

Herstellung von Automatisierungsanlagen

We provide data-driven technology to enable customers to produce low-carbon-concrete reliably and at scale


Concrete is the most widely used building material on our planet. The only thing mankind uses more of is water. With a wave of urban development coming in the next few decades, concrete is also a rapidly growing trillion-dollar market. However, cement and concrete production is responsible for 8% of the global CO2 emissions, making its growth a big cause for concern. Low-carbon concrete exists - but until now it has been too sophisticated to be produced reliably and on a large scale. It contains very little burnt limestone - responsible for the strength of concrete and CO2 emissions. This makes low-carbon concrete vulnerable to fluctuations in raw materials and operating conditions and thus difficult to produce with reliable quality. Adding to the challenge: the final quality of concrete can only be measured weeks AFTER it has been processed on the construction site - far too late to be corrected. This is why our world is still built on more robust, high-carbon concrete. Using alcemy's software, cement and concrete producers receive precise quality predictions already during production. Based on these prediction models, our AI identifies which production parameters need to be adjusted to mitigate the impact of fluctuations. Thus, the quality of cement and concrete can be optimized BEFORE delivery – for the first time in history. The result is significantly more consistent product quality, allowing producers to safely replace burnt limestone with less expensive, low-carbon materials found in nature. In this way, they can also avoid payments for CO2 emission certificates in the EU. Saving costs, bringing production processes up to speed for 21st century concrete recipes, and saving half of Europe’s CO2 emissions goes hand in hand at alcemy. Join us on our journey to make low-carbon concrete a reality!

Herstellung von Automatisierungsanlagen
11–50 Beschäftigte


Beschäftigte von alcemy


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    Yesterday we held our first webinar of our “alcemy academy” on the topic of “clinker-efficient cements". This webinar series is a platform for knowledge transfer, as there are a lot of important innovations and developments happening in the industry at the moment. Highlighting these activities of our customers and partners, who are the true #decarbonizationheroes, is the goal of the alcemy academy. Over 100 participants joined yesterday - most of them were people working at cement and ready-mix concrete producers from all over Europe, Latin America, the Middle East and the US. Our four speakers Leopold Spenner, Oliver Mazanec, Thomas Schuster and Dr. Sebastian Palm gave insights into the testing procedure of “CEM X”, the strategic focus of the German cement manufacturer Spenner regarding clinker efficiency, the importance of concrete admixtures and the potential of predictive quality control in cement and concrete plants. Many thanks to all of you. We look forward to further exchanges. If you have any questions, please contact us via this link: Otherwise, we look forward to seeing you next time at the alcemy academy! 

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    🤝🏼 Now Official - Titan Automates Fineness Steering with alcemy We are pleased to announce our partnership with Titan America in Pennsuco, Miami, following the successful implementation of our software earlier in 2023. While we are all very satisfied with the results achieved so far, what is particularly noteworthy about this partnership is that Titan was one of our first clients to immediately switch to a closed-loop automation system. This means our fineness recommendations go directly into the expert system of Titan’s cement mills and set the mills to the optimal fineness automatically at all times. A true Greek #decarbonizationhero and active across at least three continents, Titan operates a network of 14 integrated cement plants and numerous concrete plants. We look forward to many more years of collaboration with the team led by Antonios Kyrkos, OTHON MANIS, Manolis Haniotakis, Cynthia Roberts, Eric Koehler, and others, as we expand our shared mission beyond the US.

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    alcemy x TU Berlin | Nachhaltigkeit und KI im Bauwesen Am Mittwoch waren unsere Kollegen David N., Ursula Pott und Marieke Voigt zu Besuch in der Technischen Universität Berlin, um gemeinsam mit Studierenden tiefer in das Thema „Nachhaltigkeit im Bauwesen mit KI gestalten” einzutauchen. Die Bauindustrie steht vor der Herausforderung klimafreundlicher zu werden. Ein großer Augenmerk liegt insbesondere auf den Beton, der auch weiterhin ein unersetzlicher und einzigartiger Baustoff bleibt. Die Zement- und Betonindustrie hat bereits große Meilensteine bei der Dekarbonisierung geschafft. Unsere Mission bei alcemy ist es, die Hersteller bestmöglichst bei der Umsetzung zu unterstützen. Die alcemy Teammitglieder haben in ihrem Vortrag in dem Zusammenhang vorgestellt, wie unsere prädiktive Qualitätssteuerung den Herstellern effektiv bei der Produktion klinkereffizienter Zemente und Betone helfen kann. Im Anschluss gab es in der Podiumsdiskussion einen anregenden Austausch, in dem es unter anderem um die Rolle von Change Management ging, aber auch wie man als Geophysikerin in einem KI-Startup landet und was man als Bauingenieur in einer Softwarefirma so macht. Wir möchten uns bei Dr. Christoph Völker für seinen Vortrag über iteratec, sowie bei Sabine Kruschwitz, Dietmar Stephan und allen Studierenden für dieses gelungene Format bedanken.

