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[뉴스로 채우는 한 잔] 음주운전 특별단속 7월부터 실시

2024.07.09. 오전 10:00

Crackdown on drunk driving to begin in July

음주운전 특별단속 7월부터 실시

Ahead of the summer vacation season, the national police agency announced that it will conduct a special crackdown on drunk driving nationwide for two months starting Monday.

경찰청은 여름 휴가철을 앞두고 월요일부터 2달 간 전국적으로 특별음주단속을 실시한다고 발표했다.

The Korean National Police Agency will administer breath tests every Friday, and each municipal police agency will lead the crackdown at least twice a week. Crackdowns will also be carried out on a regular basis by region, according to the police.

경찰청은 매주 금요일 음주 측정을 실시할 예정이며, 각 시도경찰청 주관으로 일주일에 최소 두 번 단속이 이뤄질 예정이다. 경찰에 따르면, 지역별 상시 단속도 병행된다.

The crackdown is aimed at highlighting the need to eradicate drunk driving, prompted in part by a recent drunk-driving offense by a celebrity was involved in drunk driving, a police official explained.

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