Easily track any Bitcoin or Ethereum address and get notified of incoming transactions (including ERC-20 tokens) instantly via Telegram, Discord, Slack, webhook or email.
Setup your account and start receiving notifications in minutes
Add any Bitcoin or Ethereum address that you would like to track.
Select how you would like to be notified. We currently support Telegram, Discord, Slack, Webhooks and email.
Whenever a transaction is detected for your address, we will notify you instantly.
You only pay for the notifications that you receive. Depending on what notification channels you prefer and how many notifications you want to receive for each transaction.
We give you 50 credits to start with and you can easily purchase more credits instantly with a simple Bitcoin payment. One credit is worth about $0.02 and notification channels start as low as 4 credits.
Buy your credits in the dip and you will get more bang for your buck!
Try for free