User:David Eppstein/Gallery
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Mathematical illustrations
editI've placed most of the following mathematical illustrations in the public domain. If you see an illustration I've drawn for one of my other web sites, and want it to be uploaded to the commons for whatever reason, please ask by email: if I upload it myself, it can be more properly licensed, and it's likely that I still have the vectorized source instead of the rasterized version I use for web images.
Configurations and point-line incidences
Suboptimal no-3-in-line placement by the method of Erdős
Dual arrangement to a regular pentagon
Non-Desargues configuration
Complete quadrangle and dual complete quadrilateral
Desargues configuration as two mutually inscribed pentagons
Point sets with fewer than n/2 ordinary lines
Geometric graph theory
Grid bracing and its graph-theoretic analysis
Flexibility of an unbraced square grid in the grid bracing problem
Greedy geometric spanner with distance ratio 1.1
Greedy geometric spanner with distance ratio 2
Triangle-free penny graph
The smallest cubic matchstick graph
Integral Fáry embedding of the octahedron
Forbidden induced subgraphs of indifference graphs
Slope number of the Petersen graph
Slope number of bounded-degree planar graphs
Empty regions for the β-skeleton
String graph representation of a planar graph
Ageev's 5-chromatic circle graph
An intersection graph of rectangles, with boxicity two.
Hadwiger–Nelson problem: 7-coloring of the plane and 4-chromatic unit distance graph. From the junkyard.
A 3-colored triangulation for Fisk's proof of the art gallery theorem. From my WG09 slides.
Cayley graphs and symmetric graphs
The Johnson graph J(4,2)
drawn with three crossings
The smallest zero-symmetric graph with only two edge orbits
The graph of the 3-3 duoprism
Paley graph of order 9 and one of its triangles
7-vertex antihole graph
K5 subdivision of a crown graph illustrating the Kelmans–Seymour conjecture
Distinguishing coloring of a 6-key keyring (6-vertex cycle graph)
distinguishing coloring of a hypercube
1-planar 8-crossing Nauru graph
Hamiltonicity of the truncated octahedral graph
18-vertex zero-symmetric graph
The unique edge coloring of G(9,2)
12-vertex crown graph
Perfect matchings in a complete graph, or chord diagrams
K5 and K3,3 as minors of the Petersen graph
K2,2,2,2 as a 1-planar graph
Cycle and its complement
Matchings in a complete graph
Butterfly network as a multitree
Johnson graph J(5,2)
The Clebsch graph labeled as in a construction for Keller's conjecture
The path formed by the Steinhaus–Johnson–Trotter algorithm
K3,3 with each of its three color classes drawn as parallel line segments on distinct lines
Edge coloring of a complete graph
The Clebsch graph
Construction of the Clebsch graph from a hypercube
One-crossing drawing of K3,3
A generalized Petersen graph with only three Hamiltonian cycles
The Shrikhande graph in Lombardi style
The Folkman graph in Lombardi style
The octahedron as pancyclic graph
The odd graph O4
3-crossing drawing of the Heawood graph
The Petersen graph and its complement
The Nauru graph drawn as a unit distance graph
The intersection graph of the faces of a cube
Toroidal Nauru graph
Genus-4 Nauru graph
The Wagner graph
The Petersen graph as a Kneser graph
The Shrikhande graph embedded on a torus.
The Gray graph.
The Folkman graph.
The Möbius–Kantor graph as a unit distance graph.
The Möbius–Kantor graph embedded symmetrically on a torus.
The cube-connected cycles of order 3.
The Paley graph of order 9 as a perfect graph.
The Petersen graph as a Moore graph.
