Maps of the world
(Redirected from World maps)
Blank world maps
[edit]- Many more available in Category:Blank maps of the world
Blank world map
Eckert4-World Map (as used by ARTE-TVs "Mit offenen Karten"
The World with points
Simplified blank world map without Antarctica
Blank political world maps
[CURRENT] Blank political world map
[CURRENT] Blank political world map; to facilitate identification and colorising, microstates and island nations, as well as small subnational territories, are represented as circles.
1985's world with borders
Physical world map 2004 with country borders and capitals; Robinson Projection: standard parallels 38°N and 38°S (click for large 2 MB version)
Simplified angular political world map
Thematic world maps
Unemployment in 2007.
ACP States
GDP per capita 2007
GDP nominal and PPP 2007
GDP growth 2007
Inflation in 2009
Gini coefficient
Countries above and below world average GDP PPP per capita
Current Account Balance 2006
Current Account Balance 2006 as % of GDP
Current Account Balance 2006, per capita
soil erosion
Rainfall erosivity
Political world maps
All the countries of the world
Prisoners per 100,000 citizens
States of the Non-Aligned Movement
States of the Middle East
APEC member countries
Council of Europe
ICC member states
Kyoto Protocol participation 2009
Localisation of nuclear weapons
Ottawa Treaty members
Iberoamerican Summit
Summit of the Americas.
Member states Conference on Disarmament (CD) 1981
Member states Conference on Disarmament (CD) 2007
Corruption as of 2005
Military Alliances
Bilderberg Attendees
Social world maps
HDI 2007/2008
Evolution of human development in the 2000s
Education Index
World literacy rates
State of population
Percentage below the national poverty line
Percentage of population living below the International Poverty Line (less than $1.90 a day)
Median age
Births attended by a skilled health personnel
Life expectancy
Suicide rates per 100,000 people
Laws on homosexuality
Malaria as of 2003
HIV prevalence as of 2004
Vitamin A deficiency
% of children under height for age
Abortion laws
Death penalty
Age of sexual consent
Smoking Males
Smoking Females
Topographic world maps
[edit]See also Topographic maps
- NOTE: The below four images are too large to be thumbnailed by Mediawiki and so will output the full 8MB images for each if displayed on a page. For the moment, they have been linked to in order to prevent this page from downloading 32MB of images each time it is loaded.
- File:WorldMap-A non-Frame.png—Topographic world map, none frame (8MB)
- File:WorldMap-A with Frame.png—Topographic world map, with frame (8MB)
- File:WorldMap-B non-Frame.png—Topographic world map, none frame (8MB)
- File:WorldMap-B with Frame.png—Topographic world map, with frame (8MB)
Old world maps
[edit]- Many more available in Template:Maps_of_world_history
after Anaximaner and Hekataios, about 510. B.C.
Beatus Ms, 12th century
in Apocalypse of St. Severe
Ortelius World Map 1570
in Kepler's Tabulae Rudolphinae (1627)
Produced in Amsterdam, 1689
Planisphere Physique ou l'on voit du Pole Septentrional ce que l'on connoit de Terres et de Mers Avec les —Grandges Chaines de Montagnes qui traversant le Globe… 1750
Chinese map, 1763
Map in star projektion (1880)
See also
[edit]See also: Atlas of the world.