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    💡Last Call: alcemy academy | New clinker-efficient cements On the 22nd of July, 3pm to 4:30 pm, alcemy will host the first webinar of our upcoming new series called alcemy academy. This time, we are taking an in-depth look at clinker-efficient cements, such as CEM X. The following speakers joining the webinar: - Dr.-Ing. Sebastian Palm, Senior Engineer | Concrete Technology, VDZ - Thomas Schuster, Head of R&D | Laboratory Manager Berlin Plant, Spenner Zement GmbH & Co. KG - Oliver Mazanec, Head of Marketing & Communication Central Europe, Master Builders Solutions - Leopold Spenner, Co-Founder | CEO, alcemy The presentations will be followed by a Q&A, where we are looking forward to discuss the questions submitted by the participants before or during the webinar. 👉🏻 Take the last chance and don’t miss this exciting event! Sign up for the webinar using the following link:

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    🌱Our Cement and Concrete Customers - The Real Heroes of the #Decarbonization Last week, we announced our successful funding round of over 10 million dollars. As a team, we were delighted and motivated to receive so many congratulations. Thank you all. Another highlight: the major German business newspaper Handelsblatt devoted significant print and online attention to us and our activities in the cement and concrete industry. In the hustle and bustle of all the attention, both nationally and internationally, we want to pause for a moment and set the focus on one crucial thing: without our customers, this milestone would not be possible at all. Of course, we provide an important software solution, but ultimately, our cement and ready-mix concrete customers are working on decarbonization every day. They are reducing the clinker factor, researching new recipes, developing new green technologies, and driving the topic forward at an incredible pace. They are the real #decarbonizationheroes of this story - this hugely important industry that produces the most essential building material of humankind and the foundation of our civilization. The entire alcemy team, along with Leopold Spenner and Robert Meyer, would like to thank all our amazing customers who believe in us and work together with us in partnership. We will invest the 10 million dollars to further optimize our products and create even more additional value. 👉🏻 Click here for the article:

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    🚀 alcemy secures 10 Million Dollars in new funding round We are thrilled to announce that alcemy secured 10 Million Dollars funding during the extension of our initial Series A round. Europe's leading impact investor, Norrsken VC, was spearheading the extension round with participation from main investors such as Galvanize Climate Solutions, AENU and BitStone Capital. This milestone would not have been possible without our fantastic customers, who are the true decarbonization heroes. Thank you for your partnership and commitment. The support from Europes biggest climate investors and the customers once again underlines the importance and relevance of our mission - To accelerate the decarbonization of the cement and concrete industry through clinker efficiency. With this new funding we are not only focusing on improving our software for our amazing customers, but at the same time further accelerate the expansion into new major cement and concrete markets. Recent deals with major producers in Portugal, Turkey, and the US will allow us to enter six new markets within 2024 and make a significant step towards the goal of making global impact. A huge thanks to all - our amazing customers, our investors and the great and passionate alcemy team! The following media have so far reported about our funding round: 📣Swipeline TR (our expansion to Turkey): 📣 - Digital Real Estate: 📣Silicon Canals - European Technology News: 📣 👉🏻 You can find all information about the press release here:

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    Unternehmensseite von Portland Cement Association anzeigen, Grafik

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    🎉 It's #AssociateMemberMonday! PCA Associate Member alcemy is hosting a webinar July 22 at 8 CDT on one of the key considerations for decarbonizing the cement and concrete industry – the clinker factor. Many manufacturers have already launched new clinker-efficient cements, such as German producer Spenner. Spenner recently received national technical approval for a new portland-limestone slag cement (project title: CEM X) that offers clinker content of only 30%, alongside 33% blast furnace slag, and a substantial 37% limestone filler. The webinar will take an in-depth look at numerous questions relating to clinker efficiency: How did the approval process work, and what were the necessary steps in Germany? Why did Spenner decide to develop a CEM X? What can we learn about the production of concretes with w/c-ratios around 0.40? Learn more and register here: #SustainableBuilding #CementIndustry #Decarbonization

