IOM Czechia

IOM Czechia

Mezinárodní vztahy

Prague 1, Prague 1 550 sledující uživatelů

O nás

IOM in Czechia has been active since 1998. Among its main activities include assisted voluntary returns and reintegration, migration and development, labor migration, prevention and combatting of trafficking in human beings, support to capacity building in migration management, integration of foreigners in Czechia, and information sharing on migration issues. Established in 1951, the International Organization for Migration is the leading intergovernmental organization in the field of migration and is committed to the principle that humane and orderly migration benefits migrants and society. IOM works with its partners in the international community to assist in meeting the growing operational challenges of migration, advance understanding of migration issues, encourage social and economic development through migration and uphold the well-being and human rights of migrants. More people are on the move today than at any other time in recorded history: 1 billion people – comprising a seventh of humanity. A variety of elements – not least the information and communications revolutions – contribute to the movement of people on such a large scale. The forces driving migration as a priority issue are: climate change, natural and manmade catastrophes, conflict, the demographic trends of an ageing industrialized population, an exponentially expanding jobless youth population in the developing world and widening North–South social and economic disparities.

Mezinárodní vztahy
Velikost společnosti
11 - 50 zaměstnanců
Prague 1, Prague


  • Zobrazit stránku organizace IOM Czechia, grafika

    1 550 sledujících uživatelů

    🏃♂️ 🏃♀️ Last week, our partner Diakonie ČCE successfully organized the sixth Run Against Violence at Obora Hvězda in Prague. As part of the ongoing Stop Violence programme, this event tackles the important issue of violence in various forms. The fight against violence includes providing accessible therapy for those in need🤲 Through this programme our partner Diakonie also offers individual and group therapy in Ukraine language 🙏 Learn more : ➡

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  • Zobrazit stránku organizace IOM Czechia, grafika

    1 550 sledujících uživatelů

    🔵 We came together to strengthen connections and share valuable insights at our networking event for intercultural and diaspora workers. It's crucial to build these networks to better support staff working directly with refugees from Ukraine. 🙌 Participants from across Czechia joined us on September 25, 2024, to learn about employee rights and effective communication in cross-cultural contexts. The day was filled with cultural exchange and educational sessions, followed by group activities focusing on networking and community building. 🤝 We extend our gratitude to our partners, collaborators, and especially our donors, the U.S. Department of State and State Secretariat for Migration SEM, Switzerland, for their funding, in making this event possible. Organizace pro pomoc uprchlíkům, z.s. AMIGA - Agency for Migration and Adaptation ROMODROM, o.p.s. official People in Need Magistrát města Brna Městská knihovna v Praze/Municipal Library of Prague Czech Red Cross yourchance o.p.s.

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  • Zobrazit stránku organizace IOM Czechia, grafika

    1 550 sledujících uživatelů

    ❓How to recognize unfavorable loans?  ❓What are the most common debts of Ukrainian citizens in Czechia? ❓How does debt turn into an enforcement order?  ❓What are the options for debt relief?   Migrants in difficult life situations belong to the most vulnerable groups at risk of over-indebtedness and unfavorable loans, as they often have limited knowledge of Czech legislation, context, and frequently the language as well.   🚨 IOM Czechia has therefore started cooperation with Institut prevence a řešení předlužení (Institute for the Prevention and Resolution of Over-Indebtedness), a key actor in Czechia that has been dealing with household debt, enforcement orders, and personal bankruptcies for a long time. 📒 A series of trainings for direct assistance workers helps address these important situations and provide tools on how to prevent over-indebtedness and effectively deal with it when it occurs.   The training series kicked off with an online webinar introducing the topic of debt. Today and tomorrow in-person training is taking place at the Skautský institut, which dives deeper into the topics of over-indebtedness, insolvency, and debt resolution.   These activities are carried out with the generous support of U.S. Department of State 🙏

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  • Zobrazit stránku organizace IOM Czechia, grafika

