<nowiki>iconostasio; ikonosztáz; Ikonostasi; иконостас; Ikonostase; iconostasis; Иконостас; Иконостас; Ikonostase; İkonostasis; イコノスタシス; 聖幛; Ikonostas; 圣幛; איקונוסטאזיס; Iconostasis; 聖幛; 圣幛; іканастас; Ikonostaasi; iconostasis; Ikonostazo; ikonostas; Ikonostas; iconostasi; iconostase; iconostase; іканастас; Ikonostas; Ikonostas; Ikonostas; ikonostas; ഐക്കണോസ്റ്റാസിസ്; ikonostas; 聖幛; iconóstase; კანკელი; Ikonostass; Іконостас; Иконостас; Ikonostas; Ikonostas; Ikonostasas; 圣幛; Ikonostasis; Ukuta wa picha; ikonostasis; 聖幛; Ikonostaas; iconòstasi; Іконостас; Иконостас; Iconostasio; eiconostasis; Εικονοστάσιο; iconostas; tramezzo nell'arte sacra, separa la zona del popolo da quella dei presbiteri; architecture ecclésiale, cloison de bois ou de pierre; ozdobna ściana we wnętrzu cerkwi; алтарная перегородка, состоящая из одного или нескольких рядов икон; bildgeschmückte Trennwand zwischen Kirchenschiff und Altarraum in orthodoxen Kirchen; alttarin ja kirkkosalin erottava seinä ortodoksisessa kirkkorakennuksessa; screen of icons and religious paintings, separating the nave from the sanctuary in a church; wall of icons and religious paintings, separating the nave from the sanctuary in a church; stěna s ikonami, která v pravoslavných a řeckokatolických chrámech odděluje presbyterium od lodi; алтарная перагародка; iconostasis; Templon; Ikonostasio; Iconostasi; Ikonostasis; iconostase; iconostácio; iconostasis; eikonosthasis; ikonostaze; კანკელის კედელი; იკონოსტასი; イコノスタス; Ikonostasis; Ikonostase; Ikonostasen; Ikonostas; iconostasion; Алтарная преграда; Iconostasis; catapeteasmă; איקונוסטזיס; Τέμπλο; Иконостас</nowiki>
screen of icons and religious paintings, separating the nave from the sanctuary in a church
This is a gallery page containing specially selected image and media files. They have been chosen as highlights of a particular topic, but do not represent the full range of files that are available on Commons. For a wider selection of files connected with Iconostasis, see Category:Iconostases.
Iconostase de Santa Maria Valle Porclaneta (Ca. 1150), Abruzzi, Italy.
Iconostasis of Cathedral of the Annunciation, Moscow
Iconostasis of church of Elias prophet, Yaroslavl
Mary Ascension cathedral (interior) in Astrakhan
Iconostasis of Holy Trinity Cathedral, Ipatiev Monastery, Kostroma
Iconostasis of the Rock Church in northern Bulgaria
Photo of Archangel Michael Cathedral interior in Moscow Kremlin, taken August 2003 by User:Stan Shebs
Iconostasis and Miraculous Icon in the Orthodox Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary in Smolensk.
King's Gate of iconostasis in Troyan Monastery in Bulgaria.
Orthodoxe Kirche in Sarajewo
St. Michael Ethiopian Orthodox Church in Garland, Texas, USA
Holy Trinity Russian Orthodox Cathedral in Chicago, Illinois, USA
The iconostasis, of the former Greek Church in Trzciana, Poland