Category:Samaritans (charity)

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English: Samaritans (until 2002 known as The Samaritans) is a registered charity aimed at providing emotional support to anyone in emotional distress, struggling to cope, or at risk of suicide throughout the United Kingdom and Ireland, often through their telephone helpline. The name comes from the Biblical parable of the Good Samaritan, though the organisation is secular. Its international network exists under the name Befrienders Worldwide, which is part of the Volunteer Emotional Support Helplines (VESH) with Lifeline International and the International Federation of Telephone Emergency Services (IFOTES).
Polski: Samarytanie (Samaritans, do 2002 roku znani jako The Samaritans) – zarejestrowana organizacja charytatywna, która zajmuje się świadczeniem wsparcia emocjonalnego dla każdej osoby w dystresie lub z ryzykiem popełnienia samobójstwa w Wielkiej Brytanii i Irlandii. Międzynarodowa sieć istnieje pod nazwą Befrienders Worldwide. Nazwa Samarytanie pochodzi od biblijnej przypowieści o dobrym Samarytaninie, choć sama organizacja nie ma religijnego profilu.
中文:撒瑪利亞會 (Samaritans) 是一間註冊志願機構,以 英國愛爾蘭共和國為基地,為情緒受困擾和企圖自殺的人提供支援。「撒瑪利亞會」的名稱源自聖經好撒瑪利亞人的故事,但它本身並沒有宗教立場。
<nowiki>Samaritani; サマリア人協会; Samarytanie (organizacja); 撒瑪利亞會; Samáraigh (carthanas); Samaritans; السامريون (جمعية); 撒瑪利亞會; 撒瑪利亞會; mednarodna dobrodelna organizacija, ustanovljena v Združenem kraljestvu, ki nudi podporo osebam v čustveni stiski ali v nevarnosti samomora; UK-founded International charity providing support for those in emotional distress or at risk of suicide; goed doel van Chad Varah; The Samaritans; Samaritans; The Samaritans; サマリタンズ; Samaritans</nowiki>
UK-founded International charity providing support for those in emotional distress or at risk of suicide
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Instance of
  • Chad Varah
Headquarters location
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Founded by
  • Chad Varah
  • 1953
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official website
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This category has the following 2 subcategories, out of 2 total.