WHO KILLED THE WORLD? (Posts tagged queue)

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See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna
I’m simply saying you can get a work visa and you can get in the normal line. I’m not creating a new line for citizenship. I’m just saying you can get in the current line that exists. The only thing I’m saying is you don’t have to go home.

Rand Paul, attempting to clarify his immigration position

To clarify, the Great Libertarian Hope Rand Paul’s position is that undocumented workers should be able to get some sort of work visa that allows them to live as second-class members of societies while they “get in the current line that exists.”

The problem? There is no general purpose line.

There is, however, a line for “family reunification.” If, for example, your brother is a U.S. citizen and you want to join him, you can wait in that line. If you’re coming from the Phillippines the line is about twenty-four years long.

Rand Paul’s plan to fix immigration doesn’t actually fix immigration.

(via squashed)

ugh can we just open the fucking borders already

it’s still going to mean everyone has to get in lines to get SSNs, driver’s licenses, voter registration, whatever

but hey, think of how many people we’d have to hire to process all that extra paperwork

meanwhile I think it’s actually a pretty big deal for a republican to say that undocumented immigrants shouldn’t be deported, so I guess that’s good?

politics rand paul republicans immigration reform queue