Category:Works by Calvin
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This category has the following 6 subcategories, out of 6 total.
Media in category "Works by Calvin"
The following 75 files are in this category, out of 75 total.
Acta Synodi Tridentinae (IA actasynoditriden00calv).pdf 608 × 931, 296 pages; 14.08 MB
Bibliographiaca00ericgoog.pdf 1,275 × 1,650, 185 pages; 7.44 MB
The catechism of the Church of Geneva (IA catechismofchurc00calvrich).pdf 520 × 835, 170 pages; 8.82 MB
The catechism of the church of Geneva.. (IA catechismofchurc00calv 0).pdf 577 × 872, 168 pages; 13.06 MB
A Commentarie of John Calvine upon the first booke of Moses called Genesis (IA commentarieofjoh00calv).pdf 1,229 × 1,835, 872 pages; 88.96 MB
The commentaries of M. Iohn Calvin upon the Actes of the Apostles (IA commentariesofmi00calv).pdf 783 × 1,120, 658 pages; 44.02 MB
Commentaries on the Catholic Epistles (IA commentariesonca00calv).pdf 729 × 1,233, 500 pages; 27.52 MB
Commentaries on the Epistle of Paul the apostle to the Romans (IA commentariesonep00).pdf 743 × 1,239, 610 pages; 33.87 MB
Commentaries on the four last books of Moses - arranged in the form of a harmony (IA commentariesonfo01calv).pdf 745 × 1,306, 516 pages; 30.23 MB
Commentarii in Isaiam prophetam (IA commentariiinisa00calv).pdf 783 × 1,327, 622 pages; 50.7 MB
Commentarij in Epistolam Pauli ad Romanos (IA commentarijinepi00calv).pdf 704 × 1,187, 476 pages; 23.53 MB
A commentary upon the prophecie of Isaiah - whereunto are added foure tables ... (IA commentaryuponpr00calv).pdf 731 × 1,229, 748 pages; 58.17 MB
Harmonia ex Evangelistis tribus composita Matthaeo, Marco, & Luca (IA harmoniaexevange00calv).pdf 1,050 × 1,791, 648 pages; 54.44 MB
Harmonia ex Evangelistis tribus composita Matthaeo, Marco, & Luca (IA harmoniaexevange1614calv).pdf 941 × 1,491, 878 pages; 87.79 MB
In librum Psalmorum (IA inlibrumpsalmoru00calv).pdf 706 × 1,112, 936 pages; 80.32 MB
In omnes Pauli apostoli epistolas, atque etiam in Epistolam ad Hebraeos, & omnes canonicas (IA inomnespauliapos00calv).pdf 656 × 1,062, 1,316 pages; 107.21 MB
Institutes of the Christian religion (IA institutesofchri01calv).pdf 712 × 1,295, 696 pages; 43.25 MB
Institutes of the Christian religion (IA institutesofchri01calviala).pdf 768 × 1,268, 602 pages; 30.15 MB
Institutes of the Christian religion (IA institutesofchri02calv).pdf 835 × 1,358, 682 pages; 43.23 MB
Institutes of the Christian religion (IA institutesofchri02calviala).pdf 689 × 1,239, 524 pages; 28.26 MB
Institutes of the Christian religion (IA institutesofchri03calviala).pdf 706 × 1,231, 578 pages; 30.16 MB
Institutie ofte onderwiisinghe in de Christelicke religie .. (IA institutieofteon1602calv).pdf 1,085 × 1,841, 734 pages; 86.07 MB
Institutie ofte onderwiisinghe in de Christelicke religie .. (IA institutieofteon1645calv).pdf 1,056 × 1,712, 704 pages; 88.66 MB
Institutio Christianae religionis (IA institutiochrist00calv).pdf 633 × 1,097, 1,160 pages; 64.42 MB
Institutio christianae religionis .. (IA institutiochrist1559calv).pdf 1,200 × 1,962, 576 pages; 50.79 MB
Institutio christianae religionis - Ab ispso authore anno 1559 ... (IA institutiochrist1576calv).pdf 1,177 × 1,860, 928 pages; 78.85 MB
Institutio christianae religionis .. (IA institutiochrist1592calv).pdf 945 × 1,493, 714 pages; 68.17 MB
