<nowiki>amartoma; hamartome; hamartoma; hamartoma; Hamartom; Hamartom; hamartoma; Hamartoma; هامارتوم; 错构瘤; Hamartoma; Hamartom; 過誤腫; Hamartooma; Hamartoma; hamartom; Hamartoma; המארטומה; hamartoom; Ҳомортум; 错构瘤; 錯構瘤; Hamartoma; Гамартома; ورم عيبي; 错构瘤; Гамартома; non-cancerous growth, made up of an abnormal mixture of cells and tissues normally found in the area of the body; مرض يصيب الإنسان; Gewebsfehlbildung; formazione tumorale benigna che riunisce in sé elementi di varia origine embrionale, i quali sono comunque, da un punto di vista istologico, dei tessuti normali.; hamartoma (disorder); hamartoma (morphologic abnormality); hamartomatous polyp; hamartomatous polyp (morphologic abnormality); Hamartoma</nowiki>
non-cancerous growth, made up of an abnormal mixture of cells and tissues normally found in the area of the body