Einzelhandel: Haushalts-, Elektro- und Elektronikgeräte

Düsseldorf, Nordrhein-Westfalen 5.302 Follower:innen

We empower life in the digital world


Die CECONOMY AG vereinfacht das Leben in der digitalen Welt. Die Gesellschaft ist führend für Konzepte und Marken im Bereich Consumer Electronics in Europa. Die Unternehmen im CECONOMY-Portfolio haben Milliarden Verbraucherkontakte pro Jahr und bieten Produkte, Dienstleistungen und Lösungen, die das Leben in der digitalen Welt so einfach und angenehm wie möglich machen. So schaffen sie Mehrwert für Kunden ebenso wie für Investoren.

Einzelhandel: Haushalts-, Elektro- und Elektronikgeräte
10.001 Beschäftigte
Düsseldorf, Nordrhein-Westfalen
Kapitalgesellschaft (AG, GmbH, UG etc.)


Beschäftigte von CECONOMY


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    𝗔𝗻𝗱 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝘄𝗶𝗻𝗻𝗲𝗿 𝗶𝘀.... Yesterday we had two good reasons to celebrate! #Ceconomy did not only win the prestigious Investor Relations Award in the German S-Dax category, also our VP Investor Relations Fabienne Caron was acknowledged as the best Investor Relations Professional in S-Dax! 🏆 🏆 The "Deutscher Investor Relations Preis," presented annually by Institutional Investor, WirtschaftsWoche, and the DIRK – Deutscher Investor Relations Verband is a celebration of outstanding Investor Relations practices in Germany. We are proud of our results, proving that we are on the right way to grow and transform our business and that our efforts are also being recognized by investors and analysts! #InvestorRelations #TeamSuccess #AwardWinners #TeamMediaMarktSaturn #retail  

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  • Unternehmensseite von CECONOMY anzeigen, Grafik

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    🏆We have won! 🏆 First, our company won the prestigious Investor Relations Award in the German S-Dax category. Secondly, our VP Investor Relations Fabienne Caron was acknowledged as the best Investor Relations Professional in S-Dax! A really strong performance. 💪💪💪Congratulations Team MediaMarktSaturn and CECONOMY 🥳

    Profil von Dr. Kai-Ulrich Deissner anzeigen, Grafik

    Group CFO CECONOMY & MediaMarktSaturn

    Trust and credibility – that’s the currency of investor relations.   Building meaningful relationships with investors and analysts is not only about numbers, results, or projections. That’s all necessary, of course, but true investor relations depend on trust and credibility. And that’s hard work.   Yesterday, I was both humbled and proud to see this hard work being recognized at the award ceremony of Institutional Investor, WirtschaftsWoche, and the DIRK – Deutscher Investor Relations Verband in Frankfurt 🏆 🏆   First, CECONOMY won the prestigious Investor Relations Award in the German S-Dax category. I see this as a recognition for our relentless efforts to communicate effectively, transparently and, indeed, trustfully with investors and analysts – to share our progress with MediaMarktSaturn. Secondly, our dear VP Investor Relations Fabienne Caron was acknowledged as the best Investor Relations Professional in S-Dax! What a great testament to the caliber of our Investor Relations team and to the commitment to maintain open and transparent communication with all stakeholders! These awards are based on the feedback of thousands of buy- and sell-side professionals worldwide. This is empirical evidence of the progress we are making ... and a formal sign of that most relevant of all currencies: trust.   #IRExcellence #InvestorRelations #TeamSuccess #AwardWinners  #DIRK2024 #InstitutionalInvestorResearch #WirtschaftsWoche #Ceconomy #TeamMediaMarktSaturn Karsten Wildberger Kathy Keppeln Sascha Mager Guido Monferrini Iris Pruefer Remko Rijnders Michael Schuld Andy Wolfe Kerstin Achterfeldt Arian Ebrahimi

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    Profil von Karsten Wildberger anzeigen, Grafik

