Climate Farmers

Climate Farmers


Building the infrastructure to scale regenerative agriculture in Europe.


Climate Farmers is in the business of scaling regenerative agriculture in Europe. We believe RegenAg can play a lead role in helping humanity find its place back again in the larger ecosystem. RegenAg has proven to be a powerful solution that fills multiple needs with one deed. In general it creates more life, produces healthier food, improves resilience to climate change and wellbeing for farmers. We promise Success in Regeneration. As your partner from A to Z we will help you adopt regenerative management. Together we will maximise the regenerative edge of your farm (investment).

11–50 Beschäftigte


Beschäftigte von Climate Farmers


  • Unternehmensseite von Climate Farmers anzeigen, Grafik

    24.062 Follower:innen

    Thrilled to launch Success in Regeneration. The potential of RegenAg has only scratched the surface. Real success cases, at scale, over the full spectrum of regeneration outcomes are still missing. We call this deep regeneration. They make the ‘lighthouse farm success cases’ that are needed to achieve systemic change towards a regenerative agrifood system. Climate Farmer is the first real partner, capable of delivering these golden success cases. Our Success in Regeneration (SiR) solution enables investors and farm managers to embark on a truly holistic regeneration journey. SiR accelerates and de-risks the transition to regenerative management and the implementation of regenerative agriculture. Drop us a PM if you would like more information.

    Profil von Philippe Birker anzeigen, Grafik

    Scaling regenerative agriculture in Europe with Climate Farmers. Co-founder of Love Foundation, VCA NL & Hug Records. TED Countdown & BMW Responsible Leader. Studying regenerative culture & regenerative leadership.

    Excited to launch our new ‘Success in Regeneration’ program at Climate Farmers. Based on the experiments and projects that we have been running in the last four years, we have developed a comprehensive program to help farmers and landowners derisk their transition to regenerative agriculture. Depending on the needs, this includes: 1) The scouting of the right farmland 2) The creation of a farm transition plan with our consulting team 3) The yearly measurement of indicators of regeneration, ranging from soil health over biodiversity and farm profitability to the effects on your local community. All of this is based on the amazing work of our friends at EARA | European Alliance for Regenerative Agriculture and in line with the Regen10, OP2B and SAI Platform frameworks. Drop me a pm or comment below for more information. I can also highly recommend to visit our website, which got a revamp in the last weeks. Love the teamwork here, but special kudos for the design go to Joost Esser & Melina Böge <3

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  • Unternehmensseite von Climate Farmers anzeigen, Grafik

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    Pushing the evolution of Nature-based Carbon Credits 3-minute read SLM Partners reached out to Climate Farmers and asked us if we were interested in developing a ‘carbon credit accounting and generation methodology’ to measure carbon sequestration in orchards in the Mediterranean. Knowing that this field was still largely undeveloped, it could be a major win for the regenerative agriculture movement, we were happy to jump at the opportunity. The role of Carbon Credits in RegenAg investment projects has increasingly become more important. It has changed from cherry on top to supplementing the business case (de-risking the transition). Together with Alessia Lenders from SLM Partners, we explored these major trends: 1. How the quality of carbon credit serve as natural selection 2. The dialogue with investors is changing 3. The pool of investors in RegenAg keeps getting bigger Read the full article:

    Pushing the Evolution of Nature-Based Carbon Credits

    Pushing the Evolution of Nature-Based Carbon Credits

  • Unternehmensseite von Climate Farmers anzeigen, Grafik

    24.062 Follower:innen

    At ClimateFarmers, we’re looking for a Finance Manager (all genders) This role is perfect for all generalists out there who are ready to embrace operational independence. We seek someone proficient in both English and German, ideally based in one of our hubs in Berlin or Lisbon. However, if you are comfortable working fully remotely, we are open to considering candidates located anywhere in Germany, Portugal, or Spain. You can find the link to the job opening in the message below.

