


Hamburg, Hamburg 559 Follower:innen

the full service lab provider for startups, spinoffs and industry projects


We offer fully equipped labs as a service for startups, spinoffs and industry projects.

2–10 Beschäftigte
Hamburg, Hamburg
lab as a service, qPCR, Imaging, 3D cell culture, PCR, Plate readers, CRO, lab space, Flow cytometry und Life Science Network


Beschäftigte von Cellcolab


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    Profil von Gregor Kindelmann anzeigen, Grafik

    Fully Equipped Life Science Labs for Startups and Industry Projects

    Just today we had our training seminar on the I.DOT from DISPENDIX with Neha Sinha. It is truly an amazing device, offering so many options for miniaturisation and speeding up experiments and reducing plastic waste. In case you want learn more about how non-contact nanoliter dispensing can help you streamlining your projects at Cellcolab send me a message. #biotechnology #lifescience #research #liquidhandling #laboratory Nikolas Donner Dr. Christina Stacke Harry Boeltz

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    Profil von Gregor Kindelmann anzeigen, Grafik

    Fully Equipped Life Science Labs for Startups and Industry Projects

    Together with our partners Analytik Jena and Promega, we are running our first Lunch & Learn in the Berlin BioCube. In case you want to learn more about the advantages of automated nucleic acid extraction and the plug & work laboratories where you can use this technology, we are happy to welcome you on Wednesday the 12th from 11.00-14.00 at the Berlin BioCube. Please be so kind as to use the registration link in the attached pdf. BerlinBioCube Robert-Rössle-Straße 10 13125 Berlin House D95 Ground Floor Room E32 #biotech #startup #biotechnology #incubator #lifescience #research Analytik Jena – Life Science Solutions Promega Corporation Cellcolab Nikolas Donner Dr. Christina Stacke

  • Unternehmensseite von Cellcolab anzeigen, Grafik

    559 Follower:innen

    Learn more about the benefits of the I.DOT in NGS workflows from our New partner Dispendix...

    Unternehmensseite von DISPENDIX anzeigen, Grafik

    7.861 Follower:innen

    Few modern technological developments are more revolutionary than next-generation sequencing (NGS). This technique has opened doors to a fresh understanding of the genome and helped generate novel therapies, particularly in precision medicine and diagnostics. Read the full blog here: https://lnkd.in/dM-G8jyn #IDOT #Technology #Automation #LifeSciences #LiquidHandling #LabAutomation #Development #DrugDiscovery #Genomics #SyntheticBiology #LaboratoryAutomation #FutureOfHealth

  • Cellcolab hat dies direkt geteilt

    Profil von Gregor Kindelmann anzeigen, Grafik

    Fully Equipped Life Science Labs for Startups and Industry Projects

    in science it is normal that things don't work. Otherwise we would not need a research process. Thus scientists need a cultural and structural environment, that allows so called failure. Fail fast, fail with grace, share results, iterate. It should rather be a game then a drama.

    Profil von Andrew Akbashev anzeigen, Grafik

    Scientist (PI) | Creator & Speaker for Academia | ex-Stanford

    In science, all outcomes matter. But we all know how it goes with research journals: “No positive results? Sorry. We only publish highly impactful findings.” 📍 The new article in Nature describes this issue well: “Without sharing negative studies and data, researchers could be doomed to repeat work that led nowhere.” 📍 How can it be solved? 1. New journals. New conferences. New formats. All for ‘failed experiments’. For example, the Journal of Trial & Error wants to highlight the “ugly side of science — the parts of the process that have gone wrong”. 2. We need new policies! - Funders should require negative outcomes becoming publicly available. - Regular journals should welcome ‘the description of failed experiments’. Especially for highly impactful work, this helps understand its limitations and struggles. - Promotion committees should evaluate all outcomes from the PI. 📍 Another possible solution - we recently proposed a new publishing format together with Sergei Kalinin. It’s called open-ended papers [see link below]. It can be similar to the Jupyter Notebook. Or a webpage. But you can put all results there. Describe all outcomes. And then ADD even more to it as your study progresses. ❗ But so far, a lot of data gets lost forever. Students are afraid that ‘their project fails’. Professors push toward ‘positive outcomes’. The perceptional bias is real. Even though science is about being unbiased ! Academic mentality absolutely needs a change. People who failed are the people who tried. Myself, I am much more fascinated by those who do risky research than those who pursue ‘positive/expected outcomes’. #science #research #publishing 

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    Profil von Gregor Kindelmann anzeigen, Grafik

    Fully Equipped Life Science Labs for Startups and Industry Projects

    It was a pleasure to meet Lukas Gaats from mo:re at the Deutsche Biotechnologietage. mo:re is a great example, how a life science company can grow in the #Hamburg start-up ecosystem. They started at Technische Universität Hamburg moved to Health Innovation Port validated and refined in the fully equipped Cellcolab and now are setting up their own lab in the Start-up Labs Bahrenfeld. Fingers crossed for the next steps to come!

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  • Cellcolab hat dies direkt geteilt

    Profil von Gregor Kindelmann anzeigen, Grafik

    Fully Equipped Life Science Labs for Startups and Industry Projects

    That was an excellent student driven event and it was a pleasure to be there.

