<nowiki>syndrome KBG; KBG-oireyhtymä; KBG syndrome; Zespół KBG; KBG-Syndrom; syndrome that is characterized by short stature, moderate to severe degrees of mental retardation, developmental abnormalities of the limbs, bones of the spine (vertebrae), extremities, and/or underdevelopment of the bones of the skeleton; Krankheit; хвороба; Short stature, characteristic facies, macrodontia, mental retardation, and skeletal anomalies; Macrodontia, Mental Retardation, Characteristic Facies, Short Stature, and Skeletal Anomalies; KBGS; KBG SYNDROME; KBG SYNDROME; KBGS; Short stature-facial and skeletal anomalies-intellectual disability-macrodontia syndrome; Zespół Hermanna, Pallistera i Opitza; Hermann-Pallister-Syndrom</nowiki>
KBG syndrome
syndrome that is characterized by short stature, moderate to severe degrees of mental retardation, developmental abnormalities of the limbs, bones of the spine (vertebrae), extremities, and/or underdevelopment of the bones of the skeleton