    Profil von Franzi Pross anzeigen, Grafik

    People Lead at Climate Farmers 👩🌾 | exploring

    Dear Network 🐝 At ClimateFarmers, we’re looking for a Finance Manager (all genders) This role is perfect for all generalists out there who are ready to embrace operational independence. We seek someone proficient in both English and German, ideally based in one of our hubs in Berlin or Lisbon. However, if you are comfortable working fully remotely, we are open to considering candidates located anywhere in Germany, Portugal, or Spain. As someone who works in a "support function" within this amazing team of incredible, purpose-driven, and talented individuals striving for systemic change in Europe's agricultural landscape, I can wholeheartedly recommend joining us on this meaningful journey 👩🌾 I look forward to hearing from you and your network #hiring #finance #climatefarmers #regenerativeagriculture

  • Unternehmensseite von Climate Farmers anzeigen, Grafik

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    How RegenAg is tackling the economic system failure in the agri-food system In the coming weeks, we will highlight emerging macro trends that, without a shadow of a doubt, stress the need to seriously consider shifting to RegenAg. Reason #5: Economic System Failure - The negative economic effect of the current agri-food system is estimated at 15 trillion USD per year, equivalent to 12% of Global GDP in 2020. - Transforming food systems could provide economic benefits equivalent to 5 to upwards of 10 trillion USD per year globally. - The costs of the transformation of global food systems are minor in comparison: 200 - 500 billion USD. The agri-food sector is already greatly impacted by this macro trend, and regenerative agriculture has repeatedly proven to be a solution to the economic challenges this sector is facing. In the meantime, our partners, the Puentes Campos brothers of La Biodiversa Olive Oil, are leading the way. Remember that the shift to RegenAg takes time and vision. And you need to act now in order to put your farmland on a future-proof path.

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  • Unternehmensseite von Climate Farmers anzeigen, Grafik

    24.062 Follower:innen

    Our work on carbon credits appeared in the Sunday edition of Actualidad Económica, a magazine of the Spanish newspaper El Mundo, the second largest printed daily newspaper. Ivo Degn clarifies 3 key points why carbon credits are useful, not perfect, in helping farmers transition to regenerative agriculture.

    Profil von Ivo Degn anzeigen, Grafik

    Co-Founder & Managing Director Climate Farmers

    Climate Farmers' work with carbon credits appeared in Sunday's edition of Actualidad Económica, a magazine of El Mundo, the second largest printed daily newspaper in Spain. Thanks to Lourdes Leblebidjian for interviewing us alongside our friends at Azolla Projects and the pioneering regenerative farms El Pajaretillo of Manuel Troya Cantos and Mundos Nuevos of Pedro & José Luis Campa. The article is an opportunity to clarify a few key points about the usefulness of carbon credits in the regenerative transition. 1. Carbon markets are the only, yet insufficient, source of funding Carbon markets are imperfect, and in their application to the natural world, they are even more imperfect. Yet, they are the only source of additional funding for farms in the transition process. Criticising them is easy - coming up with alternatives is much harder. 2. They serve as a transition tool We have always warned that carbon credits are a way to finance a significant transition of the farm. They intrinsically do not serve as a way to finance ongoing operations. Farms have to implement major changes in order for sufficient carbon removal and GHG avoidance to accumulate. 3. They need to be part of holistic plan Regenerative agriculture is beneficial for the farm operation over the long term. On the short term, it means investing and experimenting - taking risks. As part of a holistic and long-term plan, carbon credits can reduce the costs and risks. To optimise for carbon credits, rather than for long-term regeneration, is very risky. Therefore, my advocacy towards the EU Carbon Removal Certification Framework is a consistent repetition: No access to carbon credit programs without a holistic regeneration plan, which will set the farm up for economic, ecological and social success. The risk of engaging in lengthy documentation and practice changes without such a long-term plan is too high. Carbon Credits are a very valuable tool, which needs to be implemented correctly. What are your thoughts? Hugh McDonald, Julia Pazmiño Murillo, Aaron Scheid, Tristano Bacchetti De Gregoris, Mathieu Mal, Owen Hewlett, Scarlett Benson, Wesley Snell

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  • Unternehmensseite von Climate Farmers anzeigen, Grafik

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    How RegenAg is tackling the ecological system failure head on. In the coming weeks, we will highlight emerging macro trends that, without a shadow of a doubt, stress the need to seriously consider shifting to RegenAg. Reason #4: Ecological System Failure - The current concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2) in our atmosphere is the highest it has been in human history. - While GHG emissions are a major issue, the problems extend beyond CO2. - At least 6 of the Earth’s 9 planetary boundaries have been crossed. - Agriculture plays a major role, as it has a significant impact on most critical areas. - Biodiversity, soil degradation, and water are negatively affected by agriculture, especially the implications of large-scale use of synthetic inputs The agri-food sector is already greatly impacted by this macro trend, and regenerative agriculture has repeatedly proven to be a solution to the ecological challenges this sector is facing. In the meantime, our partner Maria Martinez is leading the way. Remember that the shift to RegenAg takes time and vision. And you need to act now in order to put your farmland on a future-proof path.

