David Jablonski

David is a designer and activist, working to communicate what matters on a burning planet.

Portrait of David

Design Code

at the nexus of design & technology, where the magic happens. working with what we’ve got. always pushing for more. on eye level. human first. machines second. asking all the questions, finding all the answers, together. digital craftsmanship. moving to the background so the story takes center stage. making the complex accessible. and always having fun along the way.

Klimadashboard ↗

Co-Founder, Designer, Developer of climate data visualisation project covering Germany, Austria and beyond

2021 – today

Impfen.gv.at ↗

Simple and accessible information hub on vaccinations for Austrian ministry of health

2023 – today


Visualising and communicating Austrian COVID-19 vaccination data for millions of visitors

2021 – 2023

Private Jet Tracker

Tracking Austrian private jets and their CO2 footprint around the world with Greenpeace


Die Presse ↗

UI- and UX-Design for diepresse.com, giving quality journalism a fresh digital home

2019 – 2023

Our next project?

Available for new projects starting Q1/2025

[email protected]


working with the room. more listening than talking. going crazy on the post-it notes. seeing the possibilities in every crisis. working on the next big thing. imagining a fairer, better future. tackling this crisis one workshop at a time. having everyone leave with a joint goal in mind. merging the data with the emotion. always asking why? why not? what’s your role in this crisis? what’s our role? what’s design got to do with it? can we see the good in the bad? together we can.
David speaking on stage.


From multi-day workshops to 2-minute speeches, David is an experienced speaker, facilitator and moderator on the transition to a more circular, sustainable future and our role in it – as designers and citizens of this planet.

David speaking on stage.

TEDx Donauinsel

David speaking on stage.

European Forum Alpbach


from my first youtube channel at 13 to this. telling stories, always. making the invisible visible. we’ll fix it in post. can a film fix the world? inspire us to take the train? take the path not taken? find new stories? in front or behind the camera. merging story, image, sound. camera always rolling. is this a love story? or a story about myself? about our planet? about you?

Glacier Documentary – Klima:Dok

Out of Place – 350k views on YouTube


i’m not good at it, but i like doing it. it’s an old-fashioned blog. fuck elon musk. i really need to write more. writing helps me think. documented thoughts feel heavier. but writing stuff down can make the brain lighter. the ideas clearer. ignore this section for now, there’s not much stuff here. but soon there will be. anyway, what are you up to? let’s write letters again. shall we?

Joining the designaustria board


Behind the scenes at OHWW Festival


Who’s counting?


Running faster
