Unternehmensseite von Fortuna Düsseldorf anzeigen, Grafik

    9.858 Follower:innen

    Der Weg funktioniert: Wir ziehen Bilanz nach einem Jahr „Fortuna für alle“ 🔴 ⚪ Im April 2023 stellten wir unsere neue strategische Ausrichtung „Fortuna für alle“ vor. Jetzt – mehr als ein Jahr später – ziehen wir eine erste umfangreiche Bilanz. Beim Blick auf die Zahlen, Daten und Meilensteine wird deutlich: Der Weg funktioniert und wird natürlich auch 2024/25 konsequent weitergegangen – mit insgesamt vier Freispielen, auf die sich die Fans freuen dürfen. Alle Details und unsere Freispiele 2024/25: „Wir können es nur immer wieder betonen: Ein ‚Weiter so‘ war für uns keine Option. Die Entwicklung mit stark gestiegenen Kosten und rückläufigen TV-Einnahmen bestätigen uns dabei. Ohne ‚Fortuna für alle‘ ständen wir heute wahrscheinlich vor schweren Entscheidungen“, betont unser Vorstandsvorsitzender Alexander Jobst. „Es ist unsere Antwort darauf, wie wir als Verein mit den Herausforderungen im deutschen Profifußball umgehen und wieder erstklassig spielen wollen.“ Die wichtigsten Zahlen, Daten und Meilensteine von „Fortuna für alle“: ➡ Die Fortuna wird von den Fans positiver wahrgenommen! Und: 70 Prozent der Fortunen, die sich an einer Saisonabschlussumfrage mit 20.000 Teilnehmern beteiligten, blicken positiv auf „Fortuna für alle“. ➡ Tolle Zahlen aus dem Ticketing! 350.000 Ticketanfragen für die Freispiele, geringe No-Show-Rates, gesteigerte Ticketeinnahmen um 28 Prozent, 19 Prozent mehr Dauerkarten verkauft als 2023/24! ➡ Wachstum in weiteren Bereichen! Die Erlöse im Sponsoring (45 Prozent) und Merchandising (44 Prozent) sind deutlich gestiegen. Wir haben mittlerweile 33.000 Mitglieder! ➡ Wir haben langfristige Partnerschaften geschlossen! Die Laufzeiten für Brust- und Ärmelsponsor sowie mit unserem Ausrüster laufen alle bis mindestens 2028. Das heißt: Planungssicherheit! Aber: „Wir brauchen weitere Partner, um unsere Ziele zur erreichen. Das gehört zur Wahrheit. Wir merken, dass wir unterschätzt haben, wie lange es dauert und wie schwer es ist, Unternehmen von dieser Art des Sponsorings zu überzeugen. Es ist Geduld gefragt“, so Alexander Jobst. ➡ Eine vertrauensvolle Zusammenarbeit mit der Landeshauptstadt Düsseldorf! Mit dieser wurde ein gemeinsames Vermarktungskonzept implementiert. Die Fortuna verdient seit Frühjahr 2024 erstmals am Public Catering mit. Gemeinsam mit unserem Wegbereiter HPE wollen wir die Arena digitalisieren. Die Gespräche dazu sind weit fortgeschritten.  ➡ Wir fördern den Breitensport und das gesellschaftliche Engagement! „Fortuna für alle“ ist mehr als die Freispiele. Der gesamte Verein profitiert – so zum Beispiel die Frauen- und Mädchenteams. Die Fortuna-Fußballschule wurde wiedereröffnet und erfreut sich großer Beliebtheit. In der Stadt gibt es den Common Ground, wo 100 junge Menschen aus Düsseldorfer Schulen ein rot-weißes Straßenfußballfest veranstalteten. Zeitnah wird es mit „Switch the Pitch“ eine Antirassismus-Initiative geben. #f95 #Fortuna #Düsseldorf #FFA #FortunaFürAlle

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  • Common Goal hat dies direkt geteilt

    Profil von James Steven anzeigen, Grafik

    Head of Partnerships at Common Goal

    As UEFA EURO 2024 and Copa América close the 2023-24 season, the last month has been a perfect illustration of how football can amplify, advance and empower 📣📈💪 A special month for Common Goal and Football-for-Good featuring: ⚽ Alongside Juan Mata García and Gonzalo Calvo Ranson, hosting some of the biggest brands and football sponsors in the world, including adidas, PepsiCo, The Coca-Cola Company, Lidl in Germany, Hisense Group and Zalando, to promote the role purpose can play not only in increasing social impact but also brand and commercial performance at Common Goal’s Partner Reception 🤝 ⚽ Hundreds of Common Goal community organisations from around the world coming together to share best practice and advance agendas on topics such as gender equity, social inclusion and climate action at the #BerlinForum ⚽ 300 stakeholders from across football and sustainability joining forces at the #FootballSustainabilitySummit to drive forward the need for urgent action and collaboration across industries, sectors and organisations ⚽ Time to soak in the atmosphere and cultural force of football both at Common Goal’s team day out to see Austria face Netherlands as well as the Euro 2024 Final (good practice, England Football, for when we lift the trophy on home soil in 2028 😉!) ⚽ So many other activities across the month including seeing teams of young people take part in the adidas #BreakingBarriers tournament at the Home of adidas Football in front of the Reichstag Building! Incredibly inspired by everyone at Common Goal, our community partners and the whole network of brands, governing bodies, players and members who are driving the world towards a better future for people and planet ⚽🌍🙌

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  • Unternehmensseite von Common Goal anzeigen, Grafik

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     Juan Mata García shared his views on the future of football and how collaboration within the sport and beyond can have a huge societal impact.  Speaking at the Football For Sustainability Summit last week, Mata said: "Clubs can be massive rivals on the pitch, but can show society that they can join forces for good. "That mindset also comes with rival brands. Why can't we all be together for a cause? "The most important thing is everyone has that mutual relation of what can we do? What can we contribute? "Thinking about how can I make an impact professionally and personally?" What do you think football can do better to have a positive impact on the society and communities around it? 👇 📸 act.3 #fss2024 #footballforsustainability

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    Profil von Juan Mata García anzeigen, Grafik
    Juan Mata García Juan Mata García ist Influencer:in

    Futbolista profesional

    It was great to participate last weekend in Berlin, during the final week of the UEFA EURO 2024 in the #FootballSustainabilitySummit curated by Common Goal, in which I had the opportunity to share my view on the future of football together with Rio Ferdinand among others! Such a great initiative, so much positive energy, and like Rio said: “There’s a real opportunity here…if we can come together we can make real change”. We keep going! ⚽️❤️🌍 #BerlinForum

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