<nowiki>Diócesis de Chingleput; চেঙ্গলপট্টু ধর্মপ্রদেশ; diocèse de Chingleput; Kabiskopan Chingleput; Епархия Чинглепета; Bistum Chingleput; Diocese de Chingleput; Deoise Chaitliceach Chingleput; 天主教京格尔布德教区; Keuskupan Chingleput; Diecezja Chingleput; Dioecesis Chingleputensis; Bisdom Chingleput; Bisdom Chingleput; diocesi di Chinglepet; Roman Catholic Diocese of Chingleput; Bisdóm Chingleput; diòceze de Chinglepet; செங்கல்பட்டு மறைமாவட்டம்; diocese of the Catholic Church in India; römisch-katholisches Bistum in Indien; diocèse catholique en Inde; wilayah administratif gereja di India; roems-katheliek bisdóm in India; diecezja katolicka w Indiach; rooms-katholiek bisdom in India; Diocese of Chingleput</nowiki>