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As a he/they bisexual queer man with a rabbit and hyperfixation with cosplay and fckin cannot stop yapping and a weird family dynamic I have never felt more called out playing a game and trust me i have felt really called out before. THATS NOT EVEN ALL I FEEL CALLED OUT FOR MAN--

well done developers. now please remove all cameras in my room DJJDJDDJW

I'll remove the cameras, but only if you let me know when you decide to dye your hair purple. It's destiny now. 😜😂

Jokes aside! I'm glad you liked my game! It was my first project and definitely a lot as a solo dev, but it was so much fun to make! I'm really glad to hear you had a good time with it. Tell the bunny I love them!

Look, I mostly play horror and escape rooms, but this was FRICKIN' ADORABLE and is the best thing I've picked up in the last two days. Cackled over 'manors/manners'. Choked on my drink at the 'returning my man card' sequence. This whole game was just too good.

Aww I'm so glad to hear you liked it! Thank you for letting me know 😊 My day has been made.

the download is not working at all, it keeps saying no compatible downloads found. I'm playing on mac

Fixed it! Sorry about that. Originally when I uploaded I marked the files as 'mac' and 'windows' but upon updating it seems I forgot to check the boxes. If you were downloading from the website it would have worked fine, but the itch app didn't know which files to pick! So sorry for the mistake, it should be all fixed now!

it's alright, thank you so much!

I just wanna give Gracey a bigggg hug!

lmao please do they need it 😂

yes, my sweet Gracey deserves all the hugs, cuddles and love in the world

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Loved it, came here from Reddit, Grayson was indeed super cute. I LOVE the fact that choosing she/her pronouns actually led to me being called female adjectives and nouns (some games treat you as gender neutral regardless of what pronouns you choose which is very dissappointing). I also appreciated how nice the author was in their replies to my questions. 

If there are any plans to add to this game (especially spicy scenes), Ill definetly be back for more. 

The music was very pleasant too and I loved the purple (one of my fave colours)

Also, I picked one of the options and the humour was great. 

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Hello! I'm glad I was able to answer all your questions, and I'm so happy to hear you had fun playing! Thank you very much for letting me know! Made my day.  😊

This was so cute! I had a lot of fun playing through the routes.

Glad to hear it! Thanks for letting me know ☺️

(1 edit)

Awww, this is cute!  It got pretty real at times, too.  Is this your first game, btw?  It's the only one on your itch page.

Aw I’m glad you liked it! And yep, it’s my first one! 

It's a great debut, you should be proud!  My onlt criticism is that there are far too many coffee choices lol.  Also, I would love an ending guide!

Are you on social media?  I want to make fanart, and would want to tag you when it's done!

lmao the coffee choices was a joke because I asked my friend group their coffee order to put it in and they had a very large response 😂 I wasn’t even sure if I’d finish the game at the time so it was just something for us all to laugh at. To be honest I had forgotten that was there. 🤣 I’m working on an update that adds epilogues and pronoun selection, so I’ll chop a few of those out before uploading that. 

I can work on an ending guide! Most are pretty easy to get, but one is definitely a challenge since it requires max affection. 

I pretty much only use reddit and just to lurk in the otome and Ren’Py subs lmao. It would literally make my day if you did though! I don’t mind making a new account wherever so just lemme know what you use. 

Ooo, I'm looking forward to those epilogues, can't wait to see them! C:

Awesome, tysm!

Ok!  I'll probably post it on Twitter & Pillowfort (@NaomiNorbez), as well as Tumblr (@NorbezJones).  Lmk if you make an account on any of those platforms!

Glad to hear it! I’m hoping I’ll make more progress on it tonight. I’ll put that walkthrough together at the same time. 
Just made a twitter and followed ya! Not at home right now so my pfp is just Grayson cuz that was what I have on my phone lol. @CorvidsCauldron

Hey! Just letting you know the update is out! Hope you like it!

GREYSON. WAS. SO. CUUUUUUUUUUUUUUTE. AAAAAAAAAAAAA. I don't normally do that but I totally need to do a fanart of him in a maid suit 0v0


Anywaysies I'm so glad to hear you liked it! I hope you had fun and thank you for playing!