    Profil von Marie-Sophie Vollmost anzeigen, Grafik

    Student, Molecular Life Sciences M.Sc.

    Students Life Science Conference 2024 🔬🧬🦠 It was a pleasure to host our first own conference together as the students of Molecular Life Sciences. We heard a lot of great talks from our guest speakers and students. A big thank you goes to all of the sponsors and everyone who helped making this conference special!

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  • Cellcolab hat dies direkt geteilt

    Profil von Gregor Kindelmann anzeigen, Grafik

    Fully Equipped Life Science Labs for Startups and Industry Projects

    Nicht oft kommt man mit Menschen zusammen, die die eigenen Ideen und Konzepte so gut verstehen, wie es mir gestern mit Christian Scheuerl ging. Das war ein super Termin und Christians Expertise im Immobilien- und Coworkingsektor ist eine echte Bereicherung. Ich freue mich schon auf den weiteren Austausch!

    Profil von Christian Scheuerl anzeigen, Grafik

    Real Estate Professional I MBA, LL.B

    Von der Baustelle 🏗️ ins Labor 🧫 . . . Meine Leidenschaft für Immobilien bringt mich oft mit spannenden Menschen zusammen. Heute durfte ich Gregor Kindelmann und seine Firma Cellcolab besuchen. 🧬 Ich beschäftige mich schon lange mit Betreiberkonzepten für Immobilien. Von #pbsa über #CoLiving und #seniorHousing, bei allen Konzepten wird die reine Immobilie um einen #Management Aspekt ergänzt, der einen Mehrwert für die Nutzer bringt. 🧬 Gleiches leistet auch Gregor mit seinem Team. Junge Forschungsteams, #Biotech Startups, Forschungsgruppen und Institute können hier voll ausgestatteten #Labspace mieten. Lab-as-a-Service (LAAS) sozusagen. 🧬 Wie bei anderen as-a-service Konzepten braucht sich der Nutzer um wenig zu kümmern und bekommt ein vollständig ausgestattetes Labor für die #Forschung zur Verfügung gestellt. Und die Ausstattung kann sich sehen lassen: 🔬Clariostar Platereader (BMG LABTECH ) 🔬I.dot Liquid Handler (DISPENDIX) 🔬Maxwell DNA Purification (PROMEGA) 🔬Casy Cell Counter (OLS OMNI Life Science) 🔬CyBio Felix (Analytik Jena) 🔬und noch einiges mehr 🧬 Junge Unternehmen können sich in der Gründungsphase einzig auf die Forschung 🧪 konzentrieren und brauchen sich in den ersten Monaten nicht um die kostspielige Einrichtung eines eigenen Labors kümmern. Mieten und sofort einsatzbereit in der wissenschaftlichen Forschung starten. Das ganze Equipment ist in der Nutzungsgebühr bereits enthalten. 🧬 Cellolab hat einen vollständig eingerichteten Standort auf dem Campus des Universitätsklinikum Hamburg Eppendorf und expandiert von dort bundesweit. 🧬 In meinen Augen ein sehr spannender Case eines Operators für Spezialimmobilien. #lifescience als Assetklasse wird auch für institutionelle Anleger immer relevanter und ist aktuell krisenresistent. LabAsAService als Beimischung für Nutzer in einer Lifescience Immobilie erscheint mir daher als logischer Schritt der Entwicklung. An diesem Thema bleibe ich sicher dran 🚀

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  • Cellcolab hat dies direkt geteilt

    Profil von Gregor Kindelmann anzeigen, Grafik

    Fully Equipped Life Science Labs for Startups and Industry Projects

    Since we are always looking for new products and services that could benefit our startups, we came across Dr. Hans-Christian Stockfisch and Flexvelop. Similar to Cellcolab they support early-stage startups. Not with fully equipped labs, but with a financial service that allows startups to use top-notch IT hardware from the beginning. It is great to have them in our network and as a partner.

    Unternehmensseite von Flexvelop anzeigen, Grafik

    2.103 Follower:innen

    🚀 Expanding Horizons with Flexvelop 🚀 From the bustling kitchens of the culinary world to the dynamic realms of office IT, tools, and fitness, Flexvelop's journey began with 'Flexing' hospitality equipment. Now, we're setting our sights even further, exploring new verticals where our solutions can make the most impact. 🔍 Exploring Health and Medicine 🔍 One sector that particularly excites us is the Health and Medicine vertical. We're thrilled to announce our inaugural collaboration with Cellcolab, a co-working space that's more than just desks and chairs. It's where researchers find a complete laboratory at their fingertips, ready to fuel innovation and discovery. 🧪 Empowering Research and Development 🧪 And who knows? Perhaps there's room for even more cutting-edge equipment to be "flexed" into their ecosystem. We're all in and ready to equip the pioneers at the forefront of health and medical breakthroughs. Stay tuned as we embark on this promising venture, enabling growth and flexibility in the most vital of industries 👩⚕️ 👨⚕️ 💪 #flexlab #health #medicalequipment

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