ALFR3D | web3 fulfillment solutions

ALFR3D | web3 fulfillment solutions

Technologie, Information und Medien

Hamburg, HH 471 Follower:innen

we take care of the messy things


We take care of the hustle and messy things! ALFR3D is end-to-end fulfillment solution service for web3 & metaverse: We provide white label solutions for: - 2D and 3D Designs - Smart Contracts - Minting - Security & Bot Management - Crypto Currency Management - FIAT conversion & invoicing - Discord Community Management

Technologie, Information und Medien
2–10 Beschäftigte
Hamburg, HH
Personengesellschaft (OHG, KG, GbR etc.)
web3, nft, metaverse, design, gamification, minting, crypto und fiat


Beschäftigte von ALFR3D | web3 fulfillment solutions


  • ALFR3D | web3 fulfillment solutions hat dies direkt geteilt

    Profil von Thanh Dao anzeigen, Grafik

    Managing Director & Partner @Jung von Matt NERD | Founder Alfr3d | Co-Founder Kickz M3TA and HI.WEB3 | Keynote Speaker | NFT | Blockchain | Metaverse | Web3 | Game Development

    🚀 Excited to announce the upcoming Brand Festival on August 29th in Düsseldorf! Join us at the MERKUR SPIEL-ARENA for an incredible day of #networking, #knowledge sharing, and #inspiration. I'm excited to share within my keynote, why brands should not miss out on the potential of Roblox, especially for connecting with Gen Z and Gen Alpha. Learn how leading brands like Gucci, Nike, Walmart and NIVEA are using gaming, communities, and world-building to attract and engage younger audiences. This is a game-changer you won't want to miss! Highlights include: 💡 Keynote: "Gaming, Communities & World-Building: Roblox as a Gamechanger" – Thanh Dao 🔥 Fireside Chat: "RTL Creates New Shopping Experiences" – with Anna Graf and Katharina Moser 💼 Keynote: "Employer Branding in the Enterprise Metaverse" – Maren Courage Secure a 20% discount on tickets using the code from Maren Courage. Just send her a direct message. More info at Don’t miss out!

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    Unternehmensseite von Jung von Matt NERD anzeigen, Grafik

    11.131 Follower:innen

    NERDs on the beach! We are currently attending our company off-site for our regular half-year review. We will look into all the side and main quests and the experience points (XP) that we collected for us and our brands. We will conduct joint upskilling, share our learnings (and fails) and derive best practices for the very best work for our very best clients.

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  • ALFR3D | web3 fulfillment solutions hat dies direkt geteilt

    Profil von Toan Nguyen anzeigen, Grafik

    Founder JvM NERD • Top 40u40 • Top100 • Top5 Club • Manager of the Year 2022 (Capital, Horizont, TW, W&V, BusinessPunk, Rolemodel Awards) // Cannes Lions Jury Member 2024

    The Apple #VisionPro has landed in Germany and guess who had the first brand app ready! ☺️ So proud to share our #ERGO #TinyMap app! It’s not only an app that makes insurance playfully visible. It‘s also based on the principles of #gamification and a little homage to childhood classics like Rollercoaster Tycoon, Theme Park and Theme Hospital. Dealing with insurances is grown up stuff, that’s why we decided to touch their #InnerChild! Being among the first makes me really proud. We were one of the very first agencies to launch a #web3 token for IWC, a branded NIVEA #roblox map with ≈ 1,5Mio visits and the first German agencies to win loads of gold awards for a #fortnite map. But that‘s not all!We even won a #CannesLion with our frens from JvM SPORTS for a Sparkasse app that translates in-game currencies into real money numbers. It takes not only certain talent to do it, but also a special culture. A culture that curious and agile. A culture that is eager to learn and a culture that is not afraid to fail (cause we do that too :)) We code, while others talk. And that holds especially true for my partner Thanh Dao who has been leading our tech arm ALFR3D | web3 fulfillment solutions since day one for Jung von Matt NERD. We once started this because of crypto, but … well, this is kind of cool too 😆 I also want to give a BIG BIG THANK YOU to Matthias Nawrocki who was the initial spark for this. Some do the talking, Matthias did the Walking! Also thank you Sabine Saeidy-Nory - it’s amazing to see how the paths of gamers cross again! I also want to mention Sebastian, Calvin, Falk, Andre, Max and Stunnıng. Studio ! Thank you for you ideas, support and last minute case filming! ☺️