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    🔥 Meet the alcemy team As a growing company, our teams are in a constant flow of change with new members onboarding all around the year. Some have been at alcemy for quite a while, and some joined alcemy’s mission basically from the start. One of those early team members we would like to introduce to you is our principal product manager David Müßig, who has alcemy’s mission running in his veins for quite some years. After graduating from Freie Universität Berlin with his Masters degree in Mathematics, David worked in the field of supply planning at FlixBus. Here he found a passion for product management and paved his way into the cement and concrete world, as his colleague at FlixBus, our Co-Founder Robert Meyer, sparked his interest to join alcemy. Driven by his motivation to create a livable future for his two daughters, it was a perfect match to combine his passion for developing enjoyable digital solutions with alcemy’s mission to decarbonize the cement and concrete industry. Being a DIY enthusiast, David's practical mindset benefits his professional life, where he enjoys working closely with our customers all over Europe to find solutions for our concrete product. Working at alcemy offers the possibility to shape his job and adapt to the new reality of work, including home office and flexible working hours. At the same time, we can combat climate change by reducing CO2 emissions and ensure a better future for our planet. Being able to combine your passion and convictions with a work you like is a desire David managed to fulfill, and we are proud to have him as our passionate product manager on the team. 👉🏼 Interested in using your talents to make a change in the cement and concrete world? Check out our open positions:

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    Profil von Hoang Anh Nguyen anzeigen, Grafik
    Hoang Anh Nguyen Hoang Anh Nguyen ist Influencer:in

    LinkedInTopVoice Sustainability | Leiter Nachhaltiges Bauen @alcemy | Klimaschutz, Stadtentwicklung & Diversity

    💡 Innovation braucht Partnerschaft: Nachhaltiger Beton x EDGE Friedrichspark Partnerschaften und Netzwerke zu bilden, sind beim Thema Nachhaltigkeit enorm wichtig. Um neue Innovationen in die Praxis zu bringen, braucht es den Pioniergeist und das Commitment aller Beteiligten - alle müssen an Bord sein, alle müssen am gleichen Strang ziehen. Ein solche einzigartige Partnerschaft ist uns beim Edge Friedrichspark gelungen. Dort hatten wir gestern in einem tollen Pressegespräch und einer anschließenden Begehung die Möglichkeit das Projekt und den Einsatz eines radikal klinkerreduzierten Betons (CEM X) der Öffentlichkeit zu präsentieren. Mittlerweile ist schon eine signifikante Betonmenge eingebaut worden. Insgesamt werden es am Ende ca. 12.000 m3 CEM X sein - ein absolutes Novum und eine wirklich beeindruckende Leistung. Wir von alcemy verstehen uns als Brückenbauer zwischen den Interessen, aber ohne die Bereitschaft der Partner wäre dieses Projekt niemals gestartet. 🙏 Zuallererst sind hier unser Kunden Spenner Herkules GmbH & Co. KG und Spenner Zement GmbH & Co. KG zu nennen. Ihr Fokus auf die Zulassung des CEM X hat diesen Meilenstein erst möglich gemacht. Ihr Offenheit und Motivation haben den Einsatz maßgeblich ermöglicht. Vielen Dank stellvertretend an Martin Franzke, Georg Weber, Thomas Schuster und Team. 🙏 Ein weiterer Dank gilt natürlich EDGE Technologies - ein Projektentwickler, der den Claim "The world needs better buildings" wirklich verinnerlicht hat. Ein Unternehmen, dass direkt Feuer und Flamme für das Projekt und den Einsatz des CEM X war. Danke hier an Dr. Andreas Muschter FRICS, Hans Hanschke, Daniil Pinyagin, Julian Schoeme und Team. 🙏 Natürlich darf in dieser Aufzählung ZÜBLIN als essentieller Partner nicht fehlen. Die Baustelle ist entscheidend für den erfolgreichen Einbau des anspruchsvollen und CO2-reduzierten CEM X - hier bestand von Anfang an die Leidenschaft und auch das Durchhaltevermögen das Thema anzugehen und auch bei Herausforderungen nicht klein beizugeben. Danke Zoltán Szabó, Kristina Sievers und Co. 🙏 Zum Schluss auch noch ein Dank an das tolle Netzwerk solid UNIT e.V. für die Unterstützung und den konsequenten Einsatz für nachhaltige Baustoffe im Massivbau. Danke Thomas Zawalski, Wiebke Zuschlag, Kristine Hebenstreit und Klimabeirat Dr. Tillman Prinz, M.A. Das ist erst der Anfang. Lasst uns alle gemeinsam nachhaltige Betone in die Bauprojekte bringen!

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