    1 550 sledujících uživatelů

    🛬 After almost two years, the Assisted Voluntary Return and Reintegration (AVRR) programme is active again at IOM Czechia. The AVRR programme, one of cornerstones of IOM - UN Migration's mission, offers essential support to migrants wishing to return to their countries of origin voluntarily. Our aim is to ensure returns are safe, dignified, and sustainable, with a strong focus on successful reintegration into home communities. With years of experience and a global network, IOM is committed to upholding the human rights to all migrants, providing them with the vital assistance they need, regardless of their status. More information: ➡ The project "Return and Reintegration Assistance to Voluntary Returns of Third-country Nationals 2024-2026" Reg. No CZ.12.01.03/00/23_015/0000034 is co-financed by the European Union through the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund Programme and the budget of the @Ministry of the Interior of the Czech Republic.

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    Zobrazit stránku organizace IOM Slovakia, grafika

    1 971 sledujících uživatelů

    📚 Successful IOM Research Capacity Development Workshop in Bratislava! 📊  Over the past two days, IOM Slovakia together with colleagues from 🌏 IOM Austria, IOM Czechia, IOM Estonia, IOM Germany, IOM Hungary, IOM Latvia, IOM Lithuania, and IOM Poland strengthened their capacity, skills and knowledge in research production and management workshop provided by IOM Research at IOM Headquarters and the Data and Research Unit at IOM Europe and Central Asia in Bratislava.  📝 During this practical and participatory workshop, we gained valuable insights into topics including research design, methodologies, ethical and inclusive research practices, as well as communicating research findings. We also shared our knowledge and experiences of conducting research.  🤝Thank you to all participants for your engagement and contributions!   _____________  📚 Úspešný workshop IOM na rozvoj výskumných kapacít v Bratislave! 📊  Počas uplynulých dvoch dní IOM Slovensko spolu s kolegami z 🌏IOM Austria, IOM Czechia, IOM Estonia, IOM Germany, IOM Hungary, IOM Latvia, IOM Lithuania, a IOM Poland posilnili svoje kapacity, zručnosti a vedomosti v oblasti tvorby a riadenia výskumu na workshope, ktorý zabezpečil IOM Research pri IOM Headquarters a Data and Research Unit pri IOM Europe and Central Asia v Bratislave.  📝 Počas tohto praktického a participatívneho workshopu sme získali cenné poznatky o témach, akými sú návrh výskumu, metodológia, etické a inkluzívne výskumné postupy, ako aj komunikácia výsledkov výskumu. Taktiež sme sa podelili o vedomosti a skúsenosti s vedením výskumu.  🤝 Ďakujeme všetkým účastníkom za aktívnu účasť a prínos!  #Migration #Collaboration #IOM #KnowledgeSharing 

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  • Zobrazit stránku organizace IOM Czechia, grafika

    1 550 sledujících uživatelů

    ❔What are my employment rights? ❔How can I effectively defend myself against unfair treatment? ❔Where can I find support if I have problems with my employer? 🔷 While more and more refugees from Ukraine are successfully integrating into the Czech labour market, it is very important that they are safely familiar with basic labour rights. Therefore, IOM Czechia is continuing with such informative seminars online as well as on site. The aim of these trainings is to raise awareness of labour rights and provide practical advice and tools to protect against unfair treatment and violations of labour rights 🛡 First of these seminars took place in a community centre Krajanka in Jablonec nad Nisou. These activities are supported by the Swiss contribution 🙏  #SwissEuropeContribution

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  • Zobrazit stránku organizace IOM Czechia, grafika

    1 550 sledujících uživatelů

    🌐IOM MEET-UP IN PRAGUE! The great thing about the Summer School on Migration Studies is that it attracts dozens of applicants from all over the world. Equally great, however, is the fact that some of them are themselves working for the IOM and may get the opportunity to meet informally in Prague with Petr Cap, the Head of Office of IOM Czechia, and others who were available at the time 😊 Therefore, we were able to meet colleagues from IOM United States, IOM Qatar, IOM Türkiye, IOM Switzerland, OIM Tunisie - IOM Tunisia - المنظمة الدولية للهجرة بتونس, Iran, Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, Kenya and Senegal 💙 It was a pleasure to meet all of you, and hopefully, see you at the next Summer School or sooner!

