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English: Futures studies (also called futurology and futurism) is the study of postulating possible, probable, and preferable futures and the worldviews and myths that underlie them. In general, it can be considered as a branch of the social sciences and parallel to the field of history. History studies the past, while futures studies considers the future. Futures studies seeks to understand what is likely to continue and what could plausibly change. Part of the discipline thus seeks a systematic and pattern-based understanding of past and present, and to determine the likelihood of future events and trends.
<nowiki>futurología; Футурология; pengajian masa depan; فۋتۋرولوگىييا; د راتلونکي څېړنې; Футурология; Viitorologie; 未來學; futurológia; футурологія; 未來學; 未来学; ອະນາຄົດສຶກສາ; Futurologiya; Футурология; futurologio; футурологија; Futurologija; futurologie; ڤڠاجين ماس دڤن; Tương lai học; فۋتۋرولوگىييا; Fwtwrologïya; Toekomsstudies; футурологија; 未来学; Футурология; fremtidsforskning; Futurologiya; futures studies; علم المستقبل; 未來學; jövőkutatás; Prospektiba; prospectiva; Zukunftsforschung; футуралогія; آینده‌پژوهی; 未来学; fremtidsforskning; 未来学; עתידנות; Studia futurorum; भविष्य विज्ञान; tulevaisuudentutkimus; futurolojia; எதிர்காலவியல்; futurologia; Futuroloogia; 未来学; Futurologjia; 未來學; Futurologija; futurologia; Futurologija; футуралёгія; framtidsstudier; Futurologia; Футурологија; futurologija; киләчәкбелем; อนาคตศึกษา; Fwtwrologïya; Futurologi; futurologia; Fütüristik; futurologie; Dyfodoleg; Футурология; футурология; Ապագայաբանություն; 미래학; futurologie; Μελλοντολογία; Ирээдүй судлал; studio del postulare futuri possibili, probabili e preferibili; kutatás; навука пра будучыя падзеі; Прогнозирование будущего; systematische und kritische wissenschaftliche Untersuchung von Fragen möglicher zukünftiger Entwicklungen; study of possible, probable, and preferable social, technological and political futures; veda o budúcnosti; nauka zajmująca się przewidywaniem i prognozowaniem przyszłości; תחום עיסוק המבקש לזהות מגמות אשר מתפתחות בעבר ובהווה, ולהסיק מסקנות לגבי התפתחותן האפשרית בעתיד; studie van mogelijke, waarschijnlijke en geprefereerde toekomsten; هو علم يختص بالمحتمل والممكن والمفضل من المستقبل; analyse multidisciplinaire des futurs possibles à partir de données statistiques et de la caractérisation de tendances; disciplina que estudia los posibles o probables eventos del futuro; 바람직한 미래의 가능성을 가정하는 연구; study of possible, probable, and preferable social, technological and political futures; la studo de eblaj, verŝajnaj, aŭ preferindaj estontecoj; vědní obor zabývající se výzkumem budoucnosti; tiedonala, jolla kartoitetaan tulevaa; studi di futuro; prospective; Futuroloog; Tuleviku-uuringud; Futurologia; Futurognose; Futurologe; Futurologie; Futurólogo; آینده پژوهی; اینده‌پژوهی; آیندهٔ پژوهی; ایندهٔ پژوهی; اینده پژوهی; 未來學; Futuristik; Fütüroloji; Fütürolog; Futurolog; Gelecekbilim; フューチャリスト; 未来学者; 未来研究; 未来予測; Future study (未来研究); Futurolog; Futurologie; futurologi; framtidsforskning; อนาคตวิทยา; อนาคตศาสตร์; futurologi; toekomstonderzoek; toekomstkunde; prospectiva; futurólogo; futurologia; futurologo; estudios de futuro; ФУТУРОЛОГИЯ; Футурист; Футуристи; Футуристичен; futurologia; tulevaisuudentutkija; tulevaisuuden tutkimus; futurology; futurism; Futures Studies; Futurology; future studies; Forecasts of future progress; Future study; علماء المستقبل; دراسات مستقبلية; futurológia; עתידן; חקר העתיד</nowiki>
study of possible, probable, and preferable social, technological and political futures
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Wikidata Q188867
identificator GND: 4155776-1
Thesaurus BNCF: 20913
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J9U ID: 987007543321205171
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 See also categories: Emerging technologies and Hazards.

Fișiere media din categoria „Futurology”

Următoarele 42 fișiere se află în această categorie, dintr-un total de 42.