  • ALFR3D | web3 fulfillment solutions hat dies direkt geteilt

    Profil von Mark Klein anzeigen, Grafik

    Chief Digital Officer (CDO) bei ERGO Group AG

    Heute ist der Verkaufsstart der #AppleVisionPro in Deutschland – passend dazu haben wir als ERGO Group AG zusammen mit Jung von Matt NERD die App „ERGO Tinymap“ entwickelt und freuen uns, diese pünktlich zum Verkaufsstart vorzustellen. Bereits seit mehreren Jahren entwickeln und testen wir #AR und #VR-Anwendungen. Nach unserem VR-Sales Training und weiteren spannenden Projekten, freue ich mich sehr, dass wir mit der ERGO #Tinymap den nächsten Schritt gehen. Mitthilfe der App können sich Nutzerinnen und Nutzer spielerisch über Risiken und die dazugehörigen #Versicherungen informieren. Dieser immersive Ansatz schafft ein tieferes Verständnis für Alltagsrisiken und deren Absicherung. Danke an das Team rund um Matthias Nawrocki sowie allen Beteiligten seitens der ERGO Group AG - und an Thanh Dao und dem gesamten Team von Jung von Matt NERD. Der aktuelle Stand der App ist erst der Anfang – es werden Schritt für Schritt weitere Szenarien ergänzt. Also los geht’s, die kostenlose App ist im Apple App Store zu finden. Wir freuen uns auf Feedback! #TeamERGO Weitere Informationen zu der App findet ihr außerdem in der folgenden Medieninformation:

  • ALFR3D | web3 fulfillment solutions hat dies direkt geteilt

    Profil von Matthias Nawrocki anzeigen, Grafik

    Metaverse | Spatial Computing & Web3 @ ERGO Group AG - I MAKE THE INVISIBLE "VISIBLE"

      🔮 Versicherung mal anders erleben? Willkommen in der Zukunft der Mixed Reality – und wir sind ganz vorne mit dabei! 🚀 Die #AppleVisionPro ist ab sofort auch in Deutschland erhältlich! 🇩🇪 Als innovativer Versicherer sind wir stolz darauf, zeitgleich unsere brandneue App "ERGO Tinymap" vorzustellen, die das Versicherungserlebnis auf eine neue Ebene heben wird. 📲✨   In Zusammenarbeit mit Jung von Matt NERD und ALFR3D | web3 fulfillment solutions haben wir binnen kürzester Zeit ein großartiges Pilotprojekt auf die Beine gestellt. 🤝💡   Mit der kostenfrei verfügbaren App #ERGO #Tinymap können sich Nutzerinnen und Nutzer nun spielerisch über Risiken und die dazugehörigen Versicherungen informieren. 🎮📚 Dieser Schritt in die Mixed-Reality-Welt zeigt unser Engagement für Innovation und erstklassigen Kundenservice. Wir sind überzeugt, dass die Kombination aus modernster Technologie und herausragendem Service die Zukunft der Versicherungsbranche prägen wird. 🌟🔍 Und das ist erst der Anfang! Wir arbeiten kontinuierlich daran, unsere App weiterzuentwickeln und dir immer wieder neue, spannende Features zu bieten. 🚀Das erste Szenario greift das Thema "Verkehrsunfälle" auf; weitere Szenarien zu Diebstahl, Gesundheit und Wirtschaftskrisen werden in den kommenden acht Wochen folgen… 🚗💥🏥📉   Ein großes Dankeschön gilt hier Thanh Dao und dem gesamten Team von Jung von Matt NERD sowie allen Beteiligten seitens der ERGO Group AG und dem #Management, die es uns ermöglichen, gemeinsam neue Wege zu gehen… 👏🙏 Danke Stefan Hasselbeck, dass wir durch dich als einer der Ersten eine Apple Vision Pro Brille in Deutschland zum entdecken hatten! 😎 Dank auch an: Toan Nguyen, Falk Ebert, Calvin Innes, Sabine Saeidy-Nory, Margaux Betsch, Ingo Schenk, Roman Stammes, Robert Alexander Heinrich   Ich freue mich schon auf euer aller Feedback. Die Zukunft ist hier – und wir sind bereit. #ERGO #Innovation #MixedReality #Versicherung #ERGO #AppleVisionPro #Technologie #Kundenservice #Zukunft #FutureOfInsurance #Düsseldorf #TeamWork #AppleVisionPro #growtogether

