Vaccine preventable diseases (VPDs) are infectious diseases caused by viruses or bacteria that can be prevented with vaccines. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), tens of thousands of people in the United States get sick with VPDs. Infections caused by these diseases can result in hospitalizations and can sometimes be fatal. The best protection against VPDs are vaccines. Vaccines help reduce the incidence of VPDs and in some cases has helped to eliminate these health threats. The DC Health Vaccine Preventable Disease Program is responsible for the surveillance and investigation of cases and outbreaks of VPDs in DC. The program also plays an integral part in providing education and guidance on prevention and control measures to stop the spread of VPDs in the District.
For the Public:
Vaccines help keep you, your family, and your friends healthy, so it is important to get vaccinated.
For more information on recommended vaccine and vaccination schedule please visit the CDC website.
For Healthcare Providers:
These are the notifiable VPDs in DC:
Report all suspected cases of VPDs to DC Health by completing the Notifiable Disease and Condition Case report Form using DCRC our online reporting system. The form is available on the DC Health Infectious Disease website. Information regarding the timeline for reporting VPDs to DC Health can be found on the Notifiable Diseases and Conditions in DC Resources website. VPDs should be reported as soon as they are suspected, without waiting for laboratory results, so that appropriate control measures can be implemented.
Learn more about the incidence of VPDs in the District by visiting the DC Health VPD Dashboard.
Additional resources:
Service Contact: Center for Policy, Planning and Evaluation Division of Epidemiology- Disease Surveillance and Investigation
Contact Email: [email protected]
Contact Phone: (202) 442-5865
Contact Fax: (202) 442-8060
Contact TTY: 711
Contact Suite #: 6th Floor
Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8:15 am to 4:45 pm
Service Location: 899 North Capitol Street, NE
GIS Address: 899 North Capitol Street, NE
City: Washington
State: DC
Zip: 20002
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