Category:The pictorial history of the world (1877 book)
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Media in category "The pictorial history of the world (1877 book)"
The following 85 files are in this category, out of 85 total.
A shepard in the time of Abraham.jpg 2,024 × 1,627; 890 KB
Aaron in the dress of high priest.jpg 1,009 × 1,617; 277 KB
Abraham Encampment.jpg 1,266 × 1,581; 349 KB
Ancient Habor of Caesarea.jpg 2,112 × 1,445; 715 KB
Arabian Camels.jpg 1,411 × 1,332; 386 KB
Ark of the Covenant 1.jpg 1,457 × 2,013; 670 KB
Battle of Rivoli.jpg 3,117 × 2,061; 1.79 MB
Burial of Abraham.jpg 1,155 × 1,024; 278 KB
Capture of Lot and his Family.jpg 2,053 × 2,042; 960 KB
Coin of Herod Agirappa II., with head of nero.jpg 1,024 × 395; 69 KB
Coin of Herod Agirappa II., with head of Titus.jpg 1,026 × 460; 88 KB
Coin of Herod the great.jpg 980 × 476; 89 KB
Coin stuck by the empror Vespasian, commmorating the conquest of juaea.jpg 1,493 × 832; 216 KB
Copper Coin of Herod Antipas.jpg 922 × 439; 80 KB
Copper Coin of Herod the great.jpg 951 × 373; 55 KB
Daid spaes the life of Saul.jpg 2,084 × 1,727; 947 KB
Daughters of Laban at the well.jpg 1,273 × 1,712; 542 KB
David playing before Saul.jpg 2,009 × 1,678; 876 KB
David's tower at Jerusalem.jpg 1,616 × 1,580; 585 KB
Dedication of Samuel.jpg 2,055 × 1,844; 805 KB
Defeat of five canaanitish kings by Joshua.jpg 3,026 × 2,110; 1.63 MB
Demi - Shekel Copper.jpg 958 × 505; 81 KB
Destruction of Paroah's Army.jpg 1,624 × 1,668; 669 KB
Dress of Priests and Furniture of the Tabencle.jpg 2,359 × 3,713; 799 KB
Eastren house, with a paraphet.jpg 1,617 × 1,580; 571 KB
Emblems of the standards of the tribes.jpg 1,339 × 1,678; 500 KB
Esau Going foe vension.jpg 2,097 × 1,823; 981 KB
Feast of the new moon.jpg 2,009 × 1,648; 855 KB
Half - Shekel.jpg 790 × 417; 50 KB
Hebron a.jpg 2,075 × 1,116; 620 KB
Hugar sustaine in the desert by god.jpg 2,046 × 1,671; 925 KB
Jacob's well, at Shechem.jpg 1,623 × 1,532; 601 KB
Jael killing Sisera.jpg 1,034 × 1,240; 336 KB
Jaffa, or Joppa.jpg 2,090 × 1,693; 839 KB
Jerusalem in th Time of David, as sen from South.jpg 2,800 × 1,856; 1.18 MB
Jerusalem in the time of Herod the reat.jpg 3,724 × 2,355; 1.53 MB
Jezebel thrown from the city walls.jpg 1,061 × 2,517; 653 KB
Joash proclaimed king of Judah.jpg 3,091 × 2,170; 1.43 MB
Joseph interprets Pharoh's Dream.jpg 1,024 × 1,581; 379 KB
Joseph made ruler over Egypt.jpg 2,073 × 1,617; 1.41 MB
Meeting of Isaac and Rebekah.jpg 2,024 × 1,714; 818 KB
Molten calf.jpg 2,055 × 1,917; 976 KB
Mose viewing the promised land from Mount Nebo.jpg 2,041 × 1,690; 843 KB
Moses and Aron before Paraoh.jpg 2,092 × 1,902; 921 KB
Moses and the burning Bush.jpg 2,046 × 1,736; 929 KB
Mount Nebo.jpg 1,871 × 1,262; 573 KB
Mount Sinai from the Plain Er-Rahah.jpg 2,061 × 1,765; 912 KB
Mount Zion 1.jpg 1,616 × 1,156; 443 KB
Passage of the Red sea by te Israelites.jpg 2,067 × 1,663; 866 KB
Books from the Library of Congress (IA pictorialhistory01mcca).pdf 925 × 1,414, 1,294 pages; 163.02 MB
Pictorialhistory01mcca 0008.jpg 3,281 × 2,102; 2.04 MB
Promotory and convent of Mount Caramel.jpg 1,053 × 1,178; 259 KB
Quarter copper shekel of simon Maccabaeus.jpg 1,037 × 404; 77 KB
Quarter Shekel - Silver.jpg 968 × 431; 62 KB
Rachel's Tomb, Near Bethlehem.jpg 1,034 × 1,131; 285 KB
Retreat of French from Moscow.jpg 2,283 × 3,062; 1.75 MB
Samson grinding the prison mill at Gaza.jpg 2,046 × 1,671; 895 KB
Samson Riddle.jpg 2,075 × 1,700; 895 KB
Samuel anointing David.jpg 2,106 × 1,727; 846 KB
Scene of Jordan.jpg 1,019 × 1,058; 225 KB
Sea of Galilee, From North West Coast.jpg 1,580 × 1,146; 340 KB
Shekel of the snctuary.jpg 1,368 × 709; 134 KB
Silver Shekel.jpg 1,005 × 496; 84 KB
Sixth - part copper shekel of Simon Maccabaeus.jpg 1,024 × 453; 71 KB
Solomon reciving envoys of the tributary nations.jpg 3,027 × 2,110; 1.56 MB
Subterrain firs defeat Julian's effort to rebuilt the temple.jpg 1,024 × 2,751; 758 KB
The Ark.jpg 1,653 × 1,626; 545 KB
The Battle of Ipsus.jpg 1,183 × 1,208; 1.73 MB
The Breastplate of the high Priest.jpg 1,067 × 1,712; 366 KB
The camp of israel in the wilderness.jpg 2,104 × 1,729; 913 KB
The Dead sea from the convent of Mar Saba.jpg 1,616 × 1,156; 427 KB
The earth at creation.jpg 1,042 × 2,773; 735 KB
The fall of Jericho 1.jpg 2,099 × 1,705; 776 KB
The finding of moses by Pharoah's Daughter.jpg 1,002 × 2,781; 712 KB
The golden lamp bearer.jpg 1,420 × 1,430; 344 KB
The holy place of the tabenacle.jpg 2,121 × 1,515; 742 KB
The Israelites defeated by the Canaanites.jpg 1,499 × 1,569; 648 KB
The Rebuilding of Jerusalem.jpg 2,024 × 1,715; 917 KB
The Sanhedrim in Session.jpg 1,587 × 1,573; 662 KB
The Tower of Babel 1.jpg 2,018 × 1,709; 801 KB
The valley of The Jordan.jpg 2,077 × 1,709; 837 KB
Tomb of David, on Mount ion.jpg 1,652 × 1,357; 566 KB
View of Shechem and mount Gerizim from north west.jpg 1,595 × 1,156; 439 KB
Walls of Jerusalem 1.jpg 992 × 1,070; 227 KB
Wilderness of the wanderins.jpg 2,084 × 1,536; 702 KB