Basic Game Story completed!

Progress so far...


There are four cities in the game which you have to travel through to accomplish your goal. Each city contains a unique set of puzzles with a new game mechanic that is build upon from previous cities.

City 1 starts by introducing the controls and rules of the game world. It has simple location identity puzzles to get you familiar with the world. This city also does a heavy chunk of the story.

City 2 builds upon the previous puzzles by introducing lever-door type puzzles. The characters you meet here reveal more information about the internal factions in the city.

City 3 has locomotive type puzzles, where you control a vehicle and use it to solve puzzles and reach your destination.

City 4 is like the finale of puzzles and mixes all the above mechanics and introduces remotely controllable locomotives. This city is also the climax for your companion characters who have traveled with you.


The game is divided into six parts. The first four are the four cities you travel solving puzzles and gathering stories. After you complete the fourth city, you go through a simple and calm phase collecting items for the next part. This is the fifth part and it is the "peace before the storm" phase of the game. The sixth part is the climax. It is a mini combat sequence where you, along with your companions, face off against the King and his Army.

Since I intended to develop this game to be primarily a Puzzler, the combat part comes only to the end of the game and resolves the story.

What next?

The current version of the game runs efficiently and is well optimized. There were no bugs or glitches found during any of the playtest sessions. There are no complaints from that sphere.

The tasks left to do, as of this devlog, are - UI and menus, Save and load features, Custom controls configuration, Sound and Music, Art and Animation Polishing, Colour Shader functioning.

I should also work on feedback from my playtest sessions as I've been delaying them a bit. I'll be regularly posting any developments to the game.

The game is very close to Release. Hold on!

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