Climate Analytics

Climate Analytics

Klimadaten und Klimadatenanalytik

Delivering cutting-edge science, analysis and support to accelerate climate action and keep warming below 1.5°C


Climate Analytics is a global climate science and policy institute working to accelerate climate action and keep warming below 1.5°C.

Klimadaten und Klimadatenanalytik
51–200 Beschäftigte
Adaptation, Climate policy analysis, Loss and damage, Diplomacy support, Climate science, Climate impacts and risks, National Climate Action Plans, Climate modelling, Energy transition, Climate finance, Meeting the 1.5°C temperature goal, UNFCCC negotiations, Emission pathways, Mitigation scenarios und Climate justice


Beschäftigte von Climate Analytics


  • Unternehmensseite von Climate Analytics anzeigen, Grafik

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    🗣️ We’ve added new data to our PROVIDE Climate Risk Dashboard on glacier retreat, biodiversity loss and the impacts of heat stress on people in cities! The dashboard is an interactive online tool that allows you to compare climate impacts over different timeframes (2030, 2050, 2100), and in different scenarios i.e. what the world will look like if we implement current climate policies, vs 1.5°C-aligned policies? For cities, you can now see data on: -🔥population exposure to heatwaves -😓labour productivity (climate impacts of lost working hours per year from heat stress in cities) -🧊how much air conditioning demand will rise in a city - 🌡️changes in the daily Heat Wave Magnitude Index For the first time, we have material on adaptation, including deep dives on adaptation efforts in Nassau, Islamabad and Lisbon looking at their effectiveness at reducing heat stress locally. Explore the tool to learn how the climate crisis could affect you 🫵.

  • Unternehmensseite von Climate Analytics anzeigen, Grafik

    28.287 Follower:innen

    The science is clear that solar geoengineering is no remedy for climate change and poses new risks - the equivalent of jumping out of the frying pan into the fire. This reporting from the BBC on such a fringe and potentially dangerous option is alarming. 7 Reasons why solar geoengineering is problematic: 1: It doesn't deal will the cause of climate change – greenhouse gas emissions. 2: Solar geoengineering would create additional impacts and risks that would be distributed unequally across the globe. 3: It would not be a 'quick fix' - modelling suggests that the most prominent geoengineering option, stratospheric aerosol injection, would need to be deployed for at least 100 years to be effective. 4: If we couldn't deploy the aerosols at any point, the resulting 'termination shock' would lead to abrupt and devastating climate change 5: Geoengineering wouldn't affect all regions similarly, so it could itself exacerbate regional tensions. 6: Research, development, and deployment would take resources, policies and investment that would be better spent on reducing emissions. 7: No mature solar geoengineering technology exists today and we don’t have the time to wait for it to mature. Solar geoengineering is increasingly being pushed as a solution to rising concern about climate impacts by researchers and lobbyists with an agenda. This promotion is being used as a stopgap to extend the use of fossil fuels by industry. But this is definitely not the view of the scientific community as a whole. We will only combat rising temperatures by tackling the underlying cause of the issue: CO2 emissions from fossil fuels. Solutions to reduce emissions and keep #1o5C in reach are cheaper than they have ever been and can be rolled out faster than ever before. Everything else is a dangerous distraction.

    Could geo-engineering help save the planet?

    Could geo-engineering help save the planet?

  • Climate Analytics hat dies direkt geteilt

    Unternehmensseite von Climate Analytics Caribbean anzeigen, Grafik

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    📣New Briefing by Kristin Qui, Climate Diplomacy Advisor at CA Caribbean  💡The UN Carbon Crediting Mechanism is meant to go beyond traditional zero-sum offsetting and deliver on environmental integrity in the use of market mechanisms to help countries meet mitigation targets. 💡Discover the latest updates from the Supervisory Body, guiding the design and implementation of activities that can contribute to achievement of NDCs . 💡Vital for government, private sector, NGOs, and academia in Small Island Developing States (SIDS) and Least Developed Countries interested in Article 6 of the Paris Agreement/carbon markets. Access briefing here: #ClimateAction #ParisAgreement #EmissionReduction

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  • Unternehmensseite von Climate Analytics anzeigen, Grafik

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    How much will it cost to relocate people due to sea level rise? How much will it cost to rebuild schools, hospitals and bridges after unprecedented storms? The already substantial financial needs of developing countries are set to grow as a result of climate change. Our new briefing by Olivia Serdeczny lays out how countries can extract information on observed climate-related losses and associated recovery costs from existing databases when reporting on their loss and damage finance needs.

    Using existing databases to report on loss and damage in Biennial…

    Using existing databases to report on loss and damage in Biennial…

  • Unternehmensseite von Climate Analytics anzeigen, Grafik

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    New study from Gaurav Ganti and co-authors shows that regardless of whether we limit warming to 1.5°C or 2°C, around 80% of net greenhouse gas reductions needed to reach global net zero C02 will come from reducing fossil fuels and deforestation. This means out to 2050, deep cuts to emissions will dominate, accompanied by land-based carbon dioxide removal (expanding afforestation and reforestation) in the near term and a scale up of novel carbon dioxide removal methods by mid-century to achieve net zero. However, all these novel methods are still in early development, expensive, and not yet deployed at scale. (See the State of Carbon Dioxide Removal for an up-to-date snapshot of the technologies). The reliance on conventional carbon dioxide removal methods on land in the near term is also not without risk. Carbon stocks stored in forests, soil and peat are at risk of release from wildfires, drought and most only store carbon over a shorter timescale. While carbon dioxide removal is needed, it is vital that the vast amount of emissions reductions comes from reducing fossil fuel use. Delaying mitigation action will only led to worse climate impacts and limited options for adaptation.

    Evaluating the near- and long-term role of carbon dioxide removal in meeting global climate objectives - Communications Earth & Environment

    Evaluating the near- and long-term role of carbon dioxide removal in meeting global climate objectives - Communications Earth & Environment

  • Unternehmensseite von Climate Analytics anzeigen, Grafik

    28.287 Follower:innen

    Since the Paris Agreement in 2015, the amount of new coal power in development has fallen dramatically from 1,496 GW to 578 GW. The majority of coal plants that were in development in 2015 have been cancelled. There are multiple reasons for the transformative change: 🔌 Clean energy filled the gap 🏭 Most of the biggest emitters announced goals to reach net-zero emissions 💰 Large public financiers of coal projects committed to stop lending New research from our consortium #SystemsChangeLab authored by Joel Jaeger explores the history of coal plants cancellations in China, India and Vietnam to help understand how the world can speed up the cancellation of the remaining coal project pipeline. Although growth in coal power is slowing down, coal power consumption was still at record highs in 2023, and needs to swiftly reverse course. Read more:

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