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  • Unternehmensseite von Climate Farmers anzeigen, Grafik

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    How RegenAg is mitigating the climate & biodiversity crisis In the coming weeks, we will highlight emerging macro trends that, without a shadow of a doubt, stress the need to seriously consider shifting to RegenAg. Reason #3: Climate & biodiversity crisis Farmers will need to adapt to the effects of climate change, such as the increased frequency of extreme weather events, changing growing seasons, and water scarcity. Harvests have already been majorly affected, disrupting supply chains. The agri-food sector is already greatly impacted by this macro trend, and regenerative agriculture has repeatedly proven to be a solution to the ecological challenges this sector is facing. In the meantime, our partner Herberto Brunk is leading the way. Remember that the shift to RegenAg takes time and vision. And you need to act now in order to put your farmland on a future-proof path.

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  • Unternehmensseite von Climate Farmers anzeigen, Grafik

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    Transitioning to RegenAg never made more sense. In the coming weeks, we will highlight emerging macro trends that, without a shadow of a doubt, stress the need to seriously consider shifting to RegenAg. Reason #2: Geopolitical Risk - Geopolitical developments and shifts in trade policies, including the implications of Brexit, will affect market dynamics and export opportunities. - Ongoing tensions with Russia continue to impact energy supplies and agricultural exports. - The EU will pursue greater strategic autonomy, placing additional emphasis on the importance of resilient and low-input agriculture. - The agri-food sector is already greatly impacted by this macro trend, and regenerative agriculture has repeatedly proven to be a solution to the economic challenges this sector is facing. In the meantime, our partner Manuel Troya is leading the way. Remember that the shift to RegenAg takes time and vision. And you need to act now in order to put your farmland on a future-proof path.

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  • Unternehmensseite von Climate Farmers anzeigen, Grafik

    24.062 Follower:innen

    Very exited to share this big news with you. Today we officially launched our Success in Regeneration solution. SiR helps investment funds and their farm managers adopt regenerative management. Most of you probably know that we are in the business of supporting farmers in their transition to regenerative agriculture. This hasn’t changed. But we have learned that if you want to achieve systemic change towards a regenerative agrifood system, you need to enable large scale farms to embark on a truly holistic regeneration journey. But a regeneration partner (capable of doing that) was still missing. Our non-profit and commercial activities have prepared us for this role. As your partner from A to Z Climate Farmers will help investment funds maximise the regenerative edge of their farm investment, by deepen the understanding of the farm's holistic context and improving your regeneration outcomes with every cycle. 1. De-risk your farm (investment) 2. Improve the profitability of your farm by up to 60% 3. Maximise the generation of CC and ensure a high price (i.e. measured co-benefits) 4. Reportable verified regenerative outcomes 5. Increase the value of your land through successful regeneration 6. Leveraging unique insights derived from measurements and benchmarks

    Profil von Ivo Degn anzeigen, Grafik

    Co-Founder & Managing Director Climate Farmers

    New launch! The doors of the Regenerative Agriculture Summit in Amsterdam just closed behind us and there are many thoughts to share in the coming days. Most importantly, I’m excited about the launch of our Success in Regeneration program, the most complete program for the regenerative transition yet. The program is directed at corporate partners and asset managers with serious ambition for holistic regenerative management, offering the full package of regeneration, decarbonisation, differentiation, derisking and compliance. We’re working on building the regenerative success cases. I believe we have not yet scratched the surface of what is possible with regenerative management. For asset and land managers who are looking to showcase what regenerative agriculture can do, our team has built a near-ideal model, I believe. Excited about this step, more to follow at Climate Farmers.

  • Unternehmensseite von Climate Farmers anzeigen, Grafik

    24.062 Follower:innen

    How reporting on scope 3 emission pushes RegenAg forward. In the coming weeks, we will highlight emerging macro trends that, without a shadow of a doubt, stress the need to seriously start to consider shifting to RegenAg. Reason #1: Sustainability and Green Transition - The European Union’s Green Deal aims to make Europe the first climate-neutral continent by 2050. - Reporting requirements on reduced synthetic inputs as well as transparent supply-chains including scope 3 emissions will represent a major challenge for corporates in the space. - The expected medium-term development toward integrating the agri-food sector into the Emissions Trading System (ETS) will affect agriculture further. The agri-food sector is already greatly impacted by this macro trend, and regenerative agriculture has repeatedly proven to be a solution to the ecological, economic, and social challenges facing the agri-food sector. In the meantime, our partner Fermín Ibáñez Guzmán is leading the way. Remember that the shift to RegenAg takes time and vision. And you need to act now in order to put your farmland on a future-proof path.

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