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Cancer and Chronic Disease Prevention

The Cancer and Chronic Disease Prevention Bureau:

  • Educates DC residents about the risks of tobacco, helps residents quit use of tobacco products, and protects residents from second-hand smoke and from the marketing of tobacco products.
  • Works with primary care providers, specialists, community clinics, hospitals and laboratories to;
    • Improve the consistency, delivery and use of preventive health services, with a focus on services that prevent cardiovascular disease, manage diabetes, and identify the most common cancers early.
    • Provide and/or ensure access to recommended and timely breast, cervical and colorectal cancer screening services.
    • Ensure that persons who screen positive for early cancers are treated appropriately and timely.
    • Collect and disseminate data on and provide strategy recommendations to reduce the burden of cancer.
  • Promotes an environment, in clinical and community settings, that supports healthy behaviors and prevents chronic diseases.

Cancer & Chronic Disease Prevention Bureau Programs

  • The Asthma Program aims to improve outpatient pediatric asthma management, improve medication adherence and decrease emergency department utilization for children and youth with asthma.
  • The Diabetes Prevention and Control Program reduces the burden of diabetes in the District of Columbia through partnerships aimed at policy change, sustainable community programming and health system quality improvements.
  • The Cardiovascular Health Program aims to prevent cardiovascular disease and promote chronic disease self-management through partnerships that increase clinical and community connections and increase access to lifestyle change programs. In addition, the program works with health systems to implement quality improvement processes and interventions to improve the detection and management of patients with hypertension.
  • The Tobacco Control Program works closely with government, community, and clinical partners to ensure that residents of all ages can achieve health by preventing the initiation of tobacco use, promoting cessation of tobacco, eliminating exposure to secondhand smoke and advancing health equity by identifying and eliminating commercial tobacco product-related inequities and disparities. Tobacco resources:
  • The Comprehensive Cancer Control Division works with community-based organizations, clinical partners, researchers, activists, policy makers and other stakeholders to reduce the District’s burden of cancer through prevention, early detection, and supporting survivors.
  • Breast and Cervical Cancer - Project WISH (Women Into Staying Healthy) provides free breast and cervical cancer screening and diagnostic services to eligible women in the District of Columbia and its surrounding areas. Project WISH also supports patients in understanding and navigating the medical system, helps them find transportation assistance and organizes cancer education opportunities.
  • The District of Columbia Cancer Registry collects and disseminates cancer data to guide cancer prevention efforts. The Cancer Registry tracks trends in cancer incidence, identifies differences in cancer by age, gender or race, examines the carcinogenic effects of environmental agents, uncovers geographical differences in cancer incidence and informs strategies for cancer prevention and control.
  • The Brain Health Initiative aims to improve health outcomes and quality of life for persons living with Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias, as well as their caregivers.
Service Contact: 
Community Health Administration
Contact Phone: 
(202) 442-5925
Contact TTY: 
Office Hours: 
Monday to Friday 8:15 am to 4:45 pm