Soubor:Mug and Torus morph.gif

Mug_and_Torus_morph.gif (240 × 240 pixelů, velikost souboru: 497 KB, MIME typ: image/gif, ve smyčce, 58 snímků, 12 s)


English: A coffee mug morphing into a torus, a popular example in topology.
Türkçe: Bir kahve bardağının simide sürekli deformasyonunu gösteren bir homeomorfizma animasyonu.
Русский: Кофейная кружка, превращающаяся в тор, популярный пример в топологии..
Tento grafika byl vytvořen programem POV-Ray.
Zdroj Vlastní dílo
Autor Lucas Vieira
Další verze
File:Mug and Torus morph frame.png
single frame suitable for thumbnail purposes


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POV-Ray source code

Torus to mug morphing animation, by Lucas Vieira - January 17, 2007 - Coded in: POV-Ray 3.6
License: Public Domain

Author user page:
The final animation at Wikimedia Commons: [[:File:Mug_and_Torus_morph.gif]]

Several modifications were done for each part of the animation and I didn't keep them all here.
So if you wish to reproduce the animation, you'll have to play with this code quite a bit. :)


background { color rgb 1 }

global_settings { assumed_gamma 1.5 }

camera {
	location <0,4,-5>*0.8
	look_at <0,0,0>
	//rotate -45*y

#declare dist = 0.2;
light_source {
	<0,0,0>, 1
	//translate <-3,5,-5>*1
	translate 5*y
	translate -5*z
	translate 2*x

#declare a = 1;

// Cylinders for the mug shape
#declare C_a = function { pow(x / a,2)   pow(z / a,2)-1.5 }
#declare C_b = function { pow(x / a,2)   pow(z / a,2)-1.2 }
#declare B_b = function { (y 1.3) }

// Torus (handle and the morphing target)
#declare R = 1; #declare r = 0.22;
#declare T_a = function { pow(R - sqrt(pow(x,2)   pow(y,2)),2)   pow(z,2) - pow(r,2) }
#declare R2 = 1; #declare r2 = 0.5;
#declare T_b = function { pow(R2 - sqrt(pow(x,2)   pow(y,2)),2)   pow(z,2) - pow(r2,2) }

// Hollow mug (concave)
#declare Mug = function { min(min(max(C_a(x,y,z),B_b(x,y,z)),max(C_a(x,y,z),-C_b(x,y,z))),max(T_a(x-1,y,z),-C_a(x,y,z))) }

// Solid mug (cylinder with handle, convex)
#declare Mug2 = function { min(C_a(x,y,z),max(T_a(x-1,y,z),-C_a(x,y,z))) }

#declare c = 0.5;

// Linear to smooth interpolation
#declare Int = pow(sin(clock*pi/2),2);

// Functions for the mug parts, left as backups.
// max(C_a(x,y,z),B_b(x,y,z)) bottom
// max(C_a(x,y,z),-C_b(x,y,z)) sides
// min(max(C_a(x,y,z),B_b(x,y,z)),max(C_a(x,y,z),-C_b(x,y,z))) bottom sides
// max(T_a(x-1,y,z),-C_a(x,y,z)) handle
// min(min(max(C_a(x,y,z),B_b(x,y,z)),max(C_a(x,y,z),-C_b(x,y,z))),max(T_a(x-1,y,z),-C_a(x,y,z))) full mug

// Render as isosurface or CSG.
// Isosurface is used in the transitional states.
#declare RenderIsosurface = 0;
#if (RenderIsosurface)
union {
	isosurface {
		function {
			// Add previously defined object functions using Int and (1-Int) as to generate the smooth transition
	  	contained_by { box { -<3,1.5,3>, <3,1.5,3> } }
		accuracy 0.001
		max_gradient 5 // 10
		//rotate -90*x
	cylinder {
		<0,-1.3 Int*2.8,0>, <0,-1.5,0>, sqrt(1.5)
	pigment {
  		color rgb <0.6,0.8,1> transmit 0.1
	finish {
		specular 0.5
		roughness 0.01
		ambient 0.2
union {
	difference {
		cylinder {
			-1.5*y, 1.5*y, sqrt(1.5)
		cylinder {
			-2*y, 2*y, sqrt(1.2)
	difference {
		torus {
			R, r
			rotate 90*x
			translate x
		cylinder {
			-1.5*y, 1.5*y, sqrt(1.5)
	cylinder {
		<0,0-0.25 Int*(1.5 0.25),0>, <0,-1.5,0>, sqrt(1.5)
	pigment {
  		color rgb <0.6,0.8,1> transmit 0.1
	finish {
		specular 0.5
		roughness 0.01
		ambient 0.2


Updated January 12, 2007

  1. New colors: blue hue, brighter, softer shadows
  2. Changed light angle
  3. Non-linear interpolation: looks smoother and less boring
  4. Faster frame rate
  5. Cropped to relevant area
  6. Overall, smaller size for a better-looking image.

Updated January 20, 2007

  1. Removed dithering. Image now has visible color bands, but at least thumbnails won't look excessively grainy.

Updated March 1, 2007

  1. More saturation of colors


Public domain Já, autor tohoto díla, jej tímto uvolňuji jako volné dílo, a to celosvětově.
V některých zemích to není podle zákona možné; v takovém případě:
Poskytuji komukoli právo užívat toto dílo za libovolným účelem, a to bezpodmínečně s výjimkou podmínek vyžadovaných zákonem.


Přidejte jednořádkové vysvětlení, co tento soubor představuje
A coffee mug turning into a torus, a popular example in topology.

Položky vyobrazené v tomto souboru


Historie souboru

Kliknutím na datum a čas se zobrazí tehdejší verze souboru.

Datum a časNáhledRozměryUživatelKomentář
současná2. 3. 2007, 01:56Náhled verze z 2. 3. 2007, 01:56240 × 240 (497 KB)LucasVBback to old cropping - looks a lot better
2. 3. 2007, 01:49Náhled verze z 2. 3. 2007, 01:49189 × 240 (477 KB)LucasVBmore saturation of colors
20. 1. 2007, 09:30Náhled verze z 20. 1. 2007, 09:30240 × 240 (465 KB)LucasVBRemoved dithering since it was causing excessive grainy-ness in thumbnails. Image now has color bands, but at least thumbnails won't look bad.
12. 1. 2007, 06:49Náhled verze z 12. 1. 2007, 06:49240 × 240 (497 KB)LucasVBBetter version -- bright color softer shadows color=blue instead of an ugly yellowish-brown --- non-linear interpolation (looks a lot smoother) --- cropped to relevant area -- all in all, looks better and the file is a hundred kilobytes smaller :)
2. 10. 2006, 07:02Náhled verze z 2. 10. 2006, 07:02320 × 240 (554 KB)LucasVBA coffee w:mug morphing into a w:torus.

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