    Chief Executive Officer at CECONOMY AG and Media-Saturn-Holding

    I had the chance to share insights on the topic of the Supply Chain Duty of Care Act at the #Wirtschaftstag of the Wirtschaftsrat der CDU e.V. The economic landscape in Germany is concerning. 43% of industrial firms with over 500 employees are contemplating or already in the process of shifting production overseas. This is not just an isolated incident but a troubling trend that impacts thousands of jobs. It is insufficient for the government to simply recognize the economic challenges. Mere acknowledgment won't suffice - #action is necessary. Businesses are eager to contribute and assume #responsibility, yet they require the #freedom to do so effectively. Our proven model, the social market economy, thrives on the balance of freedom and responsibility. What businesses do not need, however, is an overload of bureaucracy. The #SupplyChainAct serves as a pertinent example: the call for transparency and accountability in supply chains is essential and justified, yet its implementation must be feasible and realistic. Companies should only be held accountable for aspects within their control. Over-bureaucratization will only weaken supply chains and fail to enhance them. It is in every company's best interest to manage supply chains responsibly, incorporating all aspects of sustainability. Excessive regulation and bureaucracy often stem from mistrust. We must return to a culture of trust. Business and government must reunite to discuss and devise practical solutions. We need regulations that are coherent, logical, and pragmatic. Let's collaborate to forge a successful and responsible future. A promising beginning was made in Berlin. Thank you Omid Nouripour, Julia Klöckner, michaela kaniber, Christoph W., and Achim Duennwald for the valuable discussion. #Wirtschaftstag #wt24 #RedTapeReduction #SocialMarketEconomy

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  • Unternehmensseite von CECONOMY anzeigen, Grafik

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    We don't just promise, we act! Today we published the #Ceconomy and #MediaMarktSaturn results for the second quarter/half year of fiscal year 2023/24 and we were able to accelerate our growth increasing sales, profit and market share strongly.   Our company achieved a trend improvement in all regions compared to the first quarter and achieved growth both in its brick-and-mortar business and online. Due to the positive development we also specified our outlook. Learn more here:  https://lnkd.in/eF6E_jSA

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  • Unternehmensseite von CECONOMY anzeigen, Grafik

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    🌱 At CECONOMY and MediaMarktSaturn, we want to make conscious consumption affordable for our customers while continuously reducing our environmental footprint. We know we still have a way to go, but we are happy to announce that our climate change efforts have been recognized with a CDP score of 'B' in 2023! This improvement on last year's score not only demonstrates our commitment to sustainability, but also puts us ahead of the industry average. The CDP rating is a testament to our ongoing sustainability strategy and our role in driving positive change.   🌍 Since 2021, we've also been participating in the European Commission's Sustainable Consumption Pledge. This initiative, part of the European Climate Pact, encourages companies to take concrete steps towards a greener Europe. As we aim to set an example for the industry as a whole, we were delighted to be involved in an inspiring video from the European Commission highlighting the benefits of the initiative and featuring us, represented by our Vice President Sustainability Ana Maria Jaime Salcedo, as one of the participating companies. Check it out here:   👉 https://lnkd.in/e3VSGgC6   #Sustainability #EuropeanCommission #SustainableConsumptionPledge #CDP #ClimateAction #CECONOMY #MediaMarktSaturn  

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    When efforts pay off: Today we published the #Ceconomy and #MediaMarktSaturn results for the important first quarter of fiscal year 2023/24. In a nutshell: it was a strong beginning to the new financial year, enhancing our confidence in the road ahead. We experienced a noteworthy 3.7% increase in sales, reflecting our ability to capture customer demand and adapt to evolving market dynamics. We achieved a further improvement in profitability, with adjusted EBIT showing an impressive 8% growth. This progress underscores our commitment to efficient operations and sustainable financial performance. Our dedication to delivering outstanding customer experiences paid off. The Net Promoter Score (NPS), a key indicator of customer satisfaction, reached an all-time high of 56. Get more information here: https://lnkd.in/er6XbBb8 #retail

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    Unternehmensseite von MediaMarktSaturn anzeigen, Grafik