  • ALFR3D | web3 fulfillment solutions hat dies direkt geteilt

    Profil von Thanh Dao anzeigen, Grafik

    Managing Director & Partner @Jung von Matt NERD | Founder Alfr3d | Co-Founder Kickz M3TA and HI.WEB3 | Keynote Speaker | NFT | Blockchain | Metaverse | Web3 | Game Development

    ✨ The Apple Vision Pro is now available in #Germany! ✨ We, ALFR3D | web3 fulfillment solutions and Jung von Matt NERD are proud to announce that in collaboration with ERGO Group AG, we've developed our first prototype app for the Apple Vision Pro. ERGO, known for its innovative digital applications, is now also the first insurance company to launch an app on the Apple Vision Pro, just in time for today's launch of the Apple Vision Pro. Explore a bit of #Düsseldorf with small interactive map and various objects. We're starting with a traffic accident scenario, with three more scenarios already in the pipeline. Let's go... step by step. Special thanks to Matthias Nawrocki for his early vision to develop this app. Together, we've brought this idea to life and developed it in a very short time frame. 🚀 Big shoutout to Sabine Saeidy-Nory, Andre Price, Toan Nguyen, Sebastian Stenzel, Calvin Innes, Falk Ebert, Charline Hoffmann, Christine Niemann for their tremendous support on this project. And not to forget, Max Lederer who gifted us the first Apple Vision Pro already in March 2024. Enjoy our #clip about the #ERGO Tinymap App 😊 The possibilities are endless... let's build the future together! 🚀 #AppleVisionPro #Innovation #TechLaunch #ERGO #FutureOfInsurance #Düsseldorf #AR #VR #DigitalTransformation #TeamWork

  • ALFR3D | web3 fulfillment solutions hat dies direkt geteilt

    Profil von Toan Nguyen anzeigen, Grafik

    Founder JvM NERD • Top 40u40 • Top100 • Top5 Club • Manager of the Year 2022 (Capital, Horizont, TW, W&V, BusinessPunk, Rolemodel Awards) // Cannes Lions Jury Member 2024

    I remember a time when haters loved to say that we nerds were innovative, but not creatively excellent. I always thought that was BS. Our IWC work made it into the New York times, our MINI x Pokémon car got headlines in media like The Verge, IGN, Screenrant and a lot-lot more! But what I‘m most proud is this. Our Super Mario Haribos editions are going into their fourth year now, they are INTERNATIONALLY available! Mercedes-Benz is still in esports, bigger than ever and thanks to us. And Eintracht Spandau is becoming a household name is the sports, business and entertainment industry - the benchmark for setting up a new sports club next to Viktoria Berlin! Truth is: All your TikToks and vignettes films will be forgotten, while these will remain. Some agencies create campaigns. But our goal is to create entertainment and culture. So what about awards? Well, awards were never a goal. And they also won’t be for the future. But the fun thing is: our baby agency has more accumulated award points now this year here in Germany than big networks like Ogilvy, BBDO, Havas or Dentsu (with all their divisions!). Without really trying. And that‘s surely something to remember - even if that’s only a random anecdote ☺️ All these awards are of course the result of great partnerships and other driving forces. Our first effie in 2022 belongs to more than us and that holds true for all the other ones as well. Therefore: ❤️ Thank You INSTINCT3 ❤️ Thank You Stunnıng. Studio ❤️ Thank You Jung von Matt SPORTS And another Thank You goes to Daniel and Szymon who made us enter the awards in the first place. We initially didn’t even want to it 😆