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  • Zobrazit stránku organizace IOM Czechia, grafika

    1 550 sledujících uživatelů

    Yesterday, we had the opportunity to host Scott Lang, the Regional Refugee Coordinator from the U.S. Department of State: Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM). During this brief visit, we met with our partner Nadace Via - Thanks to funding from the U.S. Government, we have supported two rounds of the small grants program "Z Ukrajiny mezi nás" (From Ukraine Among Us). This program aims to support projects and initiatives that connect Czech and Ukrainian communities, helping refugees from Ukraine integrate into Czech society. Together with representatives from Komunitní prostor Smíchov one of the supported initiatives, we discussed the importance of small grassroots projects in bringing positive change to societies. Later that day, we showcased our achievements from the past year, made possible thanks to the support of PRM, the major donor for IOM Czechia. We appreciate this collaboration and eagerly anticipate our continued cooperation in the future 🤝 #iomczechia US Embassy Prague

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  • Zobrazit stránku organizace IOM Czechia, grafika

    1 550 sledujících uživatelů

    🎓SUMMER SCHOOL ON MIGRATION STUDIES 2024 Over 90 students and young professionals from more than 40 countries from around the world are participating in a week-long Summer School of Migration Studies in Prague. The programme is organised by the Faculty of Science, Charles University & Geographic Migration Centre GEOMIGRACE in cooperation with IOM Czechia 🌐 The Summer School on Migration Studies, which has been held since 2009, has refugee and integration as its main theme this year. 💠 "Despite Czechia's rich history of migration and cultural exchange, which has shaped the very identity of the Czech nation, this is a country that, like many others, is often tempted by quick and simplistic solutions, driven by fears and insecurities. Migration, too often, becomes misused for cheap political manipulation, emotions, and fears. That is why it is so important to talk about the myths, to unmask them, and why it is so important that you are seated in academia, in one of Europe’s oldest universities—Charles University, Faculty of Science." said Petr Cap, Head of IOM's office in Czechia, in his opening speech at the event. -- Partners of the Summer School are the OSN Česko (UN Information Centre in Prague) and the Czech office of the UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, which has supported the participants from Ukraine and Afghanistan with scholarships.

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  • Zobrazit stránku organizace IOM Czechia, grafika

    1 550 sledujících uživatelů

    ❝HOW DO YOU MAKE A HOME WHEN YOU'VE HAD YOURS TAKEN AWAY?❞ As World Humanitarian Day approaches, OSN Česko (UNIC) hosted a screening of the compelling documentary "Another Summer". The film tells the stories of Afghan and Ukrainian refugees who were forced to flee their homes after the Taliban's takeover in 2021 and Russia's invasion of Ukraine in 2022. 🗣 The documentary features interviews filmed by Afghan and Ukrainian students and refugees, who, after a one-week training, travelled to various cities across Europe to capture the experiences of those who, like themselves, had escaped violence and oppression. The film touches on sensitive and critical issues, particularly the perspective of parents who, through migration, have secured a safe future and a new home for their children but often struggle to find a sense of home and future for themselves 📽 Directed by documentary filmmaker and researcher Alžběta Bartoníčková and anthropologist David B. Edwards, "Another Summer" was created from over 100 hours of footage. The event opened with remarks by Petr Gandalovic, Director of the Department of Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic, and Ajmal Khybari, Head of the UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency office in Czechia. 💭 After the screening, the audience engaged in a brief discussion with the directors, as well as with Magda Faltová, Director of SIMI (Association for Integration and Migration), and Petr Cap, Head of Office at IOM Czechia. 🔷 Magda Faltová emphasized the importance of providing humanitarian assistance to all refugees and migrants, regardless of their origin. 🔷 Petr Čáp remarked, "As humanitarian workers, we cannot bring people the homeland they lost. But in the spirit of humanity, we can assist them in building a new home." 🤝 Humanitarian work goes beyond delivering aid where people are objects of help - it’s about empowering people to become agents of change for themselves as well as becoming subjects of ongoing help passed to others. The webpage of the film: ▶

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