<nowiki>Cáncer de trompa de Falopio; cancer des trompes de Fallope; ഫാലോപ്യൻ ട്യൂബ് കാൻസർ; äggledarcancer; Rak jajowodu; סרטן החצוצרה; 输卵管瘤; Yumurtalık tüpü kanseri; Munanjohdinsyöpä; Tubenkarzinom; 난관암; fallopian tube cancer; سرطان قناة فالوب; rakovina vejcovodů; Rak jajovoda; Krankheit; Sjukdom; مرض يصيب الإنسان; хвороба; female reproductive organ cancer that is located in fallopian tube; Neoplasm of the Fallopian Tube; malignant tumour of fallopian tube; malignant neoplasm of uterine tube; neoplasm of fallopian tube; Fallopian Tube Tumor; neoplasm of fallopian tube (disorder); fallopian tube neoplasm (disease); tumor of the fallopian tube; Tubal cancer; malignant tumor of fallopian tube; tumor, fallopian tube, malignant; fallopian tube neoplasm; malignant tumor of fallopian tube (disorder); tumor of fallopian tube; סרטן החצוצרות</nowiki>
fallopian tube cancer
female reproductive organ cancer that is located in fallopian tube