Two views of the Möbius ladder graph M16
The De Bruijn graph as a line graph
Three-dimensional binary De Bruijn graph
Paley graph, of order 13, as a circulant
Dessins d'enfants
Transforming a dessin d'enfant into gluing instructions for a Riemann surface
The dessins d'enfants for the Chebyshev polynomials
The dessin d'enfant for the sextic monomial p(x)=x6
Two conjugate dessins d'enfants
Miscellaneous graph theory and graph drawing
Graphs with a universal vertex
Optimal coloring of a split graph
15-vertex planted clique in 32-vertex random graph
18-vertex planted clique in 64-vertex random graph
A graph of cutwidth 2
K5 triangle packing and covering
The 2-core of a graph
The diamond graph and its line graph
Petersen minor in the flower snark
A bipartite graph and its line graph
Complementary perfect graphs
The Fritsch graph and its dual map
26-fullerene graph with distance labels
Unit distance graph with 16 vertices and 40 edges
Dominated vertex
Tree with 480 symmetries, example for Jordan–Pólya number
Feedback arc set NP-completeness
Feedback arc set
3-colorings of a square, up to symmetry
3-colorings of a path graph
Hamiltonian path in the Herschel graph
Medial graph of the Herschel graph
Example for Grötzsch's theorem
The densest possible planar locally linear graphs
Layers of a planar drawing of the graph of a rhombic dodecahedron
Illustration for the proof of Ore's theorem
Hamiltonian cycle in which nonadjacent pairs of vertices have degrees summing to at least n, for Ore's theorem
Lombardi drawing of the Golomb graph
The extension property of the Rado graph
Graphic matroid parity
Tangled Kempe chains in the Errera graph
Tangled Kempe chains in the Poussin graph
Clique-width construction
A Halin graph without any 8-cycles
Book crossing number
An equilibrium stress
Scorpion graph
Bidirected graph features
A 2-degenerate graph and its 2-core
Crossing number and 1-planarity of Tietze's graph
Tietze's graph on a Möbius strip
Nonisomorphic planar duals
A line perfect graph
Partition of a line graph into cliques
A planar DAG that is not upward planar
Grid drawing of nested triangles graph
Euler tour of a tree
Unordered binary trees with four leaves
Vertex-face coloring
A bramble in a 3x3 grid graph
List coloring for K3,27
Moser spindle as a pseudotriangulation
A planar Lombardi drawing of the Frucht graph
A Hamiltonian cycle in the Dürer graph
A multigraph that has degree six, edge multiplicity three, and requires nine colors in any edge coloring
A 3-regular planar graph that requires four colors in any edge coloring
The Frucht graph in Lombardi drawing style
The Chvátal graph in Lombardi style
An apex graph
Robertson's irreducible apex graph
The Petersen family
The Herschel graph
Planar separator for a grid graph
Forbidden minors for branchwidth three
Domination in a product of stars, for Vizing's conjecture
Subdivision of K5
The Herschel graph
Forming a Schlegel diagram from shadows and light
The Rado graph
A cycle double cover of the Petersen graph
Finding matchings in claw-free graphs
An augmenting path in a claw-free graph
A forbidden subgraph for comparability graphs
Thomassen's girth-3 hypohamiltonian graph
Construction of a distance-hereditary graph
The median graph representing the set of solutions to a 2-satisfiability instance
A squaregraph
Converting a triangle-free graph into a median graph.
The Buneman graph, a median graph representing maximum-parsimony evolutionary relationships.
The retraction of a cube onto a median graph.
The median of three vertices in a median graph.
The median of three vertices in a tree.
A cograph described by a cotree.
A forbidden subgraph for the line graphs of hypergraphs
Forbidden minors for partial 3-trees.
A graph and its tree decomposition.
An interval graph.
Partition of the complete bipartite graph K4,4 into three forests, showing that it has arboricity three.
The butterfly and diamond, forbidden minors for pseudoforests.
A pseudoforest.
A 4x4 grid graph and one of its spanning trees.
Fáry's theorem, induction step of proof
An aperiodic graph.
A graph that is not aperiodic as all cycles are divisible by three.
The Turán graph T(13,4).
Thue number of the 5-cycle is four
Wheel graphs with 4 to 9 vertices.
