A downloadable game for Windows

Just as there are two versions to each story, there are two versions to each person. A version that we reveal to the world and the other that we keep hidden... A duality governed by the balance of light and darkness. Each of us has the ability to accomplish good and evil, but those who are able to blur the line of moral division hold true power.


Grab two X-Box Controllers and smash the ball until you win against a friend!

X: Fire cannon

Hit the ball: Head bang it!

From the authors: Made in 48h during Global Game Jam 2022! 

We had people gathering around our laptops to try the game, it was great fun - and we think you'll like it too!

Team :

  • 2D / UI Artist : Cortex (Crédo Dossou)
  • Game Designer / Scenarist / Sound designer : Wiljunow (Audrey Guyot)


hithit-windows-2-players-controller.zip 42 MB

Install instructions

Download the game and run in on Windows.

Requirements: Needs two x-box controllers.


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( 1)

It was so fun but not only to share this adventure ! what a team !

( 1)

Congrats on this project, I believe this suits the theme perfectly, it's unique. The game plays really smoothly and is well optimised. Music is funky and the art is vibrant and easy on the eyes. I could definitely see this being a cool couch party game and being a lot of fun with a few beers. Or better yet, a mobile game that people can connect via online multiplayer. Great job people! Love it!