This is a gallery page containing specially selected image and media files. They have been chosen as highlights of a particular topic, but do not represent the full range of files that are available on Commons. For a wider selection of files connected with Figurehead, see Category:Figureheads.
<nowiki>mascarón de proa; Hajóorrdísz; Stafnlíkan; Brankako irudi; Гальюнная фигура; Galionsfigur; 船头饰像; galionsfigur; 船首像; galjonsfigur; Галіон; Keulakuva; Figurehead; Prufiguro; Galionová figura; Polena; figure de proue; Käilakuju; figura de proa; gallionsfigur; Носова фигура; Sampung; Galion; gallionsfigur; boegbeeld; 선수상; насавое ўпрыгажэньне; Polena; Mascaró de proa; figurehead; تمثال حيزومي; Ακρόπρωρο; חרטום; decorazione lignea sulla prua della nave; történelmi hajók orrdísze; драўляная фігурка на носе карабля; houten beeld op de voorkant van een schip; скульптура на носу корабля; Figürliches Symbol am Schiffsbug; carved wooden decoration found at the prow of a ship; figura decorativa que se sitúa en el extremo de la proa; skulptur, der udsmykker et skibs stævn; mascaron de proa; フィギュアヘッド; carranca; figureheads; 船艏像; 船首像; 艏饰; 舰艏饰; 船头雕刻; 船头雕像; schegbeeld</nowiki>
carved wooden decoration found at the prow of a ship