Category:Maps of the history of Japan
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Media in category "Maps of the history of Japan"
The following 124 files are in this category, out of 124 total.
1-nen.GIF 526 × 386; 36 KB
12000.GIF 507 × 467; 25 KB
Hokkaido Nemuro Br 16cl.GIF 768 × 429; 7 KB
Second world war asia 1943-1945 map fr-1.png 3,296 × 2,535; 621 KB
20.GIF 413 × 343; 81 KB
2755.GIF 595 × 320; 21 KB
500.GIF 467 × 445; 107 KB
5000.GIF 410 × 397; 41 KB
60.GIF 472 × 545; 89 KB
7000.GIF 596 × 522; 39 KB
Captital japan kinai.png 1,630 × 1,947; 490 KB
Carte des domaines de Chōshū, Saga, Tosa et Satsuma.svg 570 × 570; 1.94 MB
Changes of Saitama-City Area.png 662 × 734; 66 KB
Chubu region map during the Nambokucho period.jpg 2,720 × 1,900; 1.3 MB
Coast Of Kasai in 1945.jpg 1,100 × 1,600; 1.3 MB
Construction of the Yamanote Line en.svg 392 × 383; 29 KB
Construction of the Yamanote Line ja.svg 392 × 383; 68 KB
Daijyouji hill boundaries.jpg 7,016 × 4,928; 2.74 MB
Divide and rule plan of Japan.svg 1,260 × 1,495; 882 KB
East Asian Empires.svg 1,467 × 1,050; 8 MB
Edo map circa 1860.jpg 1,380 × 1,770; 842 KB
Embajada Keichō.jpg 1,215 × 487; 434 KB
Feudal Map of Japan between 1564-73.jpg 3,238 × 2,483; 5.97 MB
Gempei war-battles.farsi.svg 512 × 361; 329 KB
Gempei war-yoshitsune.PNG 780 × 554; 34 KB
GRIFFIS(1897) p056 Map of Ancient Japan and Corea.jpg 1,215 × 1,238; 354 KB
Heiankyo palace location.png 910 × 992; 225 KB
Hiroshima - Extend Of Fire & Limits Of Blast Damage.jpg 1,024 × 976; 371 KB
Iki-tsushima.GIF 592 × 468; 20 KB
Iwaionsenline after 800.jpg 800 × 500; 223 KB
Iwaionsenline befor 800.jpg 800 × 457; 164 KB
Japan "discovered" in 1541 (3780460572).jpg 1,280 × 849; 147 KB
Japan 1844.jpg 2,000 × 1,658; 3.54 MB
Japan in 680 ja.png 400 × 410; 95 KB
Japan map 1783.jpeg 4,170 × 4,380; 2.51 MB
Japan pirate.png 248 × 332; 25 KB
Japantowns.jpg 762 × 677; 77 KB
Japon - Periòde d'Oda Nobunaga e de Toyotomi Hideyoshi.png 1,320 × 1,295; 302 KB
Kaart van japan land en zeeroutes tijdens de tokugawa periode-1527461118.png 1,026 × 1,169; 160 KB
Kamakura - villes.svg 1,151 × 1,385; 1.38 MB
Kamakura in 1897.jpg 13,802 × 8,287; 38.82 MB
Kamakura-fu-ja.png 1,584 × 1,655; 428 KB
Kamakura-fu.png 1,584 × 1,655; 396 KB
Kan'ei-ji precinct map during the Edo period.jpg 1,220 × 790; 399 KB
Katorinoumi, Kofun Period.svg 512 × 512; 14 KB
Kentoshi route.png 486 × 374; 22 KB
Kinai - temples sanctuaires.svg 524 × 631; 390 KB
Kuni-no-miyatsuko of ancient Japan.jpg 2,730 × 1,820; 1.28 MB
Kyoto and vicinity map during the Nambokucho period.jpg 1,370 × 1,820; 862 KB
Map of East Asia (698 - 8th century)-es.svg 553 × 537; 86 KB
Map of East Asia (698 - 8th century).svg 553 × 537; 71 KB
Map of Japan in Provinces in time of Iyeyasu.jpg 4,448 × 3,062; 11.17 MB
Map-of-Japan-1183-Heian-Genpei-War.png 1,611 × 1,308; 304 KB
MapaJaponSolsobreRapaNui.jpg 998 × 1,189; 167 KB
Minuma2.jpg 776 × 539; 123 KB
Mizisiriike-map-meiji.jpg 1,165 × 888; 357 KB