Institutio Christianae religionis (IA institutiochrist1612calv).pdf 608 × 1,077, 1,124 pages; 101.9 MB
Institutio Christianae religionis (IA institutiochristlond00calv).pdf 620 × 1,066, 912 pages; 77.34 MB
The institution of Christian religion (IA institutionofchr00calv).pdf 737 × 1,162, 1,230 pages; 79.06 MB
The institution of christian religion (IA institutionofchr01calv).pdf 883 × 1,216, 1,030 pages; 82.63 MB
The institution of Christian religion (IA institutionofchr02calv).pdf 764 × 1,131, 1,258 pages; 85.28 MB
The institution of christian religion (IA institutionofchr1561calv).pdf 1,018 × 1,656, 1,044 pages; 85.75 MB
The Institution of Christian religion (IA institutionofchr1574calv).pdf 881 × 1,297, 1,198 pages; 141.42 MB
The institution of christian religion (IA institutionofchr1578calv).pdf 1,050 × 1,639, 1,490 pages; 109.09 MB
The Institution of Christian religion (IA institutionofchr1587calv).pdf 612 × 891, 1,264 pages; 84.45 MB
The Institution of Christian religion (IA institutionofchr1599calv).pdf 839 × 1,108, 1,028 pages; 82.31 MB
Institvción de la religión cristiana (IA institvcindela00calv).pdf 852 × 1,358, 1,102 pages; 99.93 MB
Institvtio christianæ religionis (IA institvtiochrist00calv).pdf 700 × 1,060, 1,288 pages; 78.25 MB
The institvtion of Christian religion (IA institvtionofchr00calv).pdf 664 × 985, 1,520 pages; 107.38 MB
Ioannis Calvini commentarii integri in Acta apostolorum (IA ioanniscalvinico00calv).pdf 641 × 1,106, 492 pages; 40.24 MB
Ioannis Calvini praelectiones in duodecim prophetas (quos vocant) minores .. (IA ioanniscalvinipr00calv).pdf 1,118 × 1,860, 852 pages; 69.91 MB
Ioannis Calvini prælectiones- in librvm prophetiarvm Jeremiæ, et Lamentationes (IA ioanniscalvinipr1563calv).pdf 920 × 1,439, 878 pages; 78.18 MB
Lectures or daily sermons, of that Reuerend Diuine, D. Iohn Caluine... upon the Prophet Jonas .. (IA lecturesordailys00calv).pdf 781 × 1,075, 216 pages; 14.94 MB
Mosis libri V - cum Iohannis Caluini commentariis ; Genesis seorsum, reliqui quatuor in formam harmoniae digesti (IA mosislibrivcumio00calv).pdf 1,170 × 1,877, 1,008 pages; 88.55 MB
Pages choisies de Calvin (IA pageschoisiesdec00calv).pdf 529 × 810, 136 pages; 5.43 MB
Praelectiones, in duodecim prophetas (quos vocant) minores .. (IA praelectionesind00calv).pdf 668 × 1,068, 830 pages; 68.07 MB
The psalmes of David and others - with M. John Calvins commentaries (IA psalmesofdavidot00calv).pdf 756 × 1,093, 1,144 pages; 108.34 MB
Secret Providence.. (IA secretprovidence00calv).pdf 575 × 964, 134 pages; 8 MB
Sermons de Iean Calvin sur les deux Epistres sainct Paul à Timothee & sur l'Epistre à Tite (IA sermonsdeieancal00calv).pdf 981 × 1,508, 648 pages; 46.61 MB
Sermons de M. Iean Calvin sur le livre de Iob - recueillis fidelement de sa bouche selon qu'il les preschoit (IA sermonsdemieanca00calv).pdf 1,156 × 1,939, 796 pages; 73.57 MB
Sermons of Master Iohn Caluin upon the booke of Iob (IA sermonsofmasteri00calv).pdf 1,147 × 1,970, 798 pages; 85.18 MB
Sermons of M. Iohn Calvine upon the Epistle of Saincte Paule to the Galathians (IA sermonsofmiohnca00calv).pdf 754 × 1,166, 700 pages; 62.22 MB
Traitté des reliques ... (IA traittdesreliq00calv).pdf 952 × 1,564, 240 pages; 13.11 MB