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  • ALFR3D | web3 fulfillment solutions hat dies direkt geteilt

    Profil von Toan Nguyen anzeigen, Grafik

    Founder JvM NERD • Top 40u40 • Top100 • Top5 Club • Manager of the Year 2022 (Capital, Horizont, TW, W&V, BusinessPunk, Rolemodel Awards) // Cannes Lions Jury Member 2024

    Historical on four dimensions: 🏆 Jung von Matt breaks all ADC award records 🏆 Jung von Matt NERD wins their first ADC awards, thanks to our friends at Stunnıng. Studio and Jung von Matt SPORTS! Our Fortnite #Mooncourt experience wins 1x gold, 1x bronze and the Sparkassen In-Game Rechner scores 4x silver and 4x bronze. I didn’t do the math, but it‘s a lot of points 🙂 🏆 nFrontier and Daniel Buening are officially the ROOKIE AGENCY OF THE YEAR - and yeah: they truly deserve this. They are not only miles ahead in fields of innovation like 3D printing, VR/AR and robotics, but also when it comes to craft and visualisation. It’s science AND art! 🎤 I did my very first award laudatio, but that’s just a side note I guess 😆 I also want to personally thank Daniel Schaefer and Szymon Rose. They are clearly connected to this historical win and truth is: They also made us NERDS submit cases in the first place. We would have never done it, so this is clearly on them and we are very, very thankful ❤️ Congrats to everyone at JvM! Especially JvM Sports, it‘s INCREDIBLE what you guys scored!

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  • ALFR3D | web3 fulfillment solutions hat dies direkt geteilt

    Profil von Toan Nguyen anzeigen, Grafik

    Founder JvM NERD • Top 40u40 • Top100 • Top5 Club • Manager of the Year 2022 (Capital, Horizont, TW, W&V, BusinessPunk, Rolemodel Awards) // Cannes Lions Jury Member 2024

    ⚠️ OMG - WE ARE HIRING ⚠️ Who wants to be my Strategy-Padawan? My Daniel Larusso? My Kiddo (yes, you can later outpower me and beat me!) and my Chunin-Ninja? I will promise to train and teach you until you unlock at least SSJ2! And if you‘re not a strategist, come and write me anyways ❤️ Jung von Matt NERD needs you !!!!

  • ALFR3D | web3 fulfillment solutions hat dies direkt geteilt

    Profil von Toan Nguyen anzeigen, Grafik

    Founder JvM NERD • Top 40u40 • Top100 • Top5 Club • Manager of the Year 2022 (Capital, Horizont, TW, W&V, BusinessPunk, Rolemodel Awards) // Cannes Lions Jury Member 2024

    OMG - GOOOOOLD FOR OUR #FOORTNIIITE MOOOOONCOOOUURT 🚀🏀🌕🏆😍 I am usually not too crazy about winning awards, but there are some moments that mean a lot to me - and these moments are about first timers! Our mooncourt in fact was our very first Fortnite Creative map, it was also not only one of the first branded back in summer 2023, it was also the first #MultiBrandExperience ever! We didn’t only work with one brand, no - we worked with 4 icons at the same time: #Kickz, #Puma, #Kellogg’s, #JeffHamilton and #BMW, they got all on ONE SINGLE MAP! This marks another recognition for our spirit. Remember how we were the agency who won the very first Gaming-Effie ever in the history of the Effie (and we will also be soon awarded for our first smartphone game as well, but psss..!) There is also another reason why I am happy about this. Most of this award belongs to our partner Stunnıng. Studio and their founders Christine and Maximilian Niemann ! Their outstanding craft and love for excellence made this possible - thank you guys ❤️ And big thank you goes to the DDA jury, thus the #DeutscherDigitalAward, the most prestigious institution for digital here in Germany with the best jury selection (really!). Shout out to my team and Jung von Matt NERD and the whole M3TA | MOONCOURT crew. LFG 🚀

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