Mizisiriike-map-new.jpg 1,150 × 879; 360 KB
Mizisiriike-map-old.jpg 1,170 × 896; 372 KB
Nanbokucho-capitals-zh.svg 950 × 804; 179 KB
Nanbokucho-capitals.svg 950 × 804; 177 KB
Occupied Japan 1945-1952.png 1,116 × 792; 35 KB
Occupied Japan.png 1,116 × 792; 29 KB
Okinawa, April-June 1945-49b - Naha-Shuri-Yonabaru.png 623 × 953; 378 KB
Old houjou bay.jpeg 520 × 345; 116 KB
Old old houjou bay.jpeg 520 × 343; 98 KB
Old old old houjou bay.jpeg 520 × 345; 96 KB
Oseki19th.jpg 500 × 125; 11 KB
Oshino hill.jpg 6,904 × 3,824; 7.4 MB
JaponAzuchimomoyama.png 930 × 898; 124 KB
River mouth of old edogawa in 1945.jpg 1,024 × 1,024; 841 KB
RutasComercialesPrincipalesJapónSigloXVII.svg 2,322 × 2,107; 239 KB
Second world war asia 1937-1942 map blank.svg 1,300 × 1,000; 173 KB
SEISHIN-CHO and RINKAI-CHO in 1974.jpg 800 × 900; 627 KB
Sengoku period 1500.png 1,064 × 1,079; 116 KB
Shizokuhanran.jpg 462 × 396; 62 KB
Shugos during the Kamakura period.jpg 2,710 × 1,800; 960 KB
Soviet Union disputes 1948-04-07 to 1952-04-28.png 2,000 × 1,210; 311 KB
Tohoku region map during the Nambokucho period.jpg 1,370 × 1,810; 712 KB
Tokio Eingemeindungen 1932-1936.png 2,211 × 2,090; 593 KB
Tokugawa shogunate of Japan on the globe (de-facto) (Japan centered).png 1,024 × 1,024; 427 KB
Tone riverine system 16century.png 480 × 285; 150 KB
Tone riverine system 20century.png 480 × 285; 152 KB
Toshima vill 1946.png 723 × 715; 149 KB
Touki Ryushichi 1926a 21.png 2,529 × 1,897; 312 KB
Travels of Jianzhen.png 1,125 × 795; 545 KB
Western Japan map during the Nambokucho period.jpg 2,740 × 1,990; 1.48 MB
Wojna chinsko-japonska 1894-95.svg 622 × 814; 1.66 MB
Yamato en.png 1,145 × 1,053; 181 KB
Yamato ja.png 1,145 × 1,053; 135 KB
Yamato Kingship ethnic groups.svg 512 × 470; 74 KB
Yamato Kingship in East Asia.svg 512 × 470; 52 KB
Yamato.GIF 416 × 467; 133 KB
Yodo River and Yamato River Basins.svg 512 × 761; 70 KB
Zojo-ji precinct map during the Edo period.jpg 1,220 × 945; 476 KB
Zui.GIF 849 × 624; 50 KB
Битва при Минатогава.png 884 × 316; 59 KB
Столицы периода Намбокутё рус.svg 950 × 804; 177 KB
Столицы периода Намбокутё.png 950 × 795; 130 KB
古代法美郡の郷の地図.jpg 428 × 350; 208 KB
古墳時代の主な勢力 (毛野).jpg 899 × 649; 108 KB
古山陰道の2ルート.jpg 800 × 715; 379 KB
国造分布図.pdf 4,966 × 7,020; 1.05 MB
坂東地方の古代の地形.jpg 2,286 × 2,264; 1.32 MB
坂東地方の牧場と街道.jpg 2,222 × 2,238; 2.27 MB
大山通.svg 744 × 1,052; 66 KB
大門宿.png 885 × 747; 93 KB
天保8年三才村入会絵図.jpg 841 × 600; 147 KB
山鉾巡行路の変遷(山鉾連合会・京都市無形文化遺産展示室201404).jpg 2,296 × 2,878; 1.79 MB
岩槻宿.png 835 × 803; 95 KB
日光御成道.png 897 × 761; 89 KB
榛名湖の広域地図640.jpg 640 × 772; 110 KB
法美往来800.jpg 800 × 709; 369 KB
浜名湖周辺の状況(江戸時代)2.jpg 1,436 × 1,421; 259 KB
湯山付近800.jpg 800 × 520; 275 KB
湯山付近II800.jpg 800 × 520; 313 KB
神機隊が連戦した全図.jpg 665 × 960; 97 KB
箱根関と東海道・脇往還.jpg 1,933 × 1,842; 455 KB
見沼地図.png 552 × 669; 53 KB
赤城山の古大沼.jpg 1,200 × 1,600; 1.38 MB
郷土鳥羽見.jpg 3,409 × 1,770; 4.78 MB
雨滝街道800.jpg 800 × 718; 357 KB
高野山挙兵地図.jpg 600 × 600; 192 KB