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    Exciting News! 🌿 We are thrilled to announce the release of our latest Sustainability Report! 🚀 At MediaMarktSaturn, sustainability isn't just a buzzword – it's a core pillar of our corporate strategy.   In our new report, we delve into the strides we've made toward a greener and more sustainable future. From our circular economy services and sustainable BetterWay products to reduced carbon footprints and social initiatives we're committed to making a positive impact – and to enabling our customers to do the same. Curious to learn more? Check out the CECONOMY report and gain insights into our sustainability journey 📊🌍: https://lnkd.in/ekEtuUHm A special shoutout to our amazing #TeamMediaMarktSaturn all over Europe for their dedication to driving positive change! Together, we're shaping a more sustainable tomorrow. 🌱💚   #CSR #SustainabilityReport #BetterWay

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    Heute haben wir unsere Ergebnisse für das Geschäftsjahr 2022/23 von #CECONOMY und MediaMarktSaturn veröffentlicht. Unsere Highlights: ✅ Kapitalmarktprognose vollumfänglich erfüllt ✅ Umsatz um 4,7 % auf 22,2 Mrd. € gesteigert ✅ Bereinigtes EBIT bei 243 Mio. € ✅ Anzahl Kundenclub-Mitglieder kontinuierlich auf 39 Millionen erhöht ✅ Kundenzufriedenheit auf Rekordwert ✅ Free Cashflow um 880 Mio. € gestiegen Auf unserer Bilanzpressekonferenz machte unser CEO Karsten Wildberger deutlich: "Wir wollen die Zukunft des Handels aktiv mitgestalten. Unser starkes Jahresergebnis bestätigt, dass wir mit unserem kundenorientierten Ansatz auf dem richtigen Weg sind. Wir verbessern das Kundenerlebnis und setzen auf neue Services und Dienstleistungen. Und unsere Ergebnisse sprechen für sich: Wir sind in einem herausfordernden Marktumfeld stark gewachsen und haben unsere Marktposition deutlich gestärkt." Alle Details, die Pressemitteilung zum Jahresergebnis und unseren Geschäftsbericht gibt es auf unserer Website: https://www.ceconomy.de/ Zur Aufzeichnung unserer Bilanzpressekonferenz geht es hier entlang: https://lnkd.in/eRvDjdHR

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    Today, we published our preliminary figures for Fiscal Year 2022/23 for #CECONOMY and MediaMarktSaturn:   ✅ Solid Sales Development above previous year ✅ Very strong increase in preliminary adjusted EBIT ✅ FY 2022/23 Guidance delivered ✅ Substantial improvement in Net Promoter Score   All full year figures and the annual report for FY 2022/23 will be published on December 18th. Please find our Trading Statement and the full Statement of our CEO Karsten Wildberger on our Website: https://www.ceconomy.de/

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    Unternehmensseite von MediaMarktSaturn anzeigen, Grafik

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    Nie wieder ist jetzt! Als MediaMarktSaturn treten wir entschieden gegen jede Form von Diskriminierung und Hass auf. In der aktuellen politisch angespannten Situation wollen wir ein deutliches Zeichen setzen: Gemeinsam mit mehr als 100 Unternehmen in Deutschland verurteilen wir den Terrorangriff der Hamas auf Israel. Und wir sehen mit Entsetzen das Leid von Zivilisten in Israel und Gaza. Als deutsches Unternehmen stellen wir uns gegen jede Form von Hass und Antisemitismus. Der Pledge gegen Judenhass ist eine gemeinsame Initiative deutscher Unternehmen, um eine klare Haltung einzunehmen und sich gegen Antisemitismus zu positionieren. Durch den Pledge möchten wir unsere historische Verantwortung anerkennen und das Bewusstsein für Antisemitismus erhöhen. Es geht nicht darum, zum Nahostkonflikt Stellung zu beziehen. Unternehmen können den Nahostkonflikt nicht lösen. Aber es liegt in der Verantwortung jedes Einzelnen, sich gegen Hass und Diskriminierung am Arbeitsplatz und im Alltag zu stellen. In unserem Unternehmen arbeiten 50.000 Mitarbeiter aus insgesamt 130 verschiedenen Nationen Hand in Hand. #Respekt und #Toleranz sind für uns nicht nur Worte, sondern tief verwurzelte Grundwerte unseres Unternehmens. Gemeinsam setzen wir ein starkes Zeichen für #Vielfalt, Respekt und Toleranz. #NieWiederIstJetzt

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