Gross domestic product
(Redirected from GDP)
English: The gross domestic product (GDP) is a measure of a country's overall economic output.
Deutsch: Das Bruttoinlandsprodukt (BIP) ist die Menge aller Güter und Dienstleistungen, die eine Volkswirtschaft herstellt.
See also categories: Economic statistics by country, Economic geography, Economic history by country, Economic maps, Economy by continent, Economic charts, Economic diagrams, Economic graphs, Economic trends and Functions in economics.
Year on year changes in percent
United States GDP growth 1923-2009
GDP Norway 1865 to 2004
World GDP
German GDP in constant prices since 1950
GDP per head of population USA 1880 - 2003
[edit]Capital formation
World capital formation as percentage of world GDP
Gross capital formation as percentage of gross operating surplus Adjusted for imputed compensation of self-employed
Composition by sectors
GDP of sectors of Sweden since 1800
Regional composition
1000 - 2000
GDP growth and rate of interest
Short term interest rate
Long term interest rate
Incremental capital-output ratio
Incremental output-capital ratio