Soubor:Kromogram No 1 Vase of flowers circa 1896 large.jpg

Původní soubor (1 069 × 950 pixelů, velikost souboru: 166 KB, MIME typ: image/jpeg)


English: A stereoscopic Kromogram by Frederic Eugene Ives (1856-1937), issued in 1897. As shown at left, it consists of three pairs of transparent black-and-white positive photographs on glass, mounted in cardboard frames hinged together with cloth tape. The images were originally photographed through red (top pair), deep blue (middle pair) and green (lower pair) color filters. To be seen in color, the Kromogram had to be viewed through an Ives Kromskop (pronounced "chrome-scope"), which used colored glass filters to illuminate each image pair with the correct color of light and transparent reflectors to visually superimpose the three. The user looked through a pair of lenses and saw a three-dimensional image in full natural color. Monoscopic (2-D) Kromskops and Kromograms were also made.

At upper right, a digital color composite of the three image pairs. It is a simple combination of the black-and-white images as red, green and blue color channels and has not been color-corrected or artificially enhanced in any way.

At lower right, a large version of the right-eye image, derived from a composite color photographic print on paper made in the 1950s. It is included to show detail not visible in the stereoscopic images due to the low resolution of the available source material. Whole-image contrast and color balance adjustments have been used to more closely match it to the unadjusted small images.
Datum (first publication; original photography possibly a year or two earlier) Uploaded 2012-10-08 18:47:00
Zdroj Complete Kromogram:; large single color composite:
Autor Original images: Frederic Eugene Ives (1856-1937); small color composite and arrangement of component images are by uploader, any newly created rights herewith released into the public domain.


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United States
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současná9. 10. 2012, 03:01Náhled verze z 9. 10. 2012, 03:011 069 × 950 (166 KB)AVarchaeologistUser created page with UploadWizard

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