Jacob Sturm - Deutschlands Flora in Abbildungen (Orchidaceae)
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Jacob Sturm - Johann Georg Sturm:
"Deutschlands Flora in Abbildungen"
Stuttgart - Germany
(Orchids only)
[edit]Volume 4 plates 10 - 21
plate 10 archive copy at the Wayback Machine
Orchis purpurea -
plate 12 archive copy at the Wayback Machine
Orchis morio
Anacamptis morio -
plate 13 archive copy at the Wayback Machine
Dactylorhiza majalis -
plate 14 archive copy at the Wayback Machine
Gymnadenia conopsea -
plate 15 archive copy at the Wayback Machine
Ophrys insectifera -
plate 16 archive copy at the Wayback Machine
Epipogium aphyllum -
plate 17 archive copy at the Wayback Machine
Limodorum abortivum -
plate 18 archive copy at the Wayback Machine
Epipactis palustris -
plate 19 archive copy at the Wayback Machine
Listera ovata
Neottia ovata -
plate 20 archive copy at the Wayback Machine
Spiranthes spiralis -
plate 21 archive copy at the Wayback Machine
Cypripedium calceolus