Soubor:NASA Readies Artemis III (MAF 20210401 ARTIII ESLift14).jpg

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English: Technicians at NASA’s Michoud Assembly Facility prime and move the engine section of NASA’s Space Launch System rocket for Artemis III in preparation for its next step in production. This hardware is the first large piece manufactured for the Artemis III mission and makes up the lowest portion of the 212-foot-tall core stage. When complete, the engine section will house the four RS-25 engines and include vital systems for mounting, controlling and delivering fuel from the propellant tanks to the rocket’s engines. Together with its four RS-25 engines and its twin solid rocket boosters, it will produce 8.8 million pounds of thrust to send NASA’s Orion spacecraft, astronauts, and supplies beyond Earth’s orbit to the Moon and, ultimately, Mars. Offering more payload mass, volume capability, and energy to speed missions through space, the SLS rocket, along with NASA’s Gateway in lunar orbit, the Human Landing System, and Orion spacecraft, is part of NASA’s backbone for deep space exploration and the Artemis lunar program. No other rocket is capable of carrying astronauts in Orion around the Moon in a single mission.
Autor NASA/Michael DeMocker


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současná11. 10. 2021, 06:27Náhled verze z 11. 10. 2021, 06:278 192 × 5 464 (38,98 MB)LeijurvUploaded a work by NASA/Michael DeMocker from with UploadWizard

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