How lovely! The art was cute, the story was nice, even the music while being repetitive was quite lovely! What a good game

I'm glad to hear you liked it! It's a solo project and I'm tone deaf myself, so I had to use premade assets for the soundtrack, but I think DavidKBD made some lovely pieces, although I could have definitely utilized them better. Something for me to think about while I work on the update to add epilogues! Thank you for the feedback, and again for playing! I'm really happy to hear you enjoyed it!

(3 edits)

Oh goodness...this one was adorable and so full of love. I've only played a fraction of the game since I've only completed one ending so far since it's getting a bit late as of writing this comment. Now, I haven't pursued any other endings aside from the one I got on my first run (Ending 8) for ease of skipping through dialogue to find differences, but I did go back and try out a handful of other hobbies and there is just SO much detail! That combined with how many endings there are and what you can do or say to Grayson, I find that there's lots of effort and thus lotsa love in this project! (,,> ω<,,)

And speaking of, Grayson...sweet Gracie...I wish to love and cherish him (*ノωノ)..............ahem, for real though! He's both so charming and magnetic while also being rather relatable. While I may differ from him greatly in terms of personal identity and history, I could deeply understand his struggles and where he was coming from.


When he began to really get into his personal history, I really wanted to just reach out and comfort him or just...something! Anything! I wanted to tell him he wasn't stupid for wanting that love! That he was allowed to still love them even if it felt stupid! That sometimes feelings are just like that and he was allowed to feel that way, even if he knew it was never going to happen!! Augh!!! I'm trying to keep this comment as vague as I can, it's just that I felt very strongly about this part!! Waugh!!ヽ(;A;)ノ


Ahem! Anyhow! 

I look forward to playing more of LAF and uncovering more of the little details and differences! (✧∀ ✧ 人 ) Maybe I will muster up the courage to be more indifferent or perhaps even mean to Grayson...but for now, I am content in having gotten to know him and being allowed to love him (♡ ⸝⸝´꒳`⸝⸝) All in all, a very cute and well-done game with a ton of heart!

( 1)

Oh my goodness thank you so much! I'm so glad you enjoyed it. You made my whole day with this comment!

I'm so glad you love Gracie! I tried to make him a more realistic character and love interest. He's a sweet guy but has his flaws and baggage like everyone else. 

I had to cut out a lot of things I wanted to add to get it submitted in time for the jam, so I'm glad the game didn't suffer for losing out on that. Think more ways for the mc to express themself, custom pronouns, as well as epilogues for all the endings! I'm hoping to add them in in the near future but this is still a completed game as is and I'm really so happy to hear you enjoyed it. Genuinely thank you for leaving this comment! I'll be riding high for the rest of the week lmao

(4 edits)

Aaaaaaa I'm really happy to hear that! (,,> ω<,,) I just wanted to express how much I enjoyed this game and how it made me smile ;w; I would say that you definitely succeeded in making Grayson realistic and fleshed out--like you said, he's very sweet. He's highly approachable and lovable, but he's definitely got his own host of issues that are, again, relatable and understandable but are also entirely capable of hurting him or the people he cares about. I think that in particular is what really made me feel for him.

(´;ω;`) I know I certainly had a moment of, "I know exactly why you're doing this, but it hurts. Hurts everyone involved." (WHICH AGAIN IS HOW I KNOW THE EMOTIONS ARE HITTING RIGHT TTwTT)

AND OHOOOO (╯✧ ∇ ✧)╯While I am personally quite satisfied with how the game ended and think you have done plenty of great work with LAF as it is now, I would certainly be excited for an update! o(^∀^*)o All of those features sound like they would be great additions and well ofc I'd be happy to spend more time with Gracie outside of the random scenarios my brain cooks up (*ノωノ) 

Still, know that you've done very well and definitely deserve to rest! I am glad if my thoughts and appreciation have reached you. Take it easy and have a good day (*^▽^)/

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You're literally so sweet for saying all this. Thank you so much! I'm glad to know you're looking forward to the update. I have a long weekend currently so I'm hoping to make some good progress on that over the next couple days. Funny enough working on stuff like this is how I like to rest lmao. I really am so happy to hear you liked it. Genuinely thank you for letting me know!