Category:Animations of lighthouse signals
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Media in category "Animations of lighthouse signals"
The following 120 files are in this category, out of 120 total.
Akmenrags.gif 25 × 40; 494 bytes
Ansekula.gif 25 × 40; 335 bytes
Baltimore Harbor Light Signal (Fl W 2.5s) Red Sector 082-160.gif 200 × 200; 4 KB
Cardinal E Q.gif 50 × 50; 1 KB
Cardinal N Q.gif 50 × 50; 460 bytes
Cardinal S Q.gif 50 × 50; 2 KB
Cardinal W Q.gif 50 × 50; 3 KB
Czolpino.gif 25 × 40; 494 bytes
Darlowo.gif 25 × 40; 494 bytes
Emmaste.gif 25 × 40; 335 bytes
Fl(4)15s.gif 200 × 100; 2 KB
Gaski.gif 25 × 40; 653 bytes
GayHead.gif 25 × 40; 493 bytes
Gipka.gif 25 × 40; 335 bytes
Graves.gif 25 × 40; 494 bytes
Int W.gif 50 × 50; 3 KB
Iso.gif 50 × 50; 3 KB
Jaroslawiec.gif 25 × 40; 494 bytes
Jastarnia.gif 25 × 40; 494 bytes
Juminda.gif 25 × 40; 494 bytes
Kaavi.gif 25 × 40; 335 bytes
Kallavere rear.gif 25 × 40; 335 bytes
Karbimadala green.gif 25 × 40; 812 bytes
Karbimadala red.gif 25 × 40; 16 KB
Karbimadala white.gif 25 × 40; 812 bytes
Keri lighthouse.gif 25 × 40; 335 bytes
Kikut.gif 25 × 40; 335 bytes
Kolka.gif 25 × 40; 494 bytes
Kolobrzeg.gif 25 × 40; 335 bytes
Kopu lighthouse.gif 25 × 40; 464 bytes
Krynica Morska lighthouse signal icon.gif 25 × 40; 494 bytes
Kubassaare.gif 25 × 40; 335 bytes
Lam R3.gif 50 × 50; 2 KB
Lam W2.gif 50 × 50; 3 KB
Lam Y.gif 50 × 50; 3 KB
Lam.gif 50 × 50; 3 KB
Letipea.gif 25 × 40; 812 bytes
Liepaja3.gif 25 × 40; 335 bytes
Light Code Al WR.gif 25 × 40; 1 KB
Light Code F R.gif 25 × 40; 253 bytes
Light Code FFl Y 5s.gif 25 × 40; 1 KB
Light Code Fl G 5s.gif 25 × 40; 335 bytes
Light Code Fl(2 1) W 5s.gif 25 × 40; 891 bytes
Light Code Fl(3) R 15s.gif 25 × 40; 2 KB
Light Code IQ R 14s.gif 25 × 40; 2 KB
Light Code Iso R 4s.gif 25 × 40; 338 bytes
Light Code IUQ R 6s.gif 25 × 40; 5 KB
Light Code IVQ R 9s.gif 25 × 40; 2 KB
Light Code LFl 10s.gif 25 × 40; 335 bytes
Light Code Mo(K) G 6s.gif 25 × 40; 653 bytes
Light Code Mo(K) Y 4s.gif 25 × 40; 993 bytes
Light Code Oc (2) G 8s.gif 25 × 40; 494 bytes
Light Code Oc R 6s.gif 25 × 40; 338 bytes
Light Code Oc(2 3) W 5s.gif 25 × 40; 1 KB
Light Code OcAl BuY 3s.svg 25 × 40; 438 bytes
Light Code Q (3) G 9s.gif 25 × 40; 653 bytes
Light Code Q W.gif 25 × 40; 335 bytes
Light Code UQ.gif 25 × 40; 335 bytes
Light Code VQ (3) G 4s.gif 25 × 40; 653 bytes
Light Code VQ.gif 25 × 40; 335 bytes
Light Signal FI G 4s.gif 200 × 200; 4 KB
Light Signal FI G 5s.gif 200 × 200; 2 KB
Light Signal FI W 5s.gif 200 × 200; 4 KB
Light Signal FI(2) W 12s.gif 200 × 200; 5 KB
Light Signal Iso W 5s.gif 200 × 200; 3 KB
LightCodeOcAlBuY3s.gif 25 × 40; 534 bytes
Loode.gif 25 × 40; 494 bytes
Lou green.gif 25 × 40; 812 bytes
Lou red.gif 25 × 40; 812 bytes
Lou white.gif 25 × 40; 812 bytes
Mehikoorma.gif 25 × 40; 335 bytes
Mersrags.gif 25 × 40; 335 bytes
Minots Ledge Light.gif 25 × 40; 1 KB
Muuga.gif 25 × 40; 338 bytes
Naissaare lighthouse.gif 25 × 40; 335 bytes
Narva.gif 25 × 40; 494 bytes
Niechorze.gif 25 × 40; 335 bytes
Norrby front.gif 25 × 40; 335 bytes
Norrby rear.gif 25 × 40; 335 bytes
North Foreland Light Signal (FI W(5) 20s) Red Sector.gif 200 × 200; 19 KB
Oc(2)9s.gif 200 × 100; 825 bytes
Pakri lighthouse.gif 25 × 40; 305 bytes
Pape.gif 25 × 40; 335 bytes
Paslepa front.gif 25 × 40; 338 bytes
Paslepa rear.gif 25 × 40; 338 bytes
Ruhnu lighthouse.gif 25 × 40; 353 bytes
Ruhnu lighthouse1.gif 25 × 40; 305 bytes
Rukkirahu red.gif 25 × 40; 496 bytes
Rukkirahu white.gif 25 × 40; 494 bytes
Saaretuka.gif 25 × 40; 653 bytes
Someri.gif 25 × 40; 335 bytes
Sopot.gif 25 × 40; 335 bytes
Sorgu red.gif 25 × 40; 496 bytes
Sorgu white.gif 25 × 40; 494 bytes
Soru rear green.gif 25 × 40; 335 bytes
Sorve.gif 25 × 40; 335 bytes
SOS (vert).gif 50 × 50; 2 KB
SOS lent optique vert.gif 50 × 50; 2 KB
SOS optique 1.gif 568 × 320; 12.82 MB
SOS SOS SOS jaune optique.gif 50 × 50; 2 KB
Stilo.gif 25 × 40; 653 bytes
Suurupi front.gif 25 × 40; 335 bytes
Suurupi rear.gif 25 × 40; 494 bytes
Swinoujscie red.gif 25 × 40; 338 bytes
Swinoujscie white.gif 25 × 40; 335 bytes
Tahkuna lighthouse.gif 25 × 40; 494 bytes
Texel light.gif 50 × 50; 977 bytes
Ustka.gif 25 × 40; 335 bytes
Vahemadala.gif 25 × 40; 338 bytes
Vaindloo red.gif 25 × 40; 338 bytes
Vaindloo white.gif 25 × 40; 335 bytes
Viirelaid red.gif 25 × 40; 338 bytes
Viirelaid white.gif 25 × 40; 335 bytes
Vilsandi lighthouse red.gif 25 × 40; 654 bytes
Virtsu lighthouse.gif 25 × 40; 335 bytes
Vislandi lighthouse white.gif 25 × 40; 653 bytes
Vormsi lighthouse green.gif 25 × 40; 335 bytes
Vormsi lighthouse red.gif 25 × 40; 338 bytes