<nowiki>servikal polip; polipo cervicale; polype cervical; 宫颈息肉; Polyp krčka maternice; Cervical polyp; സെർവിക്കൽ പോളിപ്പ്; cervical polyp; полип шейки матки; پولیپ گردن رحم; سليلة عنق الرحم; 자궁경부 폴립; cervical polyp; Արգանդի պարանոցի պոլիպ; cervikální polyp; Cervikalni polip; neoformazione benigna che origina dall'epitelio della cervice uterina; tumeur bénigne à la surface du canal endocervical; cervix disease characterized by a benign polyp on the surface of the cervical canal; Krankheit; хвороба; nezánětlivé onemocnění ženského pohlavního ústrojí; Adenomatous Polyp of Uterine Cervix; Cervical Polyp; Polyp of the Cervix Uteri; Adenomatous Polyp of the Cervix; Polyp of Cervix Uteri; Polyp of the Uterine Cervix; Polyp of the Cervix; Cervix Adenomatous Polyp; Adenomatous Polyp of Cervix; Uterine Cervix Adenomatous Polyp; uterine cervix polyp; Cervix Polyp; Adenomatous Polyp of the Uterine Cervix; Cervix Uteri Adenomatous Polyp; Polyp of Uterine Cervix; Cervix Uteri Polyp; Polyp of Cervix; Cervikálny polyp; polype du col utérin; цервикальный полип</nowiki>
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