Soubor:Abkhazia 10 apsar Ag 2008 Ardzinba b.jpg

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аԥсшәа: Монета «Владислав Арӡынба», 10 ҧсарк, 2008, араӡны 925, ашьҭахьтәи аган
English: Coin «Vladislav Ardzinba», 10 apsars, 2008, Ag925, reverse
Հայերեն: «Վլադիսլավ Արձինբա» հուշադրամ, 10 ափսար, 2008, 925 հարգի արծաթ, դարձերես
Lietuvių: Moneta «Vladislavas Ardzinba», 10 apsarų, 2008, sidabras 925, reversas
Русский: Монета «Владислав Ардзинба», 10 апсаров, 2008, серебро 925, реверс
аԥсшәа: Аҧсны Аҳәынҭқарра Амилаҭтә банк
English: National Bank of the Republic of Abkhazia
Հայերեն: Աբխազիայի Հանրապետության Ազգային բանկ
Lietuvių: Abchazijos Respublikos Nacionalinis Bankas
Русский: Национальный банк Республики Абхазия
(Užití tohoto souboru)
Public domain
This work is not an object of copyright according to the Law of the Abkhaz Republic 1227–с–XIV of January 16, 2006 on Copyright and Neighbouring Rights (details).

Article 8. Works that are not objects of copyright

The following shall not be objects of copyright:

  • official documents (laws, court decisions, and other texts of legislative, administrative and judicial nature) as well as official translations thereof;
  • state emblems and official signs (flags, armorial bearings, orders, currency and other state symbols and signs);
  • works of folk art;
  • news reports on events and facts, which are of a purely informational character.

Full text of the Law: in Russian

Comment – The Abkhaz Republic is a self-proclaimed state. While de-facto independent and partially recognized, it is regarded as a part of Georgia by most countries. Nevertheless, it is supposed that the author has agreed with the uncopyrightability of this work.
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současná25. 6. 2017, 13:50Náhled verze z 25. 6. 2017, 13:50900 × 900 (385 KB)Vaheчистый задный фон
2. 10. 2008, 11:48Náhled verze z 2. 10. 2008, 11:48992 × 992 (479 KB)Dinamik{{Information |Description= {{ru|Абхазская монета}} {{en|Abkhazian coin}} |Source= |Date= 26-09-2008 |Author= Bank of Abkhazia |Permission= |other_versions= }} ==License== {{PD-AB-exempt}} [[Category:Money of

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