Beineke's nine forbidden line graphs.
Partition of the torus into seven mutually adjacent regions, for Heawood conjecture.
The Grötzsch graph.
König's theorem proof
König's theorem example
Erdős–Gyárfás conjecture, Markström's 4- and 8-cycle-free graph
Miscellaneous geometry
A midsquare quadrilateral and its midsquare
Squares having as diagonals the opposite sides of a midsquare quadrilateral
Binary tiling asymmetry
Binary tiling dual
Density in the binary tiling
Geometric structure of M. C. Escher's Regular Division of the Plane VI
Polygon with no exposed ears
Pythagorean dense rational distance set
Stereographic projection of an spherical octahedron and its associated circle packing
Illustration for a proof of the Erdős–Anning theorem
Grid points within a convex polygon
Polygonalizations of a 3x3 grid
Boscovich's cardioid
Intersections of a line with a convex curve
Decagon simplicial arrangement
Three circles associated with an antiparallelogram
Tangent circles to the extended sides of an antiparallelogram
Two circles tangent to the extended sides of a non-convex kite
The inscribed circle and ex-tangential circle of a kite
A kite and its dual isosceles trapezoid
Triaugmented triangular prism net
A fractal rosette of Penrose kites
Unflippable polygon
16 polygonalizations of a set of six points
Planar double bubbles
Crease pattern for Schwarz lantern
Empty regions for the Euclidean minimum spanning tree
Geometry of pentagons in the dual snub square tiling
Maximum in-radius isosceles triangle
Translucent Jessen icosahedron
Greek cross to rectangle dissection
Lifted frustum
Two orthogonal polyhedra
Fractal opaque set for a square
Opaque forests for a circle
7 disks can cover a single disk of twice the radius
Triangulating a grid polygon with primitive triangles
Tiling the plane with primitive triangles
Distance contours in a square grid
81 grid points in a radius-5 circle
Crossed lines method for curves of constant width
Comparison of Blichfeldt's theorem with Minkowski's theorem
Collinear form of Cairo pentagonal tiling
Equilateral form of Cairo pentagonal tiling
Reuleaux triangle and its middle hedgehog
Curve of constant width based on a semi-ellipse
Tresillo rhythm as a polygon
Convex curve through 13 grid points
Partition of a cyclic pentagon into isosceles triangles
4-hexagon net for an octahedron
Partitions of a square into similar rectangles
Ordinary lines
Ambiguity in network curve-shortening
Self-similar lens shape under curve-shortening
Curve-shortening of a convex curve
The grim reaper curve
Polyhedral Delta-Y transformations
Visual proof of Balinski's theorem
Non-convex pentagonal tiling
Non-convex pentagonal tiling
The Reuleaux triangle in a cluster of four soap bubbles
Euclid XIII.10
Heesch's anisohedral tiling
89th stage of toothpick sequence
Overlaid Pythagorean tilings
Coloring argument for De Bruijn's theorem
Non-harmonic packing for De Bruijn's theorem
Reuleaux kite
Circles meeting at the isodynamic point
Construction of the isodynamic point
Subdivisions of a pentagon
Pythagorean dissections
Similarity tiling by Koch snowflakes
Aperiodic section of the Pythagorean tiling
Tiling of the plane by shifted squares
Inner radius
Skew lines on nested hyperboloids
A cube dissected into orthoschemes.
A Davenport–Schinzel sequence from a lower envelope of line segments
The Fermat–Apollonius circle of an ellipse.
The trisected perimeter point of a 3-4-5 right triangle.
Four levels of the Z-curve
Z-curve via interleaved binary coordinates
The Brocard point of a triangle
Intersecting planes
Chao's characterization of tangential quadrilaterals
Convex layers and a halfspace. For an example in fractional cascading.
Happy Ending problem, eight points with no pentagon
The Szilassi polyhedron. From the junkyard.
The face lattice of a square pyramid.
The Nagel point of a triangle.
The Philo line and its application to doubling the cube.
Heesch's problem, Amman's dented hexagon. From the junkyard.
Happy Ending problem, quadrilaterals in five-point sets.
Erdős–Szekeres theorem, geometric interpretation as monotone path
Number theory and combinatorics
Gomory's theorem on domino tiling mutilated chessboards
A chessboard region with no domino tiling but equal colors
Lambek–Moser theorem for prime numbers
Dyadic approximation of
Numbers without unusually-accurate dyadic approximations
Relative error of approximations to the prime-counting function
Primes vs composites
Growth rate of the Moser–de Bruijn sequence
Addition of numbers in the Moser–de Bruijn sequence
A cap set
Bijection between binary trees and stack-sortable permutations
Lower bound construction for the Erdős–Ko–Rado theorem
Two right triangles, with one hypotenuse the square of the other
Trees counted by the Wedderburn–Etherington numbers
Dickson's lemma applied to the hyperbola xy ≥ 9
Trees counted by the ordered Bell numbers
Representation of octahedral numbers as centered square pyramids
15=4 5 6 is a polite number
Graphical demonstration of a solution to Znám's problem.
Graphical demonstration that 1 = 1/2 1/3 1/7 1/43 ...; see Sylvester's sequence.
Rational approximations to the octagon from Pell numbers.
Integer right triangles with nearly-equal legs from Pell numbers.
Divisibility of regular numbers.
Order theory
2-dimensional modular lattice
A fence
The extreme case for the 1/3–2/3 conjecture
Example for Birkhoff's representation theorem.
The Hasse diagram of a distributive lattice.
Dilworth's theorem, transformation from chain decomposition to bipartite matching.
The 13 possible strict weak orderings on a set of three elements.
A partial order of dimension 4 and its realizer.
The lattice of subgroups of Dih4.
Three views of an antimatroid.
Cellular automata
1d reversible CA defined from a rectangular band
Critters transition rule
Rule 90 gate array
Trees in Rule 90
Day & Night, Bell's p256 butterfly gun
One-dimensional cyclic cellular automaton.
Two-dimensional cyclic cellular automaton.
The space rake.
Rule 184 as a model of traffic flow.
Rule 184 as a model of deposition.
Rule 184 as a model of ballistic annihilation.
Algorithms and data structures
Binary tree from random insertions
Uniformly random binary tree
Extended binary tree
Finding the median of 5 values in 6 comparisons
Another SPQR tree
Reduction from 3SAT to 3-coloring
An SPQR tree.
Consecutive pairs that bracket x in a sequence, for the Cartesian tree article
Using a Cartesian tree for range searching
Floyd's "tortoise and hare" cycle detection algorithm.
Pentagonal Möbius strip
5-vertex polyhedral Möbius strip
6-vertex polyhedral strip with triangular boundary
Level sets of a cross-cap
Symmetric Whitehead link
Six-component "rubberband" Brunnian link
Algebraic link diagram for the Borromean rings
Trefoil with bridge number 2
A train track on a triple torus.
A switch in a train track.
Monotone piecewise linear function
Combinatorial equivalence between plane trees, polygon subdivisions, and parenthesizations
Binary erasure channel
Binary symmetric channel
Diagram for a triangulated category
academic genealogy of Johannes De Groot and his namesake
editMost of my photos here are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike. See Flickr for some of my other photos, and my web site for almost all of them; if it's not listed here, it's probably not yet publically licensed, but I may be willing to share anyway.
Mendocino County
Little River beach
Cleone Groceries
Jug Handle Beach
Mendocino Beacon building
Orange County
Bridge across North Lake, Woodbridge, Irvine, California
Bren Hall at UCI
Social Ecology at UCI
Science Plaza at UCI
Theoretical computer scientists
Knuth Prize presentation to Volker Strassen
Volker Strassen giving the Knuth Prize lecture
Wall poems in Leiden
"Balancing", by John Hooper
